We’ve had some unseasonably warm weather in our neck of the woods this week – so much so that, on a day I was supposed to be working, we went to the beach instead. It was just too nice to be cooped up indoors, and although I’ve been running a day behind workwise ever since it was worth it. Misery Guts and BB went in the sea, Little B and I paddled on the shore and it was just so nice to feel the sun on our faces. Have you been enjoying the warmer weather? Or is it more autumnal where you are?
I love the reflection of light on the sea. You can’t beat surprise good weather! #MySundayPhoto
That looks so relaxing, I bet it was a lot more peaceful this week
Thank you for linking up
Love the photo, nothing can beat a good day at the beach I think, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill
Hi Natalie, things are starting to cool down here, but it will be a while before autumn weather kicks in. I don’t blame you for making the most of the unseasonal weather. It looks as if you had the beach to yourself too, so doubly worth it.
Fab photo! It looks like a lot of fun is been had. You do right having a day out while this weather was so nice x
Ooh your beach is interesting it has stones and sand. We have two here and one has the sand and the other has stones. Lovely picture best to make the most of the good weather while we have it.