
It was back to school in our house this week so for #MySundayPhoto here’s the obligatory ‘first day of year two’ photo. It was taken on the way home from school rather than on the way to school owing to the fact I was working in London that day and had left the house before BB woke up. Despite strict instructions Misery Guts forgot to take a photograph, so this will have to do. I’ve moaned about the school holidays a lot this yearΒ (here’s a little overview of my school holidays in numbers which ought to make you laugh) so this will be my last post on the subject…or until half term anyway! Did you take a ‘first day’ photo this week?

Linking up with these fabulous blogs!

Mummy Times TwoMummascribblesFamily FeverTammymumBest of WorstMummuddlingthroughdiaryofanimperfectmumYou Baby Me MummyKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPhotalife