We all know babies don’t come with manuals and being a parent doesn’t come with an instruction book (more’s the pity – I’dΒ evenΒ have settled for Ikea-style 49 stepΒ diagrams). But the thing I’ve really been unprepared for is the difference between having a girl and having a boy.
Earlier this year I wrote about the real difference between baby girls and baby boys, andΒ 10 months later, as Little B turns two, it occurred to me there are an awful lot of things I could add to this list now he’s a properΒ little boyΒ and not a baby.
Of course I may be making some sweeping generalisations here, but this is what I’ve learnt after two years being a mum to a girl and a boy.
10 things they don’t tell you about raising a boy
1. They touch their willies all the time. Once they’ve discovered it, which happens earlier than you think, there’s no going back. And if you think a well-wrapped nappy is going to stop them, think again. Pulling, tugging, playing – you name it, they do it. And I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve looked at Little B and thought what is that? only to realise it’s the nub of his dingle dangleΒ sticking out of the top of his nappy. Nice.
2. They love boobs. I’m not sure if this is because I breastfed Little B, butΒ he loves boobs. Whereas BB seemed to forget all about them within days of weaning, Little B still reaches for mine and asks for ‘more milk’. Worse still, he just loves to touch them. He’s not fussy either – any pair will do, they don’t have to be mine.
3. Clothes shopping will test your powers of creativity. Compared to all the girls’ clothes out there, you’re limited to trousers, shorts, tops and jumpers. If you want anything a bit different you’ll have to think creatively, and you’ll probably find you end up sticking to the one or two brands who actually do boys’ clothes well.
4. They love girls toys. Perhaps it’s because we already have a girl in the house, or perhaps it’s because they’re his sister’s toys, but Little B loves BB’s girly toys far more than she ever did. Her pink dolly pushchair, her baby dolls and tea set have all been played with more by him than her, and he’ll fetch a pair of my high heels to wear while playing too.
5. They don’t stop moving. Unless asleep, and even then they’ll do their best to use every available spot of cot at some point during the night. It’s exhausting.
6. They’re so rough. Or perhaps it’s just mine. Gentle is not a word in his vocabulary, as our poor cats will testify.
7. They can destroy your house in seconds. Books off shelves, the contents of drawers strewn across carpets and every cushion you own on the floor: all this can be achieved in the blink of an eye.
8. They love climbing. Turn your back for a minute or two and they’ll happily have scaled a book shelf, mounted the TV unit or climbed into the bath you haven’t temperature-tested yet. All with a cheeky smile of course.
9. They don’t stop eating. This is probably something to do with numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 andΒ the fact they never stop moving. I don’t know where my boy puts it, but he eats far more than his sister ever did at the same age. Goodness only knows what our food bill will be like by the time he’s a teenager.
10. They find farts instinctively funny. And once they’ve discovered how to do them on demand, like willy-touching there’s no going back.
Do you have a boy and have you found boys different to girls? Or do you have nothing to compare yours to? I’d love to hear about your experience!
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I was reading this on my phone in bed this morning and I was think yes yes yes its all true. Boys and touching there willys I dont think that ever changes. Max has started to get really materialistic and thinks that everything is his. I caught him climbing on the window frame this morning and he had a nap under his bed. #marvmondays
Oh this is so funny – and sooooo true. My boy is now 11 but still thinks farts are hilarious – and he can still be so rough. I’m just glad my husband takes all the ‘rugby tackles’ from him – I’m glad it’s not me!!
This is so true, I feel like you’re describing my son! My little boy loves farts and talking about poo – even more so when he’s in public! x
Haha all so true, especially number 1 and number 10!xx #bigpinklinl
As mum to 2 girls I can’t really comment as our little man didn’t get to venture out much. I think all kids have a fascination with their bits though!! Thanks for linking up for #marvmondays
Oh my god, YES to all of these…!!!! I have two boys, and they both do all of these things-it’s absolutely blinking exhausting! I know I don’t have a girl of my own to compare them too, but comparing them to our antenatal friends who have girls, they are just so different. The girls seem to be able to concentrate on calm activities for long periods of time-something my boys know nothing about! And I know this sounds strange, because you never know what gender of children you will have, but I just never expected to be a boy mum! I’m a very girly girl, and I like ballet, and tulle, and was your typical princess child, and having two very boisterous boys, has really taken what I expected motherhood to be, by surprise! And my eldest’s fascination with, and wanting to constantly touch boobs, is borderline terrifying…!
Absolutely yes to it all! The other thing I have found as different between my son and daughter is, oddly maybe, my son is so much more loving, so much more affectionate than my daughter! #marvmondays
Ha ha, this is great. With the exception of the willy touching though, this could describe my daughter so maybe it’s a second child thing, she loves her brothers cars way more than her dolls and she is a complete whirlwind!
Haha these made me laugh out loud, I have a seven year old young man and yep… he fits most of these points perfectly.
I have some bad news for you – no.1 and no.10 continue longer than you might think! Loved this. #bigpinklink
I didn’t know half of these things! #TwinklyTuesday
Oh yes. That is all true of boys. I don’t have girls to compare with but it seems quite different from the outside. most of these still apply to much older boys too!! #twinklytuesday
Oh yes! I agree, Adam is obsessed with my boobs yet at 4 months he pushed them away and refused to drink from them ever again! But he is always touching them and talking about them! The girls never destroyed the house, Adam drew on the walls, the floor and the couch! He is so adorable and loves affection, but he is rougher than the girls. great post! #twinklyTuesday
Hahahahahha!! This made me chuckle so much! You’ve nailed this completely! All so so true! My little one went through a stage where he was obsessed with an old Barbie of mine – I think it’s because it was so different to his ‘boy’ toys! Gotta love ’em- they keep us on our toes! #twinklytuesday
Hahaha. My mum had three girls and then a boy and I remember her being bewildered by a lot of these things. I did think I wanted a boy as a second child but now I’m having doubts. Mainly its the endless eating that puts me off. I hate cooking at the best of times so I’m not sure I could deal with an insatiable appetite π Very funny though #TwinklyTuesday
Haha yep my boy does not stop eating ever! And at the tender age of one he has found the nether regions so I guess there’s no going back now eh. #marvmondays xx
Ha! I only have girls but my bro was obsessed with his bits too! He also loved dolls. Boys sound fun but hard work! xx #twinklytuesday
Surely a lot of this stuff is down to Little B just being Little B, rather than associating it with his gender? My mum had four girls and was staggered by how different we all are, but we all still share the same gender. Even some of this stuff (destroying your house, finding farts funny etc etc) one or two of us did and the others didn’t.
Looks like I’ve got lots to look forward to then! #twinklytuesday
I’m about to have a boy … I will report back on how different it is from having a girl π
However, my toddler girl went through a phase of being totally obsessed with boobies (she thought they were hilarious) and is constantly hungry! So I feel we’ve experienced those two points at least! x #twinklytuesday
These are hilarious and particularly poignant to me as I have a toddler girl and baby boy. I’ve already been astounded at the difference in hunger and am considering setting up a savings account to feed him through his teenage years…God help us.
I’ve noticed how different my little girl’s boy-friends are already, so rough and endless energy to rough play rather than constructive play, sorry if this sounds stereotypical but it’s only what I’ve noticed and what their mother’s have told me.
Can’t wait to see what we have in store π #twinklytuesday
My little girl is also obsessed with boobies! Most embarrassing is she’s obsessed with other people’s boobs! Probably because they’re bigger than mine π
She’s constantly asking my friends and sisters if “those are their boobies” and if she can see them. Not sure if this is mine or my husbands influence, either way I’m worried π
Haha my boys were both obsessed with their willies…they still are! And Harry LOVES girls toys so much that he thinks that he IS a girl. He cries now because I wont let him wear a dress and refers to himself as “her”…..my husband is getting quite worried! I find that my boys are much more loving than the girls though, even now at 12 my eldest is so affectionate and loves his Mum. My girls can take me or leave me some days! #twinklytuesday
THE BOOB THING! I stopped feeding years ago, he can’t remember but I’ll be holding him and suddenly he just shoves his hand down my top like it’s a stress ball #TwinklyTueday
I’ve not a girl to compare my toddler to but my goodness. You are spot on!!! Which clothes brands did you settle with?
Oh man, I can relate. I now have three, although the youngest is only 2 months but his day is coming. the willie thing is shocking. My 4 year old always seems to be doing something with it. #bigpinklink
Mines 5 now. He’s over the boob thing. He hasn’t stopped eating yet. or moving. and omg the talking!! he never ever shuts up, he isnt even aware that he’s doing it!
The willy touching has changed. It’s less random playing, and more playing “because it feels nice”, but on the plus side he has become slightly aware of privacy. So if i havent seen him for a bit, he’s reading on his bed, rubbing up against it. It horrifies me!
This made me laugh like a ‘smug mum of girls’! My best friend has 2 boys and 1 is now a teenager and many of your points still apply! Alison x #coolmumclub
Weirdly I have a girl but a lot of this is true for her – though she is not your typical girl! Boys I know are supposed to be in a league of their own…as this clearly shows! Thanks so much for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely xx
This is so true. I have 2 boys, 5 and 18 months and they are eating machines, literally it’s all I hear some days ‘I’m hungry’ or ‘nack, nack’ as LP calls it. I’m with you on the mess and climbing too. Phew. LP has just figured out how to make fart sounds on our leather sofa. This cracks him up no end. Xx #coolmumclub
Yes! So many farts. On demand. And giggles. I’m afraid his younger sister is learning from him and repeats many of these behaviors…including roaring like a dinosaur. It’s really pretty cute. Raising a boy is a special task. Thanks for the fun read and laughs. #coolmumclub
I have 2 girls so this is a bit alien to me. But my younger daughter is definitely rougher than the elder was, and she also loves playing with her big sister’s toys #coolmumclub
Interesting reading! Two girls here – they are both so different though and the youngest is quite rough and tumble. Getting both of them dressed is such hard work though – I’ve heard it’s a bit easier with boys as they are not so fussy!
I have one boy and two girs and yes, they are so different. My boy is LOUD! Like everything he does is accompanied by sound effects – rocket sounds, buzzing, car revs, nee-naws, whooshes, pows, you get the gist. You woudn’t even know the girls were in the room! Haha. Loved your list! #TwinklyTuesday
Yes! So many of these are true & little N is only nine months old…5,6,7,8 the list goes on for our house too!
I love this post, thanks for sharing, it’s made me literally shout out loud ‘mine too mine too mine too’ x