There’s much excitement in the crummy mummy household: Paddington the movie has finally been released and we can’t wait to go and see it. Admittedly most of this excitement is from me: even though I’ve promised BB there are no Scary Bits she’s slightly dubious after our last trip to the cinema, when I took her to see Book of Life without researching the plot (ghosts + lost souls + Land of the Forgotten = lots of Scary Bits)
Mostly I’m excited because there’s nothing like a good old British film at Christmas – acting greats including Jim Broadbent and Julie Walters, famous London landmarks such as Paddington Station and icons of Britishness like stripy Cornishware pottery (pictured) all brought together – what more could you want?
Of course there’s no doubt there’s going to be a run on marmalade, duffle coats, Cornishware and everything else Paddington-related as a result, and good on them: I like it when everyday, honest things nobody usually notices get their 15 minutes of fame.
But I may have jumped the gun by reassuring BB about the absence of Scary Bits though, as after seeing the trailer my mum reckons the CGI’d Paddington is on the slightly scary side and his face doesn’t look ‘lovable’ (although it’s possible that she’s got Paddington mixed up with the latest Sky TV advert featuring a grumpy bear on a sofa).
However, it’s also possible that I’ve got it wrong again and there are indeed Scary Bits. Perhaps it would be sensible to go and see the film on my own ‘to check’, and, when reassured, we can all go and see it together…
BB and Little B are now in possession of their very own blue and white striped Cornishware children’s cups courtesy of the Cornishware team – thank you guys!
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