Pregnancy – and breastfeeding – have got lot to answer for in the boob department. Anyone who says they haven’t is lying.
Being pregnant with baby number three and having breastfed BB and Little B for a combined total of 42 months – or three and a half years – it’s fair to say my boobs aren’t what they once were. And nor would I expect them to be.
But what I didn’t expect was the latest turn of events: the curious case of the shrinking boob. Oh yes people, brace yourselves or turn away now. You’ve been warned.
The curious case of the shrinking boob
Last year, when I was breastfeeding Little B, I wrote about things they don’t tell you about breastfeeding, which included the fact that one boob can be significantly bigger than the other owing to milk production and baby favouring one side over the other.
Now, having stopped breastfeeding Little B but being pregnant again, that very same boob, the one I silently cursed for being ludicrously inflated and skewing outfits out of all proportion for almost two years, has shrivelled like a three-week-old deflated balloon. (Don’t worry, I’ll spare you photographic evidence – pictured is my boobie beanie instead).
I mean, seriously???
It’s probably all my own fault. After breastfeeding Little B for 21 months there was no break between stopping breastfeeding him and becoming pregnant again – indeed the only reason I stopped was because I was pregnant and doing the two things at once was all too exhausting.
So to be fair my poor boobs had no time to recover before being forced to get ready for another baby.
But now, while one appears to be doing what it should and growing steadily in readiness for baby number three, the Bazooka That Was appears to be doing the total opposite.
I shudder to think what they’re going to look like after they’ve been through it all a third time. I’m hoping someone will put me out of my misery and tell me it will all be alright, they’ll go back to normal (by which I mean equal) size once this baby production business is all done and dusted.
Someone? Anyone?
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Oh dear… I too experienced a shrinking boob after breastfeeding my two kids, I would have loved it to remain big but no chance, lol #bestandworst
Breastfeeding definitely ruins your boobs. I had a boob job years ago and they were fine until I had my first daughter who I fed for 9 months and she sucked every bit of fat out my boobs until I was left with droopy looking boobs. Not a good look! #bestandworst
I couldn’t breastfeed unfortunately after my breast reduction. I didn’t produce any milk when Henry was born. Ironically I still got Mastatis. I’m putting that with your shrinking boob under the header. Sod’s law, haha.
Renee @peonieandme #bestandworst
Oh gosh, I’ve never heard about this happening before! Hopefully they will both even out again when you eventually stop breastfeeding. I am currently very lopsided and hoping the same thing when I stop too! Emily #bestandworst
Sending love to your boobs from my boobs, may they wish for future perkiness ha!! Thanks for linking up #bestandworst
Ohh, as a non breastfeeding mum I never had that issue, mine are bith still stupidly large. I do hope you even out soon. #bestandworst
I’ve only BF one baby, and my boobs definitely aren’t the same anymore, though at least they’ve more or less gone back to their original size. I hated having big boobs when my milk production was at its peak – they just kept getting in the way! #effitfriday
Back again for #effitfriday. I’m sure your husband won’t mind that they’ve disappeared!
The miracle of boobs. My nipples are permanently bigger after breastfeeding. Hope the deflated one catches up soon. Maybe it just needs a rest! #effitfriday
I have never been a big chested lady but after breastfeeding four kids in a few short years including twins- bye boobies. Like there is NOTHING.
Luckily H and M makes the most killer cheap super padded bras
Good god…I know what mine look like after one…but three…there is always the hope that they will find some balance with that..or they could just disappear completely lol! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x
I had the opposite problem, and it’s a HUGE pain in the backside (which has also grown over the years, but that is down to too much chocolate and being a writer)…mine went up a cup size with each baby, and stayed that way! Even after breastfeeding my youngest for 2 and a half years. This is no boast, NOTHING fits!
Oh you have me worried for my poor boob that is the only one he will feed from…. Will it ever be the same again?!?
Yep, these are my boobs. Shrunken and wonky! My face also slides slowly south as the day goes on. I am totally blaming the sprogs for that too! #effitfriday
At least you can hide your boobs. My pained expression, growing number of wrinkles and grey hairs can’t be do easily disguised. And I won’t mention the sprouting hairs hope it returns to normal. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime
Aww no. My boy would only feed on one side fir a bit so I pumped like a crazy person on the other side to try and keep things even. With baby number 2 arriving next month who knows what mine will look like once I’m done breastfeeding him! I hope your boob reinflates soon!xx #bestandworst