We’ve been on a trip down memory lane in our house lately. It started when BB’s granny gave her a 1984 copy of I Want To See The Moon by Louis Baum for Christmas (pictured), a fave when I was growing up. If you don’t know the story, it’s about a little boy called Toby who wakes up in the night and wants to see the moon, but of course it’s behind the clouds.
In some ways it’s very PC: there’s no sign of the mum (I always assumed she was at work) and the dad is the one who takes Toby out of his cot to the loo before making him some hot milk. But at the same time it contains illustrations you just wouldn’t get in a kids book today, like Toby standing on the loo proudly displaying his willy, also pictured. (‘You wouldn’t get away with that today!’ a male friend said when he saw it this weekend).
BB loves it, and we’re on at least four re-reads a day. Then continuing BB’s love affair with Thomas the Tank Engine her granny dug out a Thomas jumper she knitted my brother, also in the 1980s. It not only features Thomas on the front, but the fat controller on the back.
Unfortunately we should have laid our hands on it a year ago as it’s far too small, but BB is undeterred. She doesn’t know about fashion yet, and that shoe horning yourself into an outfit several sizes too small really doesn’t do one any favours. Luckily my mum still has the pattern, so there’s no prizes for guessing what will be in BB’s AW14 collection.
So I’ve come to the conclusion that shelling out money on new toys, books and paraphernalia may not be necessary. Just look in the loft – it’s amazing what gems could be revealed.
This made me smile–especially the part about BB not knowing about fashion yet. Love that innocent stage when they just are who they want to me! (And wear what they want to wear–well, sometimes this can be awkward, but you know what I mean!)