It’s almost Mother’s Day and if you haven’t sorted out a present yet I’ve got just the thing: a Mum & journal (pictured). It’s a personalised diary in which you can work together learning about everything from your earliest memory to things you love doing together as a family.
Even though she can’t write yet BB and I have been working on ours for a few weeks now, with me writing my entries and BB drawing hers. It’s become a bit of a routine – filling out a bit and then using the double ribbon bookmark to mark our place and come back to it again the next day.
With 80 pages it’s definitely an ongoing project, and now that Little B has arrived it’s nice having something that BB and I do just the two of us. It’s also a great way to get BB drawing and learning how to write.
But if you have already got Mother’s Day all wrapped up the book would make a great present for a child, and you can get Dad & Me, Grandma & Me and Grandad & Me versions too, all £14.99 from
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