Crummy Mummy

lockdown baby

This is me, Crummy Mummy

I’m a wife, mother, freelance journalist & blogger, not necessarily in that order.

When I’m not failing in my endless quest to get to the bottom of the dirty laundry basket or (trying) to write to deadline, I like running.

Oh, and making cakes.

Meet the team

This is Misery Guts

He spends a lot of his time being generally miserable (you’ll see!)

He is also a journalist, and likes running so much he ran 150 miles across the Sahara dessert, even though he’s Type 1 diabetic.

He blogs about running over at Diabetic Dad Runs.

Meet the team

This is Bluebell

She transformed our lives when she came into the world in August 2011 and things haven’t been quite the same since.

Like me, she likes making cakes, and anything to do with Harry Potter.

Oh, and she absolutely loves being a Brownie.

Meet the team

This is Maxi

Our rainbow baby joined us in October 2014 after two miscarriages. (See my Miscarriage: my story page for more).

He likes Roblox, Lego and and Piggy (if you don’t know what that is, lucky you!)

Oh, and being very cheeky.

Meet the team

This is Marigold

She arrived on Valentine’s Day 2017 and is the best Valentine’s Day present I’ve ever had.

She likes eating cakes, Peppa Pig and scooting.

She also likes sleeping in our bed (if you have any tips on how to get her out, I’d love to hear them!)

Meet the team

This is Violet

Our accidental lockdown baby joined us in April 2020 and Hope seemed like a fitting middle name.

A ray of sunshine we didn’t know we needed, she completes our family (because it turns out four is quite a handful!)

She also likes Peppa Pig, sleeping in our bed and milk.

Meet the team

This is Eddie

The eldest of our two house cats, Eddie is technically our first baby.

He likes playing with wine bottle tops, licking olive oil and sleeping in the top of the airing cupboard.

He also likes sleeping round my head.

Meet the team

And this is Daisy

She tends to have an uneven number of eyebrow whiskers, falls in the bath if left unsupervised and has a penchant for carrying toys off in her mouth.

She also likes wine bottle tops.

Basically she’s a bit of a nuisance.

About us

We live by the sea in Hove, East Sussex, and spend quite a lot of time on or near the beach. You can also find us on our allotment.

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