Seven years. That’s how long I’ve now been a mum for, and a lot has changed in that time.

I don’t just mean the addition of grey hair and bags under my eyes, I mean little things that have helped make this parenting malarkey just a teeny, tiny bit easier.

Fairy Non Bio

This was brought home to me after the youngest turned two, bringing with it the onset of the terrible twos, which are now in full swing in our house – and don’t I know it!

I don’t know whether she’s worse than her brother or sister were, or whether it’s down to the fact she’s baby number three so I need three sets of eyes in the back of my head instead of one or two, but either way she gets everywhere and copies everything. In the space of a month she can suddenly climb onto tables, scale furniture and get things out of cupboards she shouldn’t be going in.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Fairy Non Bio to help bang the (washing machine) drum and spread the word about the importance of remembering the little things when it comes to household hazards, because you just can’t be too careful – especially with little monkeys around!

Keeping my family safe with Fairy Non Bio’s new child-lock system

From ‘helping’ with the washing – by which I mean taking off all the clothes I’m trying to hang out to dry – to pressing buttons and fiddling with switches, if it’s not a toy you can guarantee she wants to play with it. And if she knows it’s something she shouldn’t be playing with, she wants to play with it even more.

As she grows in curiosity and intelligence the list of potential dangers at home seems to be getting longer and longer, so it’s more important than ever to safety proof household hazards according to her age and development and not get caught out.

So, how can you help keep inquisitive little hands out of places they shouldn’t be?

The fact is you can’t have three sets of eyes in the back of your head – more’s the pity – so anything that helps me keep her safe gets the thumbs up from me. Which is where innovations like Fairy Non Bio’s new child-lock system comes in.

Fairy Non Bio

We’ve used Fairy Non Bio ever since the youngest was diagnosed with eczema when she was a few months old, as it’s especially designed for her sensitive skin.

Fairy Non Bio

Fairy Non Bio pods now come in special ‘click close’ packs featuring a unique dual-action opening mechanism which requires an adult to pinch two clips on the lid in order to open it – good news if you’re the owner of an intrepid little explorer like me! Loading the washing machine is something I always try and do when the kids aren’t around because not only is the washing machine drum a source of intrigue, so are the pods which look like little jewels – even to me and I’m a grown up!

Fairy Non Bio

Once you’ve taken your pod out there’s then an audible ‘click’ so you know the pack is closed securely, meaning there’s one less thing for you to worry about. As well as the importance of click closing the lid Fairy is also spreading the word about the importance of storing pods up high and away from little hands – ideally behind a closed door.

Whether the youngest really is worse than her brother and sister in the terrible twos stakes remains to be seen, but what I do know is inventions like Fairy Non Bio’s new child-lock system give me much-needed peace of mind and will help protect her and keep her safe throughout toddlerhood and beyond.

Fairy Non Bio


  • Kids are natural explorers and can surprise us – don’t get caught out!
  • Always click close your pod pack
  • Store it up high and away from little hands
  • Always keep your little one away from the washing machine drum and open packs

Are you the owner of a little person and do you worry about their safety when your back is turned at home? I’d love to hear about your experience!

This post is sponsored by Fairy.

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