In need of a little self-care now term time is underway and we’re *trying* to homeschool and juggle everything else at the same time – again?

If you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day – especially when it comes to your own health and wellbeing – then this post is for you!

self-care tips

It’s fair to say we’ve been struggling on the homeschooling front at Crummy Mummy HQ and I feel like a failure most days because there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything set by school done.

At the same time there’s the little ones to look after, money to be earned and a household to keeping ticking over, and unsurprisingly it can all feel overwhelming and relentless at times.

Of course the unprecedented situation we’re all in makes self-care more important than ever, so, if you’re feeling overwhelmed too in this collaborative post here are 7 self-care tips for mums in lockdown.

7 self-care tips for mums in lockdown

1. Remember self-care isn’t selfish

Because how can you look after everyone else if no-one is looking after you? Whether you’re indulging in scented candles and essential oils with an entire spectrum of compounds to help you relax or taking time off work to have a self-care day – don’t feel like you’re wasting your time or money on yourself. You don’t have to do productive things on your days off all the time. Allow yourself to switch off and address your emotional needs as a person.

self-care tips

2. Treat yourself

Whether it’s a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, a nice cold glass of wine in the evening or a bright pink doughnut with sprinkles on, reward yourself with something you love – and savour every bite or sip! Now’s not the time to martyr yourself.

3. Have a steaming hot shower

The sort that steams the whole bathroom up, and while you’re at it imagine all your problems – like home learning grids and the best way to explain a variable – running away down the plug hole with your shower water. If you’re among the increasing number of Brits using lockdown as a chance to revamp and upgrade things at home Insignia Showers has all sorts of nifty gadgets like aromatherapy accessories and steam generators for a spa-like experience at home.

self-care tips

4. Talk to your mum friends

Because you cannot underestimate the power of a good moan, a funny homeschooling gif or a rant on WhatsApp.

self-care tips

5. Go for a walk

Or a run. Or both. There’s nothing like a blast of fresh air to blow the cobwebs away and put things in perspective. Being at home 24/7 with the whole family can be a bit like being in a pressure cooker about to go off, so make sure you get outside and breathe some lovely fresh air on a regular basis.

6. Embrace the unexpected

It’s fair to say 2021 hasn’t started in quite the way we thought it would for most of us. Instead of trying to stick rigidly to homeschooling schedules and routines try to relax and embrace the unexpected instead – because in the grand scheme of things, this too shall pass.

self-care tips

7. If you can’t beat them, join them

I’m talking about the likes of Joe Wicks and his daily online PE lessons and Cosmic Kids yoga: they may be designed for kids, but the whole family can get involved and I guarantee you’ll end up with a smile on your face!

self-care tips

Do you have any self-care tips to help get us through lockdown? I’d love to hear what they are!

This is a collaborative post.

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