Big news! They’re bringing back Super Ted! In case you weren’t around in the 1980s, Super Ted was a Welsh flying crime-fighting bear, which when you think about it is no less plausible than a Teletubbie or a Twirlywoo.
Of course, as with all these reprisals, the new version won’t be quite the same as it was. They’re changing some of the characters to ‘suit modern audiences’, by which they mean they’re making them politically correct.
Apparently the characters Skeleton (a gay skeleton) and Bulk (an overweight baddy who had jokes made about his weight) are getting the chop in favour of characters of a ‘different persuasion’ (aka inoffensive).
To be honest I can’t say I was aware of the sexuality of the Skeleton, or remember the baddy being fat and the butt of any jokes, but there we go. When you think about it though, there are an awful lot of kids’ TV shows and stories which don’t set a very good example yet have still managed to dodge the PC brigade.
In no particular order, here are 5 kids’ characters who make me want to scream:
1. Daddy Pig. ‘Silly daddy’ as he is referred to in Peppa Pig is basically a useless, bumbling, DIY disaster. Much of what he does goes wrong (putting up a picture results in knocking a massive hole in the living room wall) and has to be put right by the all-knowing Mummy Pig. What’s this teaching the next generation?
2. Mog’s mum in Mog and the Baby. Mog’s family are babysitting ‘the baby’ when it escapes through a window and into the path of a moving car (whose occupants happen to be Mog’s dad and the baby’s mother Mrs Clutterbuck – what were they up to I wonder?) because Mog’s mum left the window open. Who leaves a window open and then turns their back on a baby that isn’t their own long enough for the baby to crawl through it? Totally irresponsible.
3. Sophie’s mummy in the Tiger Who Came to Tea. The look on her face when she realizes there’s nothing for Daddy’s tea because the Tiger ate it all makes me want to slap her. Perish the thought of daddy actually sorting out his own dinner.
4. Elizabeth Bennet in Little Miss Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. I know I’ve blogged about this before, but this is basically a counting book based on the novel in which readers are encouraged to aspire to – amongst other things – 2 rich gentlemen, 3 mansions, 9 fancy ball gowns and £10,000 a year (although £10,000 a year won’t get you very far these days).
5. Topsy & Tim’s mum. Apart from being ‘twintastically’ smug and perfect, there are an awful lot of episodes with unexplained absences. Where on earth has she ‘popped off’ to? Misery Guts reckons she’s up to no good (with DIY Derek perhaps? I don’t think I’ve seen them on screen at the same time) but possibly this is just wishful thinking on his part (an actual text thread on Misery Guts’s phone between him and a friend reads ‘Would you ‘do’ Topsy & Tim’s mum?’ to which Misery Guts’s response was ‘hell yeeeessss!’) Topsy & Tim have a lot to answer for.
How about you? Are there any kids’ TV characters or shows that make you want to scream?
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haha this made me laugh. I hate the Tiger Who Came to Tea!!!! And have similar thoughts of violence. But I am very excited to read about Super Ted – yippee. Loved this as a child although I too had no idea about the sexuality of the skeleton. TV was so good back then, Danger Mouse and Inspector Gadget!!! #bestandworst
TV back then didn’t do us any harm! I guess the Tiger Who Came to Tea is simply a product of its age and how life was then…
Iggle piggle from In the night garden for me….at the end when he falls backwards on the ground, little man loves to copy and usually ends up bashing his head on some table whilst doing so….. #bestandworst
Oh no – and I thought I Iggle Piggle was harmless!!
Haha, this is great! My older kids watch the *weirdest* shows, things like Adventure Time and The Amazing World of Gumball which I am fairly certain are thought up by people on a lot of illegal substances. #bestandworst
I think a lot of these shows are made by people on illegal substances! I mean, what’s In the Night Garden all about?!!
Daddy Pig is unappreciated by his family. Witness the episode where he tries to explain to Peppa how light is affected by a convex reflective surface and Peppard just shuts him down.
Similarly, I wonder how Tops and Tim”s dad wooed their mum. She is clearly out of his league. I guess is that his minibus service is doing great business. At least that would explain how they could afford to move to the bigger house.
Does Topsy & Tim’s dad have a mini bus business? I didn’t know that!! And poor daddy pig! I’m afraid I don’t feel sorry for him though!
Sooo agree with Sophie’s Mum and Daddy Pig! I usually want to throw something at the telly when watching Peppa. This did make me smile! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
I can cope with watching Peppa, but Topsy & Tim really get my goat! Luckily I’m usually cooking tea when they come on…
I don’t have to watch these shows anymore, my two are more Youtube and Minecraft than the kids shows. I can see why those characters would drive you mad though, they would me too!
Lucky you! I have to say these are shows I won’t miss, although I’ll probably feel nostalgic about the books…
Haha, great post. I can’t stand any of the characters in Peppa Pig! The fat controller in Thomas the tank annoys me. So funny your husband and his mates talk about topsy and tims mum!xx #coolmumclub
I think dads everywhere talk about Topsy & Tim’s mum don’t they? A bit like mums talk about Andy from CBeebies (or is that just me?!!)
Ha ha…Topsy and Tims Mum needs to be sent to room 101 for being too goddamn perfect…and anyway, how could they cast an actress to be Mrs perfect when on the other side she was banging Max Branning?! 😉
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
Yes that’s very true! Misery Guts never watches EastEnders but he was suddenly interested when Topsy & Tim’s mum was in it!!
Haha this is hilarious!! Mog’s mum is definitely irresponsible. I haven’t had to start watching these yet but Topsy and Tim has already come up a few times as being highly irritating and having super smug parents! #coolmumclub
You’ve got it all to come then! Topsy & Tim has to be the most annoying programme on TV…
Thankfully, my youngest had just starting getting into Minecraft when Peppa Pig became popular but he never liked that show anyway. American TV has brought back a lot of characters I grew up with but made them worse. Like when they tried to bring He-man back and made him with more muscles. They brought back My little Pony but now they become humans in some of the shows. It’s actually kind of confusing. My son tried to explain it to me but it went over my head, LOL He used to watch My little Pony and knew all of the characters, none of whom are familiar to me. He and I do watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together though. Thankfully, it’s not so bad.
My Little Ponies become HUMAN? What’s going on?! I’d forgotten all about He-Man – I remember having a She-Ra doll and she was really muscly too…
Topsy and Tim’s mum really irritates me and I don’t like the way Daddy Pig is always treated like a complete idiot by his entire family as well. I find Bella in the Tweenies really annoying- she’s such a bossy know-it-all.
Oh yes Bella. I’d forgotten about her – you’re right, she IS annoying! I do think it’s bad that none of Peppa’s family has any respect for Daddy Pig at all…
I saw the title of this and thought: “I hope she includes topsy and tim’s bloody mum!” So I’m glad you did. My money’s always been on the neighbour, Mr FIshwick. And my husband fancies her too! #coolmumclub
I’d forgotten about Mr Fishwick!
Topsy the giraffe from Raa Raa the Noisy Lion. Smug and pretentious……#effitfridsy
Raa Raa is an annoying show too. I’m impressed you know the characters names!!
Super Ted! Who was his sidekick? Wasn’t he spotty? Love this. Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics
I’ve got no idea – I can’t remember or didn’t notice!!
I love that you included some book characters. I would’ve included Peppa Pig herself – what a brat!! When I’m reading the stories to my daughter I usually have to add in ‘and the insufferable know-it-all’… Ugh.
And Topsy and Tim’s Mum is not right… I’m guessing Valium addiction 😉
Also – hurrah Super Ted?! I loved him.
Topsy & Tim’s mum is definitely too calm – there’s got to be more going on than meets the eye there!
Ooh, I used to love Super Ted! Naughty Norman always drove me mad in Fireman Sam – I was such a goody two shoes and couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just listen and do as he was told! He was always ruining everything. x #effitfriday
Fireman Sam isn’t one I’ve been subjected to yet but that may change with Little B…
Some of the stuff my boys watch now is really weird it amazes me that it’s allowed on the TV. Bring back the clumps and button moon LOL
Er meant to say Flumps!
I used to LOVE Button Moon! I’d forgotten all about that one!
I had NOT heard the super ted news!! I used to love that as a child! I totally agree with you on Topsy and Tim’s mum… She seems to be massively unpopular all over the internet! I can’t stand Mr Tumble… I am literally terrified of ANY character from in the night garden…! But I have to admit to having a soft spot for daddy pig!!
I haven’t come across anyone with a soft spot for Daddy Pig before!
haha! I actually just laughed out loud at this post!! Bloody Topsy and Tims mum! She makes me want to punch her in the face with all her smug perfectness! There is currently a Peppa Pig ban in our house. Not only is Daddy pig useless, but I find Peppa a mardy, bossy,cheeky little madam. There are so many TV programmes that drive me insane (don’t even get me started on Mr Tumble!) #coolmumclub
I’ve got selected hearing when it comes to Mr Tumble now, although he used to drive me crazy. A Peppa Pig ban is a good idea!!
I am right there with you on Topsy and Tim’s mum! She is so infuriating. How can someone be so calm all of the time! #TheList
Perhaps she’s got a bottle of gin stashed in the washing machine…
I have never believed the mum’s story in the tiger that came to tea. I think she made it up because she decided to go on strike. Who would let a tiger into their house anyway if the story is true ha ha! I have many characters that i can’t stand, currently it is the mayors in the Bob the Builder remake and paw patrol. Gives women a bad name! #coolmumclub X
There’s a lot of questions posed by The Tiger Who Came to Tea isn’t there?!!
Yay for the return of Super Ted! :-
You know, Daddy Pig is also the victim of offensive digs about his big belly in some episodes lol!
Couldn’t agree more re T&T’s perfect mum. Why doesn’t she yell…ever? Also I basically hate any character from Night Garden but especially the Pontipines. In a show as crazy and dull as this one – they are by far the dullest.
I have to say I don’t mind In the Night Garden – probably because I never have a clue what’s actually going on!!
I LOVE this post!! Yes yes yes about both Topsy and Tim’s mum and Sophie’s mum! xxx
Thank you so much!x
Loved this! I’ve just got a new book for Mini R which was my childhood favourite – Mucky Mabel. I read it to my son and suddenly thought about the ending where the child is bundled in a sack as the farmer think she’s a pig. I had to question if it’s animal friendly to put a pig in a sack.
It’s funny how you think when you become a parent! #KCACOLS
And I bet Mini R didn’t even notice about the sack incident!
Hehe how funny! My little girl loves Peppa Pig but I do think poor Daddy Pig gets the short end of the stick and is laughed at a bit TOO much. Also, Peppa is a little witch sometimes!
Yes, I thought the same about The Tiger Who Came To Tea but it’s still one of my favourite books haha!
Yes Peppa IS a little madam – she’s not a very good example either!!
this so made me smile, I’m glad my kids have outgrown these programs or these things would now annoy me too! #KCACOLS
Perhaps I’m reading too much into it all!
Haha such a funny post. I wouldn’t say I don’t like daddy pig lol but I do feel like giving him a hug, all the other members of his family are so mean to him always calling him names and making jokes about his weight lol.
Another one that really grinds on me not sure I’d call her a character but poi of cbeebies gahhh that whole body peep act she did was so irritating lol x
Misery Guts can’t stand Poi either – to be honest she doesn’t really bother me!
LOL! Josh isn’t old enough to be watching TV yet but my niece loves Peppa Pig and I have to be honest – they all drive me nuts ha ha! Thanks for sharing xx #KCACOLS
Well they’ll drive you even more nuts when Josh is old enough!!
This post is still making me laugh. I am sure if all us mums collaborated we could come up with a list of hundreds of annoying kids tv characters 🙂
Thank you so much for linking this up to #KCACOLS. Hope to see you again next Sunday 🙂 x
There would definitely be a top 100 I’m sure!
Gah I hate Topsy and Tim it just makes me want to punch the telly.The kids don’t like it either,well not enough to ask for it anyway!Cartoon Network is preferred here thank god x #kcacols
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cartoon Network – sounds like it could be the answer!
Ha ha! Love it & I didn’t k ow superTed was coming back how did I miss this important news. #kcacols lifeinthemumslane
The one I’d really like to see coming back is Banana Man…
I like Peppa and her family a lot better than Olivia, that other pretentious little jerk of a pig
Who is Olivia? I haven’t come across her before!
I like the Tiger Who Came to Tea. It was written in the 1960’s when daddies didn’t get their own tea. But, re-reading it I did wonder why daddy didn’t start checking the house for empty gin bottles. All the food was eaten by a tiger you say … Right …
But given they’re adapting Super Ted to suit ‘modern audiences’ they could have adapted The Tiger Who Came to Tea too…or maybe that’s not the done thing with books…
Not done with books so much. Imagine the howls of rage! Back from #fartglitter
There are so many books that get my goat!
Very true!
Love this and I’m totally with you on Daddy Pig. I cant stand that guy!!! #KCACOLS
I don’t think anyone can!!
Can’t stand to pay and Tim and they always seem like they are moving or we watch too much TV *ahem*! I love a bit of danger mouse and Ben and Holly only for the scarastic commentary. Daddy pig hats off to him you must have some strength to get through a day with Wingy Peppa. X #thelist
I do love Ben & Holly – I love the accents of the characters!
Yes! I agree with most of these. The one that really drives me absolutely mad at the moment though is everyone in Kate and MimMim. Kate. MimMim, Her parents. They are all awful, especially with the dubbed over ‘British’ accents on Cbeebies (originally a Canadian cartoon I think). Have you seen it? Makes me want to scream. #KCACOLS
Yes Kate and MimMim IS awful. BB loves it but the mum and dad are ridiculous!
Ha ha! This is funny! Glad to hear that Super Ted is coming back. He was a regular feature in my cartoon watching days. #KCACOLS
Me too! I adored Super Ted!
This made me laugh! I am in total agreement with Mrs Topsy and Tim! I hate The Tweenies for some reason. I try and turn over asap when it comes on. The children love it though unfortunately. #KCACOLS
The characters in the Tweenies are annoying but the music isn’t too bad – I guess you can’t have everything!
lol that’s brilliant! I too find daddy pig to be annoying – I don’t know why they make the male character that way in so many shows! I’ve never heard of Super Ted before, sounds exciting! x
Watch out for Super Ted – he was exciting back in the day! I do so hope they don’t ruin it…
When I was little Superted was used to teach us about road safety.I do wonder a bit about the PC-ness of Daddy pig being such a numpty. I haven’t come across the others, thankfully. The kids on Mother Goose Club pretty much all deserve to be tripped….at the least.
Yes I’d forgotten about Super Ted championing road safety. Which is a bit weird given that he doesn’t walk, he flies!!
I\’d personally love to see an episode of Topsy and Tim when their mum loses it a bit. Maybe she’s off somewhere screaming in the episodes where she’s absent?? 😉 #coolmumclub
Either that or she’s necking gin! I’d pay to see that!
I am so pleased that Superted is back! I loved him! But it’s not going to be the same without the two non-PC baddies! I love Daddy Pig! #KCACOLS
I’m looking forward to seeing Super Ted but hope they don’t change him beyond recognition!
Not just Topsy and Tim’s Mummy, but in fact any Mummy on screen who looks as though she doesn’t survive on 3 hours sleep and a couple of gins a day is off my Christmas list!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one!
Oh, I didn’t know they were bringing back Superted! How exciting! I used to love that one.
I also actually love Daddy Pig – I’ve had this debate with my sister, as she feels the same as you, that he’s a bumbling buffoon, but I feel he has his heart in the right place and has zero support from smug Mummy Pig who just constantly seems to put him down! Have I just not seen enough Peppa Pig (surely even one episode is one too many?) or have I just watched the wrong episodes?!
Hate Topsy and Tim’s mum though (how is she always so calm? Robot lady), and I also have an irrational hatred of the Upsy Daisy – why does she have to sing?!!
I don’t mind Upsy Daisy so much – you’re right about Mummy Pig too though, although I’d be pretty exasperated if I were her!!
Daddy Pig. Totally with you on this… And we have a lot of peppa in the house at the moment. Arg! #abitofeverything
Thankfully BB grew out of Peppa quite quickly and with a bit of luck I’ll steer Little B clear!
I don’t actually know who any of these characters are (except daddy pig) because my son will only watch Peppa Pig, Ben & Holly and Thomas. But yes Daddy Pig is very silly lol. He has to get help from grandad Pig just to put petrol in the car!
Grandad Pig isn’t much use either as far as I can tell!
*ALL* cartoons are annoying! “nursery rhymes” are worse- they were banned even when my son was a baby. i’d rather have him listen to Led Zepp in the car. better musical values!!
I let him watch peppa pig when I’m busy watching something else on netflix. At least it’s not violent or over the top as what comes on tv! Peppa is a bossy know it all and guess what- so is my son 😉
This is super funny! Would love to see your posts in the Practical Mondays Link Up:)
I haven’t heard of the Practical Mondays linky – I will take a look! Misery Guts has BB listening to his music in the car too!
I have to say my one is Peter Rabbit. Controversial I know, but he takes things that don’t belong to him, is a nusance to the fox, badger and rat neighbours. And causes untold destruction to the local garderner without a care in the world. And to top it all off his mum knows all about it and laughs it off. ASBO in the making =:0) #abitofeverything
I love Peter Rabbit! But now you’ve pointed out all his imperfections I’m inclined to agree with you! His mum is a bit of a push over – especially when he left the front door open and flooded their burrow! She didn’t even raise her voice!
Being in Canada I’ve only seen 2 of these shows, but I feel your pain. I totally plan on writing my own post on this topic, now! Thank you for the comradarie (it’s nice to know I’m not alone in hating certain shows or characters) and the inspiration!
I think any post about kids’ TV shows and books is enough to get people ranting! Looking forward to reading yours x
^ #abitofeverything – I forgot to add that, as per usual.
I do that all the time too!
I have a real soft spot for daddy pig. I always start with the episode where he goes to work so we are reminded that he is a very clever and a functioning member of society.
The question is, what does he actually DO?!!
Oh God…Daddy Pig is THE WORST! I don’t even have kids yet but have been subjected to hours of his stupidity thanks to my many nephews and nieces!! #abitofeverything
Brace yourself then – you know what’s coming!
Haha I love this!
I aim to please!!
Oh i am so glad my two are past the cbeebies stage! Daddy pig gets on my nerves! so goes Mr Maker and Justin in Justin’s house! #KCACOLS
Oh yes, Mister Maker…forgot about him!
We banned Peppa in this house! I can’t cope with the characters, they’re all just awful! #KCACOLS
I quite like Rebecca Rabbit…
They ALL do not sound “fun” to watch at all! But I must admit Daddy Pig does make me laugh an awful lot, I think he’s there for comic relief! I haven’t watched the rest of the shows as my youngest is now into different shows which do have their own fair share of annoying characters! The kids just move on to different shows! Eeek! Thanks for linking with #abitofeverything
I’m sure kids’ TV characters weren’t so annoying when I was young – but maybe they were and we just didn’t notice!!
Luckily I’ve only had to watch Peppa Pig once when babysitting my niece. So annoying! Unfortunately for her, Peppa Pig doesn’t work on my TV!
Laura xx
Perhaps I should tell BB Peppa no longer works on our TV either!!
OMG Super Ted! 🙂 How exciting! I really have an issue with Peppa Pig, she taught Baby to do a spitty/blowing raspberrys thing. Peppa is a brat isn’t she? No idea why she is so popular. Great post. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
Glad you like it! An episode that got my goat this week was when Daddy Pig sneaked a chocolate cake into the shopping trolley. What a bad example!!
I really can’t stand peppa pig, i must watch the same dvd every day!
We only watch it on TV – I couldn’t cope with a DVD version as well!!
This cracked me up…I despise Peppa pig and think mummy rabbit is going to have a breakdown. Sadly my son loves it…I remember Superted but don’t want it to be politically correct it upset me when they modernised postman Pat! Haha its funny I did not realise he was Welsh as I grew up there so must have seemed normal to me! Looking forward to reading more of your posts! #coolmumclub
[…] And finally, if like me you enjoy a good rant about kids TV then Crummy Mummy’s post should tickle your fancy; 5 Kids Characters Who Make Me Want To SCREAM! […]