So Halloween is over for another year, thank goodness.
Unlike Christmas, when all the preparations are actually worth it because you can string it out over several weeks, if not a full month, I find Halloween rather a pain in the bum because it seems to require a similar amount of effort, but for just one day.
We didn’t bother with Halloween when BB was a baby, but by the time she was two it was unavoidable. Nurseries embrace it, baby and toddler groups embrace it, libraries embrace it and then schools embrace it. Not to mention the shops. Basically, there is no escape.
Things no-one warns you about Halloween
1. There’s no getting away from it. If you think you can ignore Halloween and pretend it’s not happening, think again. You might get away with it for the first year or two, but after that I’m afraid you’re just going to have to embrace it.
2. Trick or treating is unavoidable. Once they’re old enough to clock why porches are pumpkinned and doors are decorated, there’s no way you’re staying at home.
3. It’s not all about the kids. Some parents take Halloween really seriously. I’m talking head-to-toe costumes, full-on make-up and props to rival a film set. I felt decidedly underdressed taking BB trick or treating this year.
4. It can get competitive. And I’m not just talking about the costumes. In our neck of the woods the garden makeovers are incredible – graves with fingers sticking out, multi-coloured cobwebs strung from tree to tree and even dry ice special effects. I kid you not.
5. It’s expensive. You think a trip to the pound shop and supermarket for the necessary outfits and accoutrements is the cheapest option, but in fact there’s nothing cheap about it, especially when you consider all this stuff is for just one day and won’t even fit next year. Of course, I could have made the outfits myself, but being a working mum with two kids and a baby on the way the shops is about as far as my imagination and energy will take me at the moment.
6. Trick or treating isn’t for babies. Forget giggling witches and over-excited batmans, so realistic are some costumes they’ll scare the living daylights out of your little one. Little B may quite possibly be scarred for life.
7. You’ll be dealing with over tired and emotional kids for the rest of the week. Once the sugar-rush and excitement has worn off, you’ll know all about it.
Did you celebrate Halloween this year? Do you love it or hate it?
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This year we did a little more. Gremlin had a costume and we did trick or treating. Got pumpkins but that was it. Honestly it was quite easy and adorable seeing my little girl’s face! I think next year it could be more of an event as she will remember!! We still have sweets left :-p thanks for sharing with #bestandworst xx
I am a bit bah humbug when it comes to Halloween, I’ll do the dressing up of the house/child/cat etc but I draw the line at trick or treating. In fact, I stuck a sign on my front door this year that read “Don’t even think about it”. I’m mean aren’t I?! #bestandworst
I have to say I fully enjoyed Halloween this year. Well the lead up to it. The day itself was rather rubbish, haha. I enjoyed decorating pumpkins with Henry, making spiders and attending parties with Little Monkey. And he enjoyed eating the odd chocolate I allowed him. But the evening itself, we only got 2 trick or treat knocks, so our little bowl of goodies went virtually untouched. We didn’t take Henry out as he still felt a little too young. But you are right, the costs do add up for all the things you need. Renee @peonieandme #bestandworst x
I didnt take the kids trick or treating I still think there too you. We did go pumpkin picking and I enjoyed carving it with my oldest. We had a faor few trick or treaters knock at the door. I love it when the little kids make an effort but when you get teenagers who have made no effort at all I just think come on, surely you have better things to do.
I actually love Halloween. Before kids it was one of my favourite nights for going out drinking all dressed up! This year we went pumpkin picking, did spooky crafts and oli took Leo out trick or treating..he loved it! I can understand why some people don’t like it though xx #ablogginggoodtime
I have a new system. I do birthdays, Easter, Christmas and everything in between. Halloween is the husbands responsibility! It works for me! #ablogginggoodtime
I gave in this year and took them trick or treating for the first time. Mine are 5,7 &10 so I think I’ve done pretty well not to have done it so far! I just hate it and used to put signs up ‘sleeping baby, do not knock’. I think now though, it has gotten so much bigger that it is now understood, if there are no decorations then you just don’t knock on that door so its better for everyone. I did limit our outing to about 20 minutes where they still managed to collect enough sweets to last them until Christmas!! BTW, I didn’t dress up, I just stood at the end of each driveway!!! #ablogginggoodtime
We don’t do Halloween but have light parties instead, though BB is only just 5 and LP is too little so we haven’t done that either yet. I find it all such a hyped up thing. We had 1 group of kids come trick or treating this year. We gave them some sweets and that was it. BB was just happy he got to have all the sweets they didn’t have. Actually come to think of it me and my husband were quite happy to eat them too. I #ablogginggoodtime
I love Halloween but wouldn’t go as far as dressing up myself, the most I did was drape some ghost lights around my neck LOL. It sounds mad around your way. In Holland very few people celebrate. Thank you for linking up to #ablogginggoodtime
I love Halloween but you are right things are getting more and more expensive, people are decorating their houses more extensively and things are becoming a little too competitive.