How do you explain thongs (2)I donโ€™t know about you, but getting a baby, a four-year-old and me out of the door by a certain time in the morning is no mean feat, especially if weโ€™re running late. Coupled with breast feeding hormones and the fact we live in the hottest flat on earth because itโ€™s landlocked by old people who have their heating cranked up and itโ€™s enough to bring me out in a sweat.

As a result, I tend to get myself ready last, running around the flat in bra and pants to keep cool while getting the kids ready first. Until the other morning when BB asked me what was wrong with my pants. I asked her what she meant and she said: โ€œtheyโ€™ve gone up your bottom in the middleโ€.

I was wearing a thong. Crumbs. How do you explain thongs to a four-year-old?

I told her they were meant to look like that and she looked at me as if I were mad. โ€œBut why mummy?โ€

My mind raced as I desperately thought of a reason. โ€˜So you canโ€™t see the line of your pants through your jeansโ€™ is what I wanted to say, but definitely didnโ€™t want to say because I donโ€™t want her thinking about how her bottom looks or for any reason thinking thereโ€™s anything remotely wrong with seeing your pants through your jeans.

Thatโ€™s just how they are, I said.

โ€œBut theyโ€™re up your bottom. Thatโ€™s not very comfortable.โ€

She has a point.

โ€œThatโ€™s silly mummy,โ€ she continued. โ€œTheyโ€™re silly pants.โ€

Yes I said, I suppose they are.

Linking up with…

Mama Mim
Little Hearts, Big Love