Can you spot the busy bee? I captured this little fella for #MySundayPhoto on our allotment this week – in fact there were lots of them, all busy collecting nectar. I keep seeing stories about the plight of our honey and bumble bees and pictures on social media of people giving tired ones sugary water but you wouldn’t believe it if you came to our allotment – they’re everywhere, alive and kicking. We’ve purposely planted bee-friendly plants including this scabious, lavender and lupin in our Homebase #GardenGoals garden which they seem love. Do you have bees in your garden and do you do anything to attract them?
About the Author: crummymummy1
I'm a wife, mama of four, freelance journalist, author & blogger. Not necessarily in that order!
I think we have more woodlice than bees in our garden! I do love a good bee pic ‘though and you’ve done well here because they move so quickly. Love the blur of the flower also. Headed over from #mysundayphoto
Sounds like your allotment is thriving with a ‘buzz’ of activity.
I love watching bees at work, we don’t get many visit us
Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
Well captured! Your brave getting so close. We have plenty of bees in our garden too. They all seem to go for a blue climber that we have. #MySundayPhoto x
Awww cute little buzzy bee! #MySundayPhoto
Capturing photos of these busy bees isn’t easy. This is a good photo and it’s lovely to read that you are helping them to survive #MySundayPhoto