Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them but you know they are there. Friendship is mutual dislike of the same people. Friendship is not a big thing…it’s a million little things.
The internet is awash with sayings about what makes friendship, but what actually makes a true friend? I ask because this week I was reunited with a friend from my childhood who I haven’t seen or heard from in more than 20 years.
We met in Germany, where our dads were stationed in the military, in the 1980s when we were eight. But after our families were posted back to England several years later we lost touch because it was before the days of the internet, email, mobile phones and social media. And we were only children, after all.
I’ve thought about her a lot over the years, and tried to find her over the internet numerous times. I searched for her when I went to University, I searched for her before my wedding, and I searched for her after BB was born. I used every combination of names and places I could think of, but because maiden names had become married names and we had both moved on I always drew a blank.
Then, out of the blue, she contacted me through Facebook after I suddenly popped up in her feed as someone she may know.
It turns out that all this time we’ve been living parallel lives just miles apart, and we didn’t even know it. She spent the rest of her childhood in the same county as me, literally just down the road, and we went to Universities in towns only half an hour apart. She got married in the same year as me to a man she’s been with as long as I’ve been with Misery Guts, and is now settled not far from where my mum and dad live. What’s more, her son is just a month younger than BB.
Yesterday we met up for the first time since the 1990s, and although two decades had clearly passed – there’s been births, marriages and deaths – it seemed like no time had passed at all. Which I guess is what makes a true friend – picking up where you left off.
The funny thing is I feel happy and sad about it. Happy that we’ve found each other again, but sad that all those years have been lost.
I’m going to try not and dwell on the past because there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it, and be glad that more time didn’t pass by before the Big Brother bods at Facebook finally worked out that our paths may have crossed at some stage and we might know each other.
Have you ever been reunited with a friend from your past?
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What a lovely story. You now have a new/old friend to share time with. #bestandworst
I know – you couldn’t make it up!
Yes I did and it was last Sunday. I’ve known her since my secondary years and have not seen her again until she contacted me through facebook, I then realized she was also here in the UK and was planning to come up to Scotland to visit her cousin. So last sunday, I’ve invited her down at ours for dinner. It was really nice to catch up with her and reminisce the lovely times we had. It’s always nice to know there’s a sense of friendship within no matter how long you’ve not seen each other, isn’t it? #bestandworst
What a coincidence! Sounds like you had a lovely time – we have a lot to thank Facebook for!x
How wonderful!! Isn’t it funny how these things turn out. I hope you see each other lots more now and make some new memories 🙂 Thanks for linking up lovely #bestandworst
Thank you – I know we will!x
How lovely! So pleased for you and your friend 🙂
Thank you – as a journalist I enjoy writing happy stories as they don’t happen very often!!
I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people! From time to time I meet up with someone I haven’t seen in a long time, we have a great catch up and promise to keep in touch, and then…! It is quite wonderful how connected we all are now through social media isn’t it? I’m glad you’ve rekindled an old friendship, it sounds like it’s the new-beginning of a precious friendship 🙂
I do hope it is – people criticise social media but it does good too!
That’s so awesome. It’s amazing that you’ve been living such similar lives. It’s a bit of a shame that you had those missed years, but there’s so much living ahead that it’s wonderful that you’ve been able to pick up your friendship now and that your children might be friends. What a happy story 🙂 #happydiaries
Yes that’s very true! We can make up for lost timex
Sometimes technology really does do good! It’s so cool how your lives have been running along such a similar track, even if you didn’t know it. I totally agree that friendship is about that connection, not how often you see each other. x #happydiaries
It’s funny as things could have turned out so differently…
Ah that’s such a lovely thing to happen! It’s sad you missed out on so much of each other’s live’s but at least now you can make up for lost time and the little one’s will have a playmate for life too! xx #happydiaries
Yes there’s no point looking back, only forward x
That’s brilliant. My lost friend became my wife. After returning from the wreckage of my past life I caught up with my old-next-door but one neighbour after she had come back from travelling. We hadn’t seen each other in years but it felt like we’d only moved away for a few days.
That sounds like a lovely story too!
What a lovely story! I’m so glad you were reunited with your friend and I think you’re right, true friends can pick up where they left off, even if it’s been decades!
So pleased you like it!
Oh yay! I’m so glad your friend found you. Facebook is an amazing way to reconnect with friends from your past. I have so many friends I had lost touch with & found again. It’s really lovely to catch up on what’s new in their lives. I agree that friends are always there even when you loose touch x
Glad you’ve found friends too – thanks Facebook!
Oh I forgot to add #HappyDiaries – sorry lovely xx
No problem!
I have reunited with one of my friends that I had known since the third grade. We went to all the same schools but as we got older, we started hanging out in different social circles. A few years ago, as I had lost two other friends, one by death and the other by a falling out, my old friend and I had reconnected and I now consider her one of my best friends. It’s great when we get to catch up with old friends isn’t it? Popping over from #happydiaries
That’s such a lovely story – how nice!x
What a lovely story. I have been lucky to meet up with some friends over the years. It is always great when it feels like no time as passed
I think it’s so lovely that you have found eachother again – just goes to show a real positive and powerful side to social media 🙂 #happydiaries
I think social media comes under a fire a lot but it does good too…
Wow this is such an amazing story! So strange that your lives have mirrored each other in this way. #happydiaries
I know – really uncanny!
What a brilliant story. Ive been reunited with old school friends through facebook. When I moved from Kent to Gloustershire when I was at school I lost contact with a lot of friends, but in recent years I have reconnected with some.
Thanks for sharing your story with us, Tracey xx #happydiaries
That’s good to hear – Facebook isn’t all bad!!