2015 the year that was

What a difference a year makes! This time last year Little B was just eight weeks old and BB was making new friends after joining the preschool unit at nursery. Now Little B is a sturdy 14-month-old who thunders around leaving a trail of destruction in his wake, and BB is at school learning to read and write.

It’s been a jam packed year in our house, and I’m sad to say 2015 is now the year that was…

Here are our highlights:

January: I went back to work with a nine week old baby. Looking back on it I don’t know how I did it. I must have been insane.

February: I must have been even more insane to prepare for a dream job interview based in central London with a 12 week old baby and nothing but a really out of date noughties outfit to wear. But it was fine and I got the job.

March: Little B and I tried out baby swimming lessons to see if they’re worth it for Mother & Baby magazine – they were and we signed up for the course. A photo of Little B swimming underwater is one of my favourites.

Wallpaper 3

April: After 14 months on the waiting list we got our very first allotment. To say it’s been a challenge is an understatement – I’ll update you on progress soon.

May: I was so excited when I was asked to become a Huggies brand ambassador. Over the next few months this saw us visit the world’s first baby spa and work alongside the likes of Fearne Cotton and Ruth Crilly.

Baby spa 11

June: After a lot of hard work I took the leap and became self-hosted. I love the new blog design – especially my header by the ever talented Ellie Illustrates!


July: The summer was all about making sibling bedroom sharing a success and moving Little B out of our bedroom and in with BB. Although BB bought into it, Little B is not only still in our room, he’s still in our bed…

August: This was a busy month – I cured an eye infection with breast milk eye drops, learnt how to make a Frozen birthday cake with Olaf out of fondant icing for BB’s birthday and spent the month preparing her for starting big school.

Frozen cake main

September: I made my TV debut when I went on ITV’s This Morning to discuss whether children should start school at four or five. It was huge fun – I met Eamonn and Ruth and discovered what really goes on behind the scenes.

This Morning TV debut

October: BB got pneumonia and ended up in hospital for three days. She recovered well and at the end of the month Misery Guts and I got our first weekend away without the kids – it was bliss!

Hospital stay 7 (2)

November: We made our first ever vlog: a Birds Eye 10 minute meal challenge! It’s rather basic but was really fun to make and I’m looking forward much more vlogging in 2016.

December: I’m not sure quite how I did it, but December marked 12 months of being a stay and work at home mum with Little B. We also spent the night in an Enchanted Park, and had great fun making easy peasy mince pies.

But I think the highlight of the year for me was becoming one of the Top 500 UK parent blogs. I’ve worked so hard to make Crummy Mummy what it is today and this recognition by Tots 100 – an index of more than 8,000 UK parent blogs – was the icing on the cake.

Only time will tell what 2016 will bring, but one thing I do know: it’s likely to be as jam packed as 2015 and I’m looking forward to sharing all the highs and lows with you.

In the meantime, happy new year! x