It was only a matter of time. BB has come home from school armed with the class teddy bear and a daunting looking diary, in which we’re supposed to record his stay at our house with words and pictures.
Thankfully Benji’s visit coincided with the Easter holidays, meaning we’ve had two weeks to get our act together, as opposed to just a weekend like some unwitting mums and dads.
This isn’t the first time we’ve been responsible for a class bear – BB had one at nursery called Timmy, who had a lot to answer for – and I’ve come to the conclusion that class teddy bears are a BAD idea.
5 reasons class teddy bears are a BAD idea
1. They encourage competitive parenting. Google ‘class teddy bear’ and apparently parents snap into ‘competitive, aggressive survival mode’ when it comes to take-home teddies because they spark ‘class wars’ and ‘social divide’. You’ll find pictures of class teddies sunbathing on yachts, grinning at Mount Everest base camp and living it up in the Hollywood Hills. It’s not the other kids you’ve got to impress when you’re filling in the diary, it’s the parents.
2. You’ve got to think of something ‘fun’ to do. Let’s face it, Benji helping to empty the dishwasher or going to the swings isn’t really going to cut the mustard. Thankfully the entries prior to Benji’s stay at our house are fairly normal (with the exception of a trip to New York and Barbados – I’m not jealous, honest!) I’m not even going to try and top that.
3. It’s like getting homework all over again. You’ve got the bear, you’ve got the diary, all you have to do is take pictures of it doing things, print them out, stick them in the diary and think of clever things to write next to them all by the time it’s due back at school. This isn’t just homework people, it’s a project.
4. The should-you shouldn’t-you wash it conundrum. Did you know that 25% of cuddly toys are harbouring poo? Or a bacteria linked to poo, anyway. Not to mention traces of the pet dogs you’ve seen it photographed with, or the siblings it’s been tucked up with in the aforementioned diary. And apart from what the thing might have come into contact with before arriving at your house, there’s what it’s been in contact with since. My lips are sealed. With a bit of luck a sponge bath with Dettol laundry cleanser ought to do it.
5. The responsibility is like a great weight on your shoulders. You find yourself saying ‘don’t do this’ and ‘don’t do that’ lest something untoward happens to the bear. Worst case scenario is you actually lose it, which has already happened to poor old Benji. As already mentioned, one of BB’s classmates took it on holiday to Barbados where, according to the diary, it ‘went to a spa and had a complete makeover’ (top marks to the mum for creative thinking). During this ‘complete makeover’ Benji acquired a whole new skin tone (fake tan?) and spaniel-type ears were miraculously replaced with traditional teddy bear ones courtesy of Build A Bear Workshop. I’m so glad it didn’t happen on my watch.
Have you ever been in charge of a class teddy bear? Was it a responsibility you could do without, or did you enjoy it?
I have yet to experience this myself yet! But I had to help a friend once, we had to take her daughters cardboard flat Stanley to London with us and take photos on the train, ice skating! It was hugh and not easy!!! X
I remember seeing a Dad trying to snap a picture of a soft toy perched on top of a slide and when I gently asked him if he was okay, he told me it was the class bear and they hadn’t done anything with it all week and he had to get some shots of him enjoying himself. He looked genuinely scared. I think I would flip the script and have BB having a lie in and staying up late and eating Doritos #marvmondays
Lol at the makeover! That’s great thinking on that parents part! Glad we don’t need to worry about that, although at least a bear is better than the class pet, my dad’s school used to have a hamster that kids took home (until it came to stay with us for the holidays and my dad, the head teacher, lost it…) x #marvmondays
Thankfully, A isn’t old enough for this yet but this post has made me think about it! I never thought about washing them, they must actually be quite gross (we all know there are some gross kids out there), and the stress of thinking outside the box – let’s hope we don’t have to deal with this one for a while yet. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo
Ha ha, I am not quite at this stage yet (next year?!) but I’d LOVE to do a #keepingitreal entry…the bear watched Peppa pig for four hours then ate McDonalds and played iPad all afternoon. Who am I kidding, bet I’d be super enthusiastic with the bear!
Eurgh I am so glad we’ve never had this – I would most definitely have to wash it!!
I feel I have to apologise as I have been on the other side of the coin here – as a teacher I used to send home a Maths Meerkat weekly! In my defence the children loved it and I did an example entry which involved a trip to the cinema with the meerkat being photographed at various opportunities – and I didn’t even have a child in tow! Just an adult with a stuffed meerkat and a camera! #MarvMondays
Thank goodness there are no class teddy bears here! The dirty thing is my biggest concern. And, the printing of photos – I mean who does that anymore? It’s definitely a big hassle & encourages competition. Who can bring teddy to the coolest place? And try not to loose him lol
Haha, love this post and I hate that class teddy for all the reasons you mention above. Grrr. So much pressure on how to entertain a bear, when really I suspect he would just like a weekend chilling out in bed as he watches TV. Love the lady who explained his change in appearance by a trip to the spa. We have actually been very bad parents and somehow managed to lose the bear, despite us checking constantly that we had it. I have never been so worried about something in my life. That bear had been the class mascot for years and then we go and lose it! Oh the shame was awful when we had to hand over a very poor substitute! #marvmondays
Bloody class bears are the bane of my life. We always end up sticking them in the washing machine which sucks as we never ever get lucky e4nough to have them over the weekend, with 5 kids getting a bear on a thursday afternoon and having to return him on the friday morning means all he does is homework, eat tea and have a sleepover (in the washing machine). And they’re supposed to write about their time with him too cos thats what they want to do when they can be dragging their stinky bear round the house pfft!
Em xXx #TwinklyTuesday
Oh gosh as a teacher I know how competitive the class bear thing can get. That bloody bear has been to better restaurants than I have and is certainly more cultured. He’s seen every museum in the Hague. I do like the pictures though as I get to nosy into the kids houses and have a glimpse of how they live (only joking honest!)
I know exactly what you mean! We had the class Chameleon to visit. In previous weeks, the creature had been to Paris, the panto, various museums and had an all round good time … Pages and pages of beautifully handwritten adventures and loads of photos. Chameleo had an exciting trip to the supermarket, a family lunch and a trip to church … I suspect he enjoyed the change of pace!
Completely agree with you on this! We had the class bear a few months ago and it was really quite stressful! It happened to be a weekend where the weather was rubbish and the kids were ill too, so poor Bethan Bear had a really boring time with us! x #TwinklyTuesday
I haven’t had the delight of the class teddy bear yet but I am sure it will come around soon. It does sound likr hard work. I will try and put our turn off as long as possible #twinklytuesday
Think we had the bear once and it reminded me of that peppa pig episode! Luckily I just had to draw a picture of my girl and it so nothing complicated! I can see ur point thought. Competing with a grubby bear! Fun times…ill hope that one doesn’t happen xx #coolmumclub
Class teddy bear? That sounds like a major headache parents could do without if you ask me. Not looking forward to that. Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub chick x
Lol, my stomach lurches when I see the class bear coming home. The kids love it but frankly, it’s just more work for us parents and another guilt trip (the bear we had last month had been to Egypt the week before at 1/2 term, with photos of mummies and pyramids to prove it, how do you compete with that I ask?? ) I’m glad it’s not just me that hates the whole thing!
We have tears every Friday when the big one isn’t the one picked for the class bear. I hate the bloody thing. S much pressure! Nodded along to all these points. The spa makeover was genius thinking from that mum! #effitfriday
Yes far too much pressure. I did love the spa entry though!
Friggin’ class bear. Ours came home with our 3yo the SAME DAY I CAME HOME FROM HOSPITAL WITH HIS NEWBORN SISTER. Needless to say, his bear diary was quite sparse on that visit. Turns out our school also sends home a very precious (read: breakable) glass Nativity set in the weeks before Christmas. I just know that my kid is going to be the one that drops the whole box in the carpark and shatters the lot. Great post!
GLASS nativity set? What brain box thought that one up? Good grief! And coming home with the bear on the same day at the newborn baby? Give me strength!!
Ugh, I didn’t even know this was a thing. My daughter isn’t in school yet, but I can see how having to do something ‘exciting’ with a teddy bear would be really annoying. #effitfriday
It’s very annoying – especially when you get the teddy bear at nursery AND school…
I had no idea class teddy bears were even a thing! When I was in elementary school, we had a class pet, but no one took him home. Thankfully!
My boy isn’t in school yet, but this is not a project I’m looking forward to-it really is like homework for the parents! Great read-thanks for sharing! <3 #effitfriday
BB has a class teddy bear AND two class pets…be warned!
So thankful ours stays at school- the chikdreb get to play with the class lobster toy when they are the leader. No competitiveness. No diary. Just a cuddle with a manky lobster. I must remember the spa tip though because when it happens we will lose it…..
BB has now been back at school for four days and I STILL haven’t filled in the dratted diary. I like the sound of a class lobster!!
We had the class chicken whilst housebound with chicken pox. This is our take on it: