#MySundaySnapshot this week is a throwback to half term when we had the luxury of a garden for a whole week. As you can see our three loved scampering around outside –Β and now we’re back home our fourth floor flat suddenly seems very small!
About the Author: crummymummy1
I'm a wife, mama of four, freelance journalist, author & blogger. Not necessarily in that order!
Garden playing is always so much fun, they look like they were in their element.
Gardens can be so much fun as your photo shows. When we moved house, we had to sacrifice a huge garden in return for a huge house. We still wouldn’t be wtihout our little patch outside though.
It looks like they are having a lot of fun! I love the matching outfits x
awww I feel your pain as I too live in a flat on 16 floor. They look like they are in heaven being so free X #mysundaysnapshot
What a gorgeous photo. They look so happy and there is so much colour. It definitely looks nice and warm too, there has been far too much rain recently.
A garden is the perfect place to play! #MMBC
They look to be having a lot of fun #mysundaysnapshot
Love this! They look like they are having so much fun! #mysundaysnapshot
Aww what a lovely and fun photo. Such good times xx #mysundaysnapshot
Oh half term feels like a lifetime ago – such a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing your snaps and thanks for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
She looks like she is very much up to something!
#mysundaysnapshot sorry it’s so late