Fourteen months. That’s how long I’ve been breastfeeding baby number three for. And for at least the last four of them I feel like I’ve been defending my decision to do so.
The very people who praised and supported me for exclusively breastfeeding my newborn a year ago – friends and family included – are now questioning when I plan to stop. And I just don’t get it.
The World Health Organisation is clear: for optimal health and development babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life and then receive complementary food while breastfeeding continues up to the age of two and beyond. So if you are able to do it and want to do it, what’s the big deal?
Yet, 14 months in, I find myself continually defending the fact I’m ‘still’ breastfeeding.
With a newborn in my arms health professionals were tripping over themselves to help me, but now that newborn is a strapping toddler with an impressive set of teeth there’s no support at all. Absolutely none.
And the assumption from everyone else, including some of my nearest and dearest, is that I must surely be planning to stop soon. I fed her brother and sister for around two years each and I guess I’ll do the same this time around – I haven’t really thought about it. Yet if I say ‘I don’t know’ when asked when I plan to stop people look at me with incredulity.
Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been a walk in the park – there’s been cracked nipples, tongue tie, the dreaded mastitis, days that revolve completely around your breasts, not to mention the broken nights – but on the whole breastfeeding came easily for me. You know when you’re done doing something and I’m not done yet.
I find myself getting increasingly defensive and mentally listing my reasons for ‘still’ breastfeeding, because for me it’s a no-brainer.
5 great reasons to breastfeed beyond one
1. Breastfeeding boosts their immune system. Breastfed babies have less incidences of illnesses such as ear infections and upper respiratory infections like common colds and tonsillitis compared to babies who aren’t breast fed. And the longer a baby breastfeeds, the better the immunity benefits.
2. Breastfeeding boosts brain development. Studies show that breastfeeding a baby for just three months can increase a baby’s brain growth by 20 to 30%. And just like their immune system, the longer a baby breastfeeds the greater the benefit.
3. Breastfeeding can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Especially if a woman breastfeeds for more than one year. According to the breast cancer charity making milk limits breast cells’ ability to ‘misbehave’, and women who breastfeed have lower oestrogen levels owing to fewer periods because of the breastfeeding.
4. Breastfeeding is soothing for your baby. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve consoled them after a fall or soothed them after immunisations by breastfeeding. It’s easy, it’s on tap and it works every single time.
5. It’s an opportunity for one-on-one time. Breastfeeding is the perfect chance to bond with your baby and have one-to-one time, especially when you have more than one child and one-to-one time might otherwise be in short supply. Without a doubt breastfeeding has given me more one-on-one time with each baby than we probably would have had otherwise.
I don’t know anyone else currently breastfeeding an ‘older’ baby so I have no-one to talk to about it – other than you, of course. Did you or your partner breastfeed or are you currently breastfeeding? Did you continue beyond one? I’d love to hear your experience!
I went beyond one too and will again. I’m at the other end of the spectrum but I say go you!
You forgot number 6: it’s a free, on tap, organic, 100 percent healthy, delicious, nutritionist advised meal that they always eat all of and enjoy every time!
More great reasons for extended breastfeeding! We’re at 19 months and I get the same questions often too, I tend not to talk about breastfeeding much any more as I’m sick of having to explain myself!
It’s so frustrating that the biological norm is seen as so far from the ‘normal’. You are not alone. I’m still feeding my 3yr old morning and night… Alongside my 7month old. The benefits of breast milk don’t just turn off at 12months old! Plus it’s a fantastic parenting tool haha. Good job Mama 🙂 x
I completely agree!! I’m still breastfeeding my 14 month old and don’t plan to stop anytime soon either. Well done for getting this far #DreamTeam
It may not be a choice that some people have. I fed both if mine but had to return to work when they were 9 months old and expressing wasn’t an easy option for me. I agree that breastfeeding is the best for baby but it’s not always feasible for the mother. #twinklytuesday
I am still breastfeeding my 11 month old but only in the mornings and evenings (and through the night unfortunately for me!) I’m back at work now so cant feed during the day. I plan to continue as long as she wants it! #bloggersbest
I got to about 10/11 months with both my girls and was ready to stop. Luckily they were too, so was an easy transition. You have done an amazing job!! Lots of benefits. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
All valid reasons and I don’t see why you should stop if you are comfortable breastfeeding X #twinklytuesday
I feel jealous reading this, I never managed to breastfeed my babies, I really wanted to, there wasn’t the support then, that is offered now ( I am over 100 years old!) #blogginggoodtime@_karendennis
I got to two and a quarter with my first. It’s the best comfort for them ever! I’ll do it again for as long as my 2nd wants. I’m very lucky to have a team of extended breastfeeders as friends!! Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky
There are so many benefits, and I’m sure when the time comes for breast feeding to end, that will be between you and your little one. I’m not quite sure why so many people seem to be so negative about breastfeeding after 1 years old, it makes no sense and all. Thanks for joining us for the #DreamTeam x
I breastfeed Aspen until 13 months and felt pressured to give it up, which broke my heart. I decided with baby 2 I would do it as long as possible and yet at 6 months she pushed away my beasts and refused to feed, I was so disappointed as I had dreams of doing it for much longer and wanted to keep the immunity benefits up. My third baby was hospitalised with a rare condition at 4 months and rather than the stress and hospital stay making him more clingy he actually didn’t want to feed either. I expressed and bottle fed for as long as I could but it was hard as my supply was so little and I was torn between hospital and home with my 2 girls. So long story short I say keep going, who cares what others say, maybe they are jealous as I sure wish i got to feed that long! You are doing the best thing! Thank you for linking up with #ablogginggoodtime
All excellent reasons and its wrong that you should have to explain/defend yourself. I only managed a couple of months with each of mine but would have continued for longer should I have been able to. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday
It’s so annoying having to explain yourself isn’t it?! I breastfed my first until 10months and my second until 15months. With Leo I definitely felt pressured to stop before he was one as no one I knew had even breastfed for more than a couple of months so I kind of felt like everyone was judging me for carrying on. Second time around I didn’t care about anyone else’s opinions but I got the flu and was too ill to feed for a couple
days and when I could again Alex had decided he wanted to stop. Great post and you’re doing a fab job lovely cx #dreamteam
Yes keep going for as long as it suits you both! I breastfed my eldest until she was 16mths and she weaned herself. I planned to do the same for my second but, when her big sister was admitted to hospital for an emergency operation, we had to go cold turkey. She was 14mths old then so we did have a good run, but I feel sad that I never knew the last time would be the last time. She took it all in her stride and didn’t seem a bit bothered, but it’s posts like this that remind me of that closeness we had and it gets me all emotional! So yes – ignore the outsiders and just do what is right for you – no regrets!
And congratulations because someone loved this post so much, they added it to the BlogCrush linky! Feel free to collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge 🙂 #blogcrush