It occurred to me, when a parcel arrived containing something for me and not for BB and she crossed her arms and stamped her foot, that there are traits peculiar to a blogger’s child which make them stand out from other children.
I often hear myself telling BB she doesn’t know how lucky she is thanks to all the opportunities that come as a result of blogging, but of course she doesn’t understand because she can’t remember a time when things were any different.
Here are 10 signs a baby is a blogger’s child:
1. They assume every parcel that arrives at the door is for them. And have a melt-down if it isn’t.
2. Their bedrooms are stuffed with an unusually high number of personalised items. From wall stickers and pictures to aprons and towels, they possess more products with their names on than the average child.
3. They start out thinking a normal trip to the cinema involves face painting, balloons and entertainers in the foyer and goody bags for the film. And are mightily miffed when they eventually realise this isn’t always the case.
4. They understand all about product placement and can always be relied on to hold a product up to the camera and smile with it.
5. They’ve been on more days out than they can remember. From Legoland to the Sea Life Centre to theme parks and petting zoos, days out are a regular weekend activity as opposed to a novelty.
6. They’ve got a skewed view of customer service. Because of all the reviews, special events and trips you’re asked to review they think customer service at all restaurants, hotels and theme parks is 100%.
7. They’re not brand loyal. Their toiletries, nappies, clothes and toys come from a mish mash of different companies because you’ve been sent them for free.
8. A cursory glance over their toy collection will reveal the very latest gadgets and gismos. Often before they’re actually on the market.
9. They grasp the concept of vouchers as a form of payment from an early age. Because you get paid for posts with vouchers and get sent vouchers to try out new products, they totally get how vouchers work.
10. They’ll ask how many ‘likes’ their latest Instagram or Facebook picture has. (I don’t encourage this one).
Reading back over this list calls to mind Veruca Salt, the spoilt one from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I do my best to ensure BB and Little B aren’t spoilt, but I’m afraid the crossing of arms and stamping of the foot when a parcel isn’t addressed to them is an occupational hazard when you’re a blogger’s child.
Do you have or do you know a blogger’s child? Are there any other signs I’ve missed? I’d love to hear them!
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Fab list! I have only been blogging a few months, but I can see some of this already. Especially the take a picture and smile while holding something. X #TheList
Haha, the house of all the arts and crafts their mothers force them to do! 😀
LOL. I don’t get sent so much stuff being non UK But my kids do have a mummy pose for photos. They also ask how many views they’ve had. I also have my big land writing his own gamer series
Yours will be blogging before you know it too!!
Great post and it’s so true! My daughter knows when i’m trying to get the perfect picture for the blog, and usually picks my phone up and puts it down. Also she loves looking at blog posts with pictures of her in it. Thanks for sharing, hopefully my reviewing starts soon. Any tips? #TheList
If you’d like to start reviewing my advice would be to start by reviewing things you’ve bought and places you’ve been – it will snowball from there x
Haha this post made me laugh. Future blogger in the making perhaps? They’ll know all the secrets x #thelist
I wouldn’t be surprised at all as BB loves writing and always wants to know what I’m writing about…
This is funny! Crazy how quickly kids catch on!
There’s no flies on my two, that’s for sure…
Mine have no idea I even have a blog! I do take snaps of them but usually when they’re not looking. Sneaky beaky style #justanotherlinky
It’s just a matter of time – they’ll cotton on eventually I’m sure!
Love this!! Really made me laugh!
Thank you – pleased to hear it!!
I enjoyed reading this. We’ve yet to have any opps come our way but my daughter loves a camera. It has crossed my mind once or twice whether to get her a toy one. #thelist
Yes you should get her a toy one – my two have Misery Guts’s old Fisher Price one from the 1970s and they love it!!
My two are definitely not “blogger’s children” but only because no-one has sent me anything or invited me anywhere! #KCACOLS
Oh no – I’m sure it’s only a matter of time!!
This is great and I can imagine how true it is! I got the laptop out tonight cue my newly 8 year old “are you doing a blog?… why?”.
Your 8 year old will be wanting to start a blog before you know it!
Cute post. Do they get tired of posing for the camera? They become pros at an early age.
Sometimes I have to bribe BB to ‘perform’ but not very often!
Ha ha this made me laugh, it’s lovely for the child to have these opportunities. Alternatively, as a baby blogger, you know your parents of a blogger when every epic parenting fail you make is captured and shared widely 😉 #KCACOLS
BB really doesn’t realise how lucky she is…
haha that’s funny! We haven’t had much in terms of freebies but then i blog about being sick – so i dont fancy being sent anti-sickness pills, immodiums and sick bags haha! #KCACOLS
Maybe someone will take pity and send you something to cheer you up!!
Haha I’m obviously not doing it right as I’m totally oblivious to all this – I pay to go to the zoo! Maybe one day eh? 😉 #KCACOLS
Really? I’m surprised you don’t get these things free! Bet you will now you’ve been shortlisted for an award!x
Loved reading this, although I’m not quite ‘there’ yet with my blog! x #KCACOLS
You’ll get there I’m sure!!
We’re not quite there yet. But one I’d like to add is “They are used to the sight of mummy on her laptop”
Eden has perfected her “smiiiiiile” face as well. At 5 months old, I’m impressed!
Yes – I’m glued to my laptop!x
Haven’t quite gotten there yet because I haven’t branched into many product reviews (unfortunately!) but I could see these things easily happening to my kids if we do. One thing for sure, my daughter is not a big fan when I pull my laptop out. “Oh mom, not again!” Lol.
So true! oh the perks of blogging… yep, taking a photo with a big smile holding on to a particular product close to their face is so familiar to me too, lol. Lovely post!
Such a great post! I actually laughed when reading through this. I (and my little one) can definitely relate to quite a few of these (oops!). As much as you try, when blogging infiltrates your life and the life of those around you as much as it does, its hard to avoid some of these things. Glad its not just us though 😉 Emily #KCACOLS
Such a scary element of truth to this! #KCACOLS
Haha, I’ve only been blogging 6 months, and my boy is only 2, but I can see some of these already – particularly the days out one! I hope he soon picks up smiling for the camera though, that would make my life much easier! #KCACOLS
I bribe BB with chocolate or some form of treat to smile for the camera – even though she’s technically already got a treat – whatever it is in her hand that I’m trying to photograph!!
Great post 🙂 my two are too young to realise yet but maybe I have some of this to come!
The trouble when they’re young is they think life is always going to be like this – BB doesn’t know any different!!
Hmmm I haven’t been blogging enough apparently or am completely in the wrong field. 🙂 However, I appreciated this quick look into a successful bloggers life. #KCACOLS
Great list, very true bloggers little ones can indeed be very lucky…if only they could understand that eh. Thank you so much for linking at KCACOLS. Hope you can come back again next Sunday xx
I love this list! is my baby going to grow up like this? its got me wondering now! shes already tried differnt types of nappy’s, chewed on a teething necklace, tried various nappy creams, all at 3 months old! xx
This is great, my son is already like that about parcels and we have only been blogging a couple of months, I am pretty sure his little sister will be an expert poser before she is 18 months! #KCACOLS
Love this list! My daughter spends too much time practicing selfies! #KCACOLS
Great post especially the personalised items part so true! #thelist
Mine is an expert poser. She’s getting good at making different faces also to try and convey whatever emotion from the day before I am trying to recreate. Think she may have some acting in her future #CKACOLS
Love it!! My kids always thing the parcels I get are something for them to review. And there rooms are filed with toys we have received to review, all the new ones that are currently in the shops #KCACOLS
Lets trade kids, mine did not get the how to be a good blogger child memo…he hates pictures and will not pose…he is always like mum I don’t want to have a clean face or I am just going to jump in this puddle with my new gifted shoes on…cant get the staff….#KCACOLS
Brilliant list – I can relate to some of these. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx
Hahaha I totally have a bloggers child. We are regular visitors to Blackpool and have yet to pay to enter an attraction. She will start thinking everywhere we visit she can get in by name dropping the blog! #kcacols
Oh this is so funny and spot on I imagine! I don’t connect with brands but I love your take on the blogging child – really very entertaining – made me smile. All those gorgeous parcels though – kid heaven! #ablogginggoodtime
Kid heaven but they’re so spoilt!!
Hahahaha….I don’t have one yet but I can imagine what it must be like. Honestly, I would want parcels for myself too. #ablogginggoodtime
You can’t beat a nicely wrapped parcel with your name on…
That’s so funny! We have perfected the cheesy grin holding a product pose. My daughter has no perception of ‘things’ yet no matter what shop we enter she has at least two items for mum to buy her. Not sure that’s a blogger child or a mum who can’t say no’s child!! #ablogginggoodtime
The trouble in our house is that Little B’s ‘cheesy grin’ looks like a grimace!!
I’ve only been blogging for a few months but do believe that some of these are my traits with just general mail being delivered. I get annoyed that all the post his my partners!! One day blogging will take over. My son is o my 11 months too so is oblivious!! #ablogginggoodtime
The trouble with having two is that there’s now a great sense of injustice if one of them is sent more than the other!
Hahaha. Love this. I haven’t reviewed much at all – I don’t think that brands like the whole rhyming thing, and so my two are relatively oblivious, aside from the fact that I am the only mother at the beach / park / zoo purposely trying to photograph the back of their heads!? The free stuff sounds fab though! :0)
#ablogginggoodtime x
That’s interesting to hear – I’m sure you could come up with some fab branded rhymes!!
This made me laugh. I’m not quite there yet. I’m still new to doing product reviews and such, but soon! #ablogginggoodtime
Yes it will all come in time – a lot of it is down to longevity I always say!
Haha this made me laugh, it’s great for them to have all these opportunities to try things and fab places to go. I have to say the downside of being the baby of a mummy blogger is that all the strange and disgusting things he does I put into my blog…poor boy. Hope he’s not too mortified when he is older! #ablogginggoodtime
I do ‘try’ and censor that sort of thing to save face later on…
Haha this made me chuckle! Especially the bit about having their name on everything! My blog is only 6weeks old so I haven’t even started thinking about any of this yet. I didn’t even know it was possible! For now, I’m happy with my own thoughts #ablogginggoodtime
It will only be a matter of time – you’ll see!!
Ha ha ha oh my god this is so true!! I swear Alyssa is 10 monthsold and I swear she poses the right way on purpose for things!! Shes got a blogger smile down!!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime
So pleased mine aren’t the only ones!
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