We’ve had a sobering email from BB’s preschool. After Easter they’re going to start introducing phonics and teaching the children how to write letters in preparation for starting school in September. They’ve also asked us to let them know what school she’ll be going to so they can start ‘thinking about friendship groups’.
It seems like only yesterday that I started this blog when I was preparing to give up breast feeding, and now my baby has turned into a little girl (pictured) and is about to start school. I’ve got absolutely no idea where that time has gone.
We’ve already decided to both take the day off work on BB’s first day so we can wave her off and collect her again. Misery Guts reckons he’s going to be a blithering idiot (his actual words) and I reckon I’ll need a stiff drink. Is it ok to go straight from the school run to the pub do you think?
Apparently preschool will be following the ‘Jolly Phonics’ scheme and introducing new letters each week in a certain order, so I better swot up on what this actually is over the Easter holidays. I’d also love to track down the Village with Three Corners books (that dates me) after a friend found the whole series on eBay, but no luck yet.
I’m a bit worried we may have got ahead of ourselves on the phonics front as Misery Guts has been teaching BB phonics with her bath letters on the bathroom wall for months. She’s quite good at them, so I’m hoping she doesn’t find starting from scratch at preschool boring.
If she does, I’m quite certain we’ll know about it…
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