#MySundaySnapshot this week is another little plug for Smiggle and ITV This Morning’s new #BEKIND anti-bullying campaign. I shared this picture of my older two on social media on the day the campaign launched this week with their #BEKIND keyrings, designed to remind and encourage kids to be kind to each other. Smiggle is giving away 100,000 free in its UK stores, so if you’d like to get involved too you can head to your nearest Smiggle store to claim yours!
My kids are having an ant-bullying week at school next week. Be Kind is a great message and well done Smiggle on giving away the free key rings.
This is such a great campaign to get behind. We do all need to be kind x
How very sweet! I’ve seen a few of these in social media, but I didn’t know they were giving them away to kids.What a great message.
Cool pictures and cute keyrings – such a great logo! Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot xxx
I think those are such a good idea. They are fun and promote an important message xx #MySundaySnapshot