I’m referring, of course, to that rare and lesser known aspect of parenting, also known as a break away from the kids.
This week, on their royal tour of Canada, as well as tucking into willy-shaped clams (you really couldn’t make it up) William and Kate left theirs with the nanny and spent a child-free night in a hotel, prompting much speculation in the tabloids about whether brat-cations are really the done thing.
It was almost two years before I had my first night away from BB, and to be honest, what with the fact I was still breastfeeding it would have been far easier and less stressful to have simply stayed at home.
That said, Misery Guts and I have been lucky enough to have numerous brat-cations since, and even though you spend the first 24 hours totally wired and feeling like you ought to be wiping, preparing, tidying or washing something they’ve been just what we’ve needed to take the edge off and stay sane.
10 reasons all parents should take a brat-cation
1. You get to actually start and finish a conversation without being interrupted 10,000 times or asked to wipe a face/bottom/spillage.
2. You get to do basic, simple things like walk on your own and hold hands.
3. You can sit at a dressing table and take time doing your hair and make-up, leaving straighteners to heat up without fear of a visit from social services.
4. You can go out with a little handbag that doesn’t contain everything but the kitchen sink (although keep hold of the baby wipes – they’re bound to come in handy).
5. You can eat a civilized meal in a restaurant that doesn’t have a grime-encrusted play area and plastic knives and forks.
6. You’re guaranteed to be able to eat three meals a day totally uninterrupted.
7. You don’t have to empty the dishwasher or load the washing machine (just bear in mind you’ll be doing double loads for a while after you get back though).
8. You can actually talk to your other half, and I mean properly talk, instead of clarifying banalities like who’s doing what and who needs to be where and when the next day.
9. You can be just you. And your other half can be just them.
10. You can also be just a couple, the couple you were before all hell broke loose.
So that’s why I think all parents should take a brat-cation from time to time. Even royal ones.
Of course I don’t for a minute believe that a brat-cation is a rare occurrence for the likes of William and Kate, or that they’re in need of one in quite the same way you and I are. I don’t mind them championing the idea though.
Do you manage to take regular brat-cations? Or is the idea of a brat-cation more hassle than its actually worth?
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All great reasons (and I love the top tip of retaining the baby wipes! – they’re part of the essential kit for life!). I’m hoping my hubby and I might get away next year for the first time since my youngest was born (she’s about to turn 2). It will be a belated 30th birthday present to ourselves 🙂 Although the last time we went away, we just felt lost without the kids! Haha #TheList
Marvellous idea! I couldnt agree more. We rarely take them. Since our three year old came along I think we’ve had two, and now that number two has come along I cant see that increasing for some time *sob*. We definitely need one though, so as soon as we can take one we will! Emily #TheList
My husband works away for ten weeks at a time and every time he’s home we always used to make the effort to have one night out by ourselves, this then progressed to a night away and now I have just booked us a two night stay at a hotel with private hot tub and sauna and amazing restaurant, I am soooooo excited. We’re lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents living close by and they are great at offering babysitting duties, it certainly goes some way to restoring my sanity!
Completely agree! I wrote a post the other day (from my holiday apartment) about the difference between our pre children holidays and family ones. Martha’s only 5 months and exclusively breastfed with no willing to take a bottle, but as soon as Phil and I can go away for a few days!xx #TheList
I love everything the idea of a brat-cation. We have yet to stay away from our 8 month old and as I’m still breastfeeding I think it will be a while yet!
We had a night away last weekend just the two of us and it was pretty amazing. It made me realise just how much I was taking poor Si for granted and we just talked ate and drank all night, it was pretty perfect to be honest.
Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix
Stevie x
Totally agree with this, we haven’t had any us time in 6 years and we have booked our first 3 nights away together with some friends in February and I can’t flipping wait! #KCACOLS x
I totally agree! And we should not feel guilty about it either! Note: there is no way I keep Baba’s stuff in my handbag. He has his own changing bag and I have my gorgeous and very expensive bag just for me! I already gave up my look by wearing leggings all day. There is no way I am leaving my Louis Vuitton too! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.
These are very good reasons! My husband and I have no managed to have a break away from our daughter yet, though she is only two. We are, however, going to Harry Potter Studios later this month whilst she has a day with her grandma, which will be awesome! #KCACOLS
I love a brat-cation! We try and have them regularly if we can. Last year we actually managed to get away to Vienna for a couple of nights to see the Christmas markets. It was AMAZING! Adult food, adult conversation at an adult time of the day! We were so busy and walked for more miles than we could count but I felt so rested. I think it’s because I wasn’t being interrupted. Reason 1 is my main reason for needing to get away.
We rarely get a break but it would be lovely! I do enjoy time without the girls but I find nights out stressful x #KCACOLS
This sounds lovely it does but not possible for us.
Great post! We’ve not managed and overnight brat-cation yet but we had 6 child-free days during our recent 2 week break because we popped her in nursery like normal. It was amazing! #KCACOLS
I agree with all of these points. Sometimes you just need a bit of time to focus on each other – and hold hands! We never hold hands anymore as one of us is always pushing the pushchair, so that in itself is a treat for us when we have a night away! #KCACOLS
We talk about doing this, but have yet to pull it off, with one exception. When we go camping every summer we go with my best friend and her family. Since we go for a full week we take her kids for one night and she takes ours for one night. That one night, even in a cabin in the woods with no electricity or running water is flipping amazing. We sleep, we pack a meal that the kids wouldn’t want and we grill it when we feel hungry. We get up in the morning and sit and sip coffee an we could talk but really we just sit there enjoying silence, because its fantastic! If you can do it on occasion I say do it! #KCACOLS
Where do I sign up for a brat- cation? I am sure I’m well over due one, actually having never had one lol. These all sound like valid reason for having one too.xx #KCACOLS
Ava is almost 2 and we haven’t left her yet, she doesn’t sleep very well so we would only be worried about her. I am looking forward to when we can though and actually have some quality time together. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix
Absolutely we take time away from the kids, its necessary for a functioning and happy marriage in my case it’s essential. I love my kids to the moon and back and when we get back we are happier, healthier adults that take care of them and love them even better because we’re rested. And yes, baby wipes all the way! Lizzie xo
Meant to say #thelist oops xo