5 baby items you don't needWith Little B’s first birthday at the end of the month it’s time to put away some of his outgrown clothes to make room for the next stage. With BB I religiously packed away her old clothes at the end of each three-month phase, but with Little B I’ve been putting new clothes on top of old ones until I can’t close the drawer anymore.

I’ve found allsorts at the bottom, including numerous items I bought for BB which were brand new and remained in their packets. They’re still in their packets.

So along with a list of things they don’t tell you about breastfeeding, I’ve compiled a list of 5 baby items you really DON’T need:

1. Individual scratch mittens. Unless you plan to bind them onto your baby’s wrist with duct tape, individual scratch mitts are completely useless. They just fall off. Buy babygros with mittens integrated into the cuffs instead.

2. Hats. The midwife might whip a hat onto your baby’s head before she’s even cut the cord but what with small inventions such as double glazing and central heating these are also completely superfluous. We’re not born in caves, people.

3. A huge pile of fluffy baby towels. You need one, possibly two if you’re unlucky enough to have a poonami at bath time. To be honest the free Persil ones I got in my bounty pack were enough.

4. Baby nail clippers. I have never once used the pair I bought from Mothercare when heavily pregnant with BB. Not once. Anyone who’s ever had to cut newborn finger nails will know why.

5. A baby bath. Within days this will consigned to a corner of the bathroom where it will gather dust, hair of questionable origin and drips of toothpaste. You’ll clean it when you clean the bathroom, and after several months it will eventually occur to your sleep deprived mind to put it in the garage.

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Advice From The Heart
The Little Life of Ickle Pickle