workingfromhomewithababy6I’m coming to the end of my second month being a stay-and-work-at-home-mum (SWAHM – yes it does exist!) and to say it’s been a learning curve is an understatement. Working from home with a newborn baby sleeping peacefully in his seat is one thing, but quite another now he’s almost 17 weeks old and demanding more and more attention.

So I thought now would be a good time to share my top tips.

Of course it depends on what you do – my job involves sitting in front of the computer and talking on the phone. In the last week I’ve done a phone interview with the managing director of Innocent smoothies with Little B plugged into a boob, and jiggled him in one hand while writing with the other during a separate phone interview with the head of marketing at Coca Cola Enterprises. Good job neither were video calls.

As the weeks go on I’m having to factor in increasing amounts of contingency time ahead of my deadlines in case we have what BB calls a ‘crying day’ (she means Little B, not me. Honest.) 

My advice for keeping baby entertained is this:

1. The play mat

If I position the play mat directly under my chair so that I can peer down at Little B and smile/chat/pull a face every few minutes he’s happy for up to half an hour at a time. Particularly if it involves nappy off time (I think this might be a boy thing).

Usefulness rating: 5/5


2. The door bouncer

This is excellent while it lasts. Although it won’t keep him occupied for as long as the play mat next to me, he’s quite happy for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Usefulness rating: 4/5


3. The baby gym

With a mirror attached and various toys dangling down the baby gym is starting to come into its own. It doesn’t keep him occupied for as long as I’d like though.

Usefulness rating: 3/5


4. The papoose

You wouldn’t think working from home with a baby is back breaking, but keep this on too long and it is. The papoose is great at keeping Little B asleep, but not so great for my back. But persevere, and I can get a good uninterrupted hour of work done.

Usefulness rating: 3/5


5. The pushchair

If all else fails a quick walk around the block in the push chair is sure to send Little B to sleep. I then simply wheel him into the hall and leave him there, keeping my fingers crossed he’ll sleep for as long as possible.

Usefulness rating: 5/5


And here are my top 5 tips for getting through the working day:

1) Don’t try and achieve too much – set realistic goals about what you’re going to get done and anything extra is a bonus.

2) If breast feeding, invest in a nursing pillow which allows you to feed hands-free. Mine’s by Thrupenny Bits and it really does work.

3) Make full use of your smart phone during feeds – you’ll be surprised at how many emails you can send.

4) Try and tire the baby out before you start work in order to maximise nap time.

5) Never underestimate the power of CBeebies. Ever.

Advice From The Heart

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