Ever wish time would stand still?

Me too, especially now the youngest is turning two.

wishes for my daughter

There’s no getting away from the fact the baby isn’t a baby anymore, and it seems like the more kids you have, the faster the time goes.

The thing is it’s the little things you forget – the shrieks of delight at the simplest of things, the sticking out of the great big Buddha-style belly, the innocence and the indifference to what anyone else thinks.

So, in a bid not to forget, here are 10 wishes for my daughter on her 2nd birthday.

10 wishes for my daughter on her 2nd birthday

1. Don’t stop lifting up your clothes and proudly sticking your belly out. Even though it’s not lady like at all.

2. Don’t stop sucking your fingers, even though the dentist says we should give you a dummy. It’s super cute and I’m sure you’ll grow out of it one day.

wishes for my daughter

3. Don’t stop singing the Baby Shark song. Even if it is the most annoying song ever invented.

4. Don’t stop running away when I’m trying to get you dressed. Even though it’s exhausting and nearly always makes us late. Your shriek of excitement is just too infectious.

wishes for my daughter

5. Don’t stop giving your brother and sister a big hug when they wake up in the morning. Even if they do try and wriggle out of your grasp.

6. Don’t stop creating a wave machine in the bath. Even though it sloshes water everywhere. Your belly laugh is the best sound ever.

wishes for my daughter

7. Don’t stop holding us all to ransom by screaming at the top of your lungs, even if it is ear-splittingly awful. It shows you’ve got spirit.

8. Don’t stop sleeping with us at night. Even though it means I can’t sleep properly.

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*Sunday morning* Today’s to-do list includes: attacking the washing mountain (now taller than me), sorting out the online Christmas Big Shop (there’s currently just in the basket ), hoovering up Christmas tree needles (again) & writing & editing images for tomorrow’s blog post ‍ BUT this one’s got other ideas. All she wants to do this morning is snuggle so instead we’re lying in bed & I’m trying not to think about the washing mountain, Christmas Big Shop, Christmas tree needles & blog post. I can’t remember the last time we actually stopped & did nothing on a Sunday morning & it’s rather nice #sunday #sundaymorning #weekendvibes #mama #mummy #mum #breastfeedingmama #mumlife #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #capturingmotherhood #honestmotherhood #motherhoodalive #rememberingthesedays #myhappycapture #oureverydaymoments #documentyourdays

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9. Don’t stop being the baby of the family. Even though you’re now two, so not really a baby at all.

10. Don’t stop loving beach hut hide and seek. Even though what’s behind some of those beach huts is questionable, and I panic when I can’t see where you are.

wishes for my daughter

Do you have a two year old in the house at the moment? Is there anything you don’t want to forget? I’d love to know what it is!

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