
If you follow me on social media you’ll know I’ve been charting Littlest B’s baby milestones with some gorgeous baby milestone cards (from Eleanor Mary Designs in case you’re looking for some!) #MySundayPhoto this week is one of the out-takes from our latest sitting, taken to mark her turning eight months old this weekend. When she was newborn taking the pictures was easy – I just plopped her down next to the card and snapped away. But now she’s getting bigger she either wants to eat the card or play with it, and she won’t sit still either! If you’d like to see which picture made the final cut head over to my Instagram – I’d love to know what you think!

Linking up with these fabulous blogs!

TammymumMummascribblesFamily FeverReal Mum ReviewsRun Jump ScrapMummuddlingthroughdiaryofanimperfectmumYou Baby Me MummyKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPhotalife