One hundred and ninety-five thousand. That’s how many people there are in the UK with the same surname as me.
And I’ve discovered something rather unexpected – and entertaining – about being the bearer of a common name.
For those of you who don’t know, my married name is Brown, which is ranked six in the UK’s 25 most common surnames, alongside – you guessed it – the likes of Smith, Jones and Williams.
My first name is Natalie, which in the decade I was born was among the top 20 most popular girls’ names in the UK. Put the two together and you don’t have to be genius to work out there are rather a lot of Natalie Browns around.
The trouble with a common name
It wasn’t long after I got married that I realised just how many Natalie Browns there are out there. I can’t ever have a username as simple as ‘NatalieBrown’ or ‘NatalieB’, I have to be ‘NatalieBrown620000’ (insert ridiculous number here), and when it comes to emails mistaken identity is an occupational hazard.
It’s easily done – a hyphen instead of an underscore here, one less zero than there should be there. Which means I get an awful lot of emails that aren’t meant for me.
In no particular order, here’s the trouble with a common name:
To: Natalie Brown
From: Westminster City Council
Subject: Penalty Charge Notice Appeal
Please find the results of your latest penalty charge notice appeal attached (note the word ‘latest’ – this Natalie Brown gets lots of them, except they’re sent to me). The original decision is upheld, meaning £80 (£40 if paid within 14 days) is now due (I’ve had so many parking enforcement emails featuring this Natalie Brown that I picture her driving a Chelsea tractor around town and parking it as close as she can possibly get to her destination, regardless of yellow lines).
To: Natalie Brown
From: Watches of Switzerland Cardiff
Subject: Your timepiece
Hope all is well and Andy enjoyed his birthday yesterday (who’s Andy?) It was a pleasure to assist you on the purchase of your new timepiece (sounds intriguing). If there is anything else I can assist you with, please call me in store at any time. Hope you enjoyed Colin the cake (a cake called Colin? Tell me more! Also impressed with the level of customer service in this one – 10 out of 10 for Gemma at Watches of Switzerland in Cardiff).
To: Natalie Brown
From: Virgin Active Angel
Subject: Your membership
Thanks for your time on the phone earlier, it was great speaking with you. I just wanted to confirm that your appointment is all booked for you (I live 70 miles away from Angel). Please feel free to bring a friend with you, the more the merrier! (Do you think I’d be welcome?)
To: Natalie Brown
From: Sylvia Dobson
Subject: Fascia manipulation (sounds waaay more exciting than it actually is – I googled it and I think it’s something to do with guttering)
Good afternoon. You have been recommended for this job by one of our partners (what job?) Please kindly provide a quote at your earliest opportunity.
Of course, it must work both ways: presumably there are Natalie Browns out there getting emails that were destined for me. Sadly, I don’t think they’re as interesting as timepieces from Watches of Switzerland, cakes called Colin or multiple car parking fines though!
Are you the bearer of a common first name or surname like me? Do you get emails that aren’t meant for you, or are you ever the victim of mistaken identity? I’d love to hear about your experience!
My first name, Charlene is not very common but also not very unique so I get a lot of variations on the theme – Charmaine, Chantal, Charlotte and I think because of that I lose quite a few emails. I recently got my first misdirected one – a whole thread on the recruitment of a new staff member. I’m so nosy that I was really excited by it.
This made me laugh so much. My maiden name is unusual, so when I got married, it was quite a shock. There was even someone in the same HQ as me with exactly the same name. (She was none to pleased to be sharing!) We’ve given our children fairly unusual first names, but even so we’ve encountered a few name doubles. Hope you enjoy your new timepiece and fascia manipulation! #MMBC
Haha! Colin the cake! Say no more. And to add to the irony I have a friend from school days with the same name as you.
I am quite lucky not to be mixed up with anybody else as I have a really unusual double-barrelled name. 🙂
Thanks ever so much for sharing with #MMBC. x
I once sent a rather inappropriate email (about ice cube revenge and underpants) to someone with a very common name… well I thought it went to them, it went to his more senior counterpart in the US. Thankfully he saw the funny side. I was mortified.