I’m feeling like a really crummy mummy this week. First there was the whole ‘brexting’ thing, now we’ve had the first of Little B’s ‘settling in’ sessions before he starts nursery, which involved me taking him to the baby unit for the first time to play for an hour or so.
As soon as we arrived he was quite clearly petrified: he took one look at the other babies and staff and clung to me with a look of horror on his face. It was only then that I realised he’d never actually been in a room with this many babies before.
With BB we did Rhyme Time this and Bumps n Babes that owing to the fact I was able to take the full year off (why do they call it that? It’s anything but ‘off’!) but with Little B, with the exception of Puddle Ducks which we did for six months but can no longer afford, I’ve done a grand total of zero classes. All this suddenly dawned on me and I was instantly flooded with guilt.
It took a good 10 minutes but he eventually let go and started exploring, at which point I sat down with the nursery manager to go through his routine. Or lack of it.
She asked me whether I still sterilise his beaker, plate and eating utensils and whether he stills drinks boiled water. Sterilise his beaker? I’ve never done that. BOILED water? Is that a thing?
She then asked about his morning nap, at which point I revealed he doesn’t necessarily have one. She quite rightly said he’s likely to get very tired with all the new stimulation etcetera and suggested they could establish a routine for me, so IF he were to sleep, where does he usually nap?
I had to admit if he does have one it’s either because he’s fallen asleep on the boob or because we’ve gone out somewhere in the pushchair.
‘So you don’t put him down in the cot in the day?’ She asked.
I didn’t have the guts to reveal we’ve never managed to get him to sleep in a cot at all.
I suggested we could just see how it goes and if he looks tired and starts rubbing his eyes perhaps he could sleep ‘on the go’ in the playroom.
She didn’t actually come right out and say it, but basically they don’t do this because the babies don’t get the same quality of sleep they would in a proper bed. Which basically means Little B never gets the quality of sleep he could in the day.
At the end of this questioning she asked me to read over the form and sign it, and I realised how vague his routine is. But how important is routine for babies really?
With BB I read Gina Ford cover to cover and while I didn’t agree with everything, we did employ a lot of the principles. But quite frankly the approach of scheduling everything at specific times left me feeling like I was a prisoner to the dratted routine, which was stuck to the fridge and updated as she grew, and this time round I just wanted to enjoy my baby without any ‘rules’.
So goodness knows what the nursery manager thinks of me. Hopefully that I’m pretty easy going and not one of those mums who arrives with a list and insists everything is done to the letter and to the minute.
Either that, or that I’m completely useless.
Linking up with…
Don’t beat yourself up. We do what we have to do as Mummy’s, my little one wouldn’t sleep in a cot for a long time and had all his naps on-the-go in the pram. Now he’s in a great established nap routine, but as a baby, he certainly wasn’t and I just did whatever I had to get him to sleep! #bestworst
That’s heartening to hear, thank you. I’d love an established nap routine…
Henry starts nursery next month too. Henry has his naps on the sofa next to me while I try to blog. I wonder if they have a sofa in his new nursery? and a typing background noise? haha.
Keep us updated on how Little B gets on in the next few weeks.
#bestandworst @peonieandme x
I’m typing one handed while Little B naps/feeds as we speak! I’ll def keep you updated x
Don’t worry, I’m the same, we have a vague routine in so far as he has breakfast lunch and dinner and some boob for going to sleep which is roughly morning and afternoon! He only has 2 short sleeps at nursery and they hold/rock him to sleep then put him down in the cot. Luckily they’re not too fussed. They have a routine of sorts at nursery due to food and snack times and change times so I’m sure he’ll fit in fine. Everyone’s different and motherhood should be about instincts but we’ve lost a lot of that due to secular living and we rely on books and strangers to tell us what to do! Good on you. #bestandworst
That’s so true – I relied on books etc a lot the first time round but this time I’ve been completely baby-led by him and relied on my instinct instead. It’s definitely suited me much betterx
I only have one so I do wonder what I might have done differently another time. I know it was always a battle to get her to nap anywhere in the day and we did have a routine mostly for my own sanity! Depends so much on the baby too and you know best what’s going to work for your own. #bestandworst
The trouble is I take the path of least resistance most of the time!
I figure that nursery managers have seen all sorts of parenting styles over the years, so nothing much should faze them. He’ll adapt to their schedule soon enough, try not to worry too much 🙂
You’re probably right!
You are definitely not completely useless! With my son I swear to you he stopped ‘napping’ at just over a year, he would take sporadic naps up till about 2 years once in a while but was on the go ALL the time, even when he went to nursery they would say they battled with him to sleep and it’s the same now….however he sleeps well at night and I think that is because we are regimental with his routine at night. My daughter (6 months) needed to nap but wouldn’t to begin with but I now have her in a routine of 2 naps a day which works for us! I wouldn’t worry too much, things will fall into place….promise! Thanks for linking up lovely to the #bestandworst and see you again! xx
That makes me feel better thank you – Little B is on the go ALL the time too!
Oh the dratted routine! Boo to the nursery for making you feel bad. I’d say mummy’s lap is the BEST place to nap. I like say we have a rhythm rather than a routine, mainly led by what my baby indicates…so far it’s worked for us so I can’t see what the problem is 🙂