Are you a naked house?
It occurred to me, as I pushed the vacuum cleaner around the living room the other day wearing nothing but my birthday suit, that we are most definitely a naked house.
We sleep with no clothes on, we go from the bedroom to the bathroom with no clothes on (see ‘no sticking toes in bums’ if you fancy a laugh), we walk around the house with no clothes on and getting dressed tends to be the last thing any of us does in the morning.
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I should first point out that we live in a fourth floor flat so weβre not overlooked, and itβs also really hot owing to being south facing and surrounded by other flats whose occupants like to crank the heating up. And thereβs nothing worse than getting in a hot and sweaty tizz when youβre trying to get yourself and three kids ready, so the less you’re wearing the better.
But even so, do other families walk around in the altogether until itβs time to leave the house?
Maybe if we lived in a house instead of a flat – and therefore had to navigate stairs – Iβd think twice about going from the bedroom to the kitchen stark naked, but I suspect not.
In the midst of the last heatwave I could be found tapping away at my computer in just pants because letβs face it, when you work from home you only actually have to sound dressed. And when not pregnant or breastfeeding I prefer to sunbathe and go to the beach topless.
But BB will be six next month which got me thinking perhaps itβs time we started covering up. I’m sure I donβt remember my mum and dad wandering around with no clothes on when I was six β or seven or eight or nine.
Is there an age when it becomes inappropriate to walk around with nothing on? And if so, when? I asked some fellow bloggers what they think and hereβs what they said.
Are you a naked house?
βI also hate wearing clothes if not necessary so I’m mostly naked or in a nightie. Don’t come knocking at my door if you’re of a sensitive disposition!β Erica at The Incidental Parent
βNow my son (two) has started pinching me and yelling ‘boobies’ I am less inclined to give him the opportunity. Showers and baths are fine but I hate being naked around the house, the doorbell always rings.β Fran at Whinge Whinge Wine
βA friend said it was wrong of me to have a bath with my son. He is two and it makes me cross, I can’t see any harm in it. We were all born naked, I’m no nudist but I really can’t see any harm in it. It’s like the kissing on the lips things – it seems society wants to take an almost sexual view on things that are so natural.β Lisa at Pass the Prosecco Please
βI wander about in the scud, purely because my four kids won’t let me get ready long enough. I bath with my children and they run around naked too. I don’t have any problems or plan on hiding myself away any time soon. I want my children to grow up confident in themselves and not instantly associate it with sex.β Zoe at My Little Wildlings
βMy ten-year-old sons often chat to me while Iβm in the bath. I love that about our house!β Kate at Modern Mum
βI grew up in a non-naked house and always felt self-conscious about my body and I don’t want my kids to see themselves like that.β Jaime at The Oliverβs Madhouse
βMy kids often watch me shower, use the toilet or get dressed – the joys of motherhood! My kids on the other hand are ALWAYS naked, they much prefer not to have clothes on and I see nothing wrong with that either.β Laura at Five Little Doves
βMy son is six and I’ve recently started covering up around him but I couldn’t tell you why! He still comes in when I’m in the bath and I don’t make any effort to stop him. But, I don’t walk around naked anymore.β Donna at Bobsyβs Mum
βI always thought I would avoid being naked around my boys but in reality I’m naked around them all the time. I sleep in just pants and they come into bed and cuddle in the morning. They see me shower and use the loo. They are only five and two though. I expect they’ll ask me to cover up at some point and I’ll let them take the lead on that.β Nicole at The Mum Reviews.
βMy eldest did once go into nursery and tell everyone βmy Daddy has a big willy, I don’t!ββ Amy at The Smallest of Things
What do you think? Are you a naked house or do you cover up? I’d love to know your thoughts!
I think it helps promote normal bodies for our kids! Equally important for boys and girls I think, especially in this age of airbrushing!! My daughter is naked a lot and sees me and my husband naked a lot! Ok I don’t Hoover naked, but we shower/bath together etc. Me, my sister and my mom had to share the shower up until I was about 15 ish (the hot water was awful so it was a case of run the shower and all hop in one after another!) in hindsight I think it did wonders for what I expect real bodies to be like. No shame in this family with being naked.
Generally I don’t wander around naked but mostly as I get cold and many rooms are overlooked. However I have no problem being naked around my 2yr Olds. I think It’s important not to show shame or convey that there is something wrong with our bodies.
I don’t see anything wrong with being naked. It’s part and parcel of living in the same house. #PostsFromTheHeart
We’re not shy in our house! I’m always in my pants as it’s so hot here.and still shower with my 2 boys, eldest is 5. It’s really not an issue at all for us. My husband offered to get me a cleaner to come every day once and I refused because it would mean I needed to wear clothes. I soon got over that and now until lunch everyday I have to get dressed hahaha!! #PostsFromTheHeart
I’m from a naked family so I have no qualms about walking around the house naked and walking in on each other in the bath, shower etc. My husband isn’t from a naked family so it’s taken him a while to get used to, but I don’t want my kids to be afraid of showing their bodies, they should be proud of who they are. He worries that he might come down to breakfast one morning when my parents are staying, and find them both having their cereal in the nudey! #postsfromtheheart
The only time my kids will see me undressed is when I am getting dressed in the mornings! I don’t feel comfortable walking around the house but that’s just me. However, they do see me in a night dress, when I won’t wear dresses outdoors, though.
Yes! We don’t walk around the lace makes but my kids see me get changed/shower/go to the loo..if I tried to keep those things private I’d never be able to do them. I thinks it’s good for children to know what really bodies look like..not going to lie though, I wouldn’t mind a child free shower every once in a while xx #postsfromtheheart
Haha yes we are definitely a naked house, mostly me and my son, my other half gets self conscious! #coolmumclub
I’m in the “wear my PJs at any opportunity” camp rather than the naked house. I think you’re queen of your castle though so live in it however you want! A really fun post x #coolmumclub
Yep we’re a naked house too. Not to the extent of naked hoovering but I think nothing of coming downstairs starkers to make a cup of tea and get a bottle of milk in the morning and the kids all see us naked and I think it’s good to be open about being naked- Poppy is currently intrigued by Mr J’s willy when she comes in the bed for a cuddle in the morning. What is it with girls and willies?! #coolumclub
I live in a ground floor flat, so walking around in the buff is mostly out of the question (not that it’s warm enough to do so in Scotland very often!). But my daughter follows me to the bathroom and when I get dressed, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Also, I don’t have a choice. π #coolmumclub
Funnily enough we were chatting about this the other day! Our eldest is five and I wonder as she’ll probably be able to remember from here on, should we be a bit more ‘decent’ around her? I don’t think I’d like memories of my Dads bits ha ha! As long as everyone is happy and comfortable, I don’t really see any issue with it – I think the time will come and it’ll be obvious when it does…
Trying not to imagine you naked whilst reading this π
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub and have a FAB naked summer! x
I am big on bodies not being something to be ashamed of but tend to do whatever makes my children happy. I know as a child my family were pretty free and easy about nudity or pants only for my Dad but apparently my husband’s family were the opposite so I guess do what works for you
It’s funny how different countries take a different approach on this too. Our house is a bit overlooked the living room is a bit like an aquarium and people can see into our garden so I discourage it. #coolmumclub
We are a proud naked house. Like you we are not overlooked either and trying to put layers on 3 bodies when we arent leaving the house is a waste of time. #postsfromtheheart
I’m not a fan of being naked, even on my own, but I don’t make an effort to cover up around my kids (I do with my teen, but didn’t when he was younger). If the younger ones come into the bathroom/bedroom its fine, but there isn’t much opportunity. I bathed with them all, and never made them feel as if they need to cover up. I think it promotes an acceptance that bodies are all different, it’s healthy.
#PostsFromThe Heart
My boys love running around naked especially before bath time. They always see us in the toilet and shower but we can’t walk around the house naked unless we had all the curtains closed all the time as we live on a bus route and the people on the top deck might get a shock!! #KCACOLS
I totally used to be like this. Since moving in with the wife and her step daughter I started wearing shorts around the house. If I’m alone though…#KCACOLS
We’re most definitely not a naked house! My kids walk in on me in the bath and shower and are sometimes in the room when I get dressed and I have no problem with that but my son is now 13 and he now doesn’t like us seeing him naked. I never saw either of my parents naked, they are an older generation and it just wasn’t the done thing. I hate sleeping naked too…just can’t get comfortable. I also have an 18 year old stepson that stays with us in the school holidays and I’m not sure how it would go down with him if I wandered around butt naked! #KCACOLS
We cover up, mainly as my husband is not my kids dad and it seems a bit weird for us to be naked. If I had my way I would live in my pj’s lol
I think we are in-between. I think nothing of walking naked from bedroom to bathroom and getting dressed in front of the kids, but I do at least put a top on to go downstairs. Mainly because our neighbour has a habit of locking on the door every morning! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
We aren’t excessively naked (whatever that is). But we are happy to get naked in front of each other. Little one is nearly three so I wonder if the day will come where one of us feels uncomfortable being naked in front of each other.
We aren’t excessively naked (whatever that is). But we are happy to get naked in front of each other. Little one is nearly three so I wonder if the day will come where one of us feels uncomfortable being naked in front of each other.
We aren’t a naked house the only person who runs around naked when he gets the chance is my toddler, hahaha #KCACOLS
We are a semi-naked house. In that, I will walk out into the garden and my wife will have to remind me I’m naked or just in pants. Sorry neighbours! She spends less time naked than me. My son spends as much time naked as we can manage to help his nappy rash. #kcacols
Hey, thanks for including me! Glad to find we’re not alone being a ‘naked family’. x