They say babies are born to swim, and I know mine certainly was. In fact, the first time I clapped eyes on Little B he was underwater, as I pulled him to the surface of the birthing pool he was born in.

He’s loved water ever since, so baby swimming lessons seemed like a natural class for us to do.


He was just 11 weeks old when we tried our first Puddle Ducks swimming class, and now he’s approaching two he loves them just as much as he did then.

So is it worth giving baby swimming lessons a go? Here are 10 reasons why I think you should:

10 reasons to try baby swimming lessons

1. Baby swimming lessons are the perfect time to bond with your baby. At Puddle Ducks there are no arm bands or rubber rings – just you and your baby in the water, which is the perfect opportunity to switch off from other distractions, make eye contact and enjoy skin-to-skin time.


2. Swimming lessons are great exercise – for you and your baby. Without arm bands or rubber rings your baby is free to kick and splash to their heart’s content, and by holding them and moving around the pool you’re getting a gentle workout too.


3. They teach self-rescue. As well as being a fun and sensory activity for your baby there’s a serious side too: the movements and cues you learn are designed to teach your baby to hold their breath underwater and turn and reach for the side of the pool. At Puddle Ducks babies are submerged in the water from their very first lesson, so they soon learn not to panic if underwater and how to come back to the surface. But don’t worry – you don’t have to take part in this bit if you don’t want to. (Excuse my serious face in this one!)


4. Swimming lessons help build your baby’s confidence. By being in the water unaided your baby will build water confidence which will set them up for life.


5. It’s an opportunity to meet other parents. At Puddle Ducks babies are grouped by age, so you’ll meet other parents from your area with babies the same age as yours.


6. Baby swimming lessons are often in luxury pools. Forget shivering at the side of your local swimming pool – baby swimming lessons often take place in pools where the water is a certain temperature (at Puddle Ducks the water temperature is always over 30 degrees) which means they tend to be in hotels or hydrotherapy centres. We go to the Hilton Hotel in Brighton, which has just been refurbished and is absolutely gorgeous.


7. Swimming lessons can make bath time fun. If your little one doesn’t enjoy bath time, try baby swimming lessons to show them what fun the water can be. You can then transfer some of the activities you learn in swimming lessons – like playing with balls and reaching for toys – to bath time at home.


8. You get the chance to have an underwater photo. You know the one, just like the Nirvana baby. At Puddle Ducks you can book a session with an underwater photographer – assuming your baby likes being submerged – and the results are amazing. Here’s Little B at just under five months old and this is one of my favourite photos as it sums up everything about his first six months, right from the moment he was born.


9. You’re guaranteed some me-time afterwards. Unsurprisingly a half an hour swimming lesson will tire your little one out, and Little B always sleeps like a log afterwards. Which is the perfect time to make a beeline for a coffee shop and have a sit down.

10. Swimming lessons are great fun – both for you and for baby. Little B smiles, squeals and shrieks all the way through his lessons – and I can’t help smiling too.

Reader offer!

Puddle Ducks

Puddle Ducks West Kent & East Sussex is offering Crummy Mummy readers 10% off the price of swimming lessons at the Hilton Hotel in Brighton for the autumn term. The offer is valid until Christmas 2016 – just quote ‘Crummy Mummy Hilton’ when booking. The offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer, and is only valid for the autumn 2016 term.

We have been given a half-term of Puddle Ducks swimming lessons in exchange for this post. As always all opinions are my own and based on my own honest experience.

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