I suppose it was only a matter of time. Itβs been a year since we finally got our own allotment and the novelty has worn off already. Just 12 months in to what I hoped would be a family project spanning BB and Little Bβs childhoods Misery Guts refers to it as a βpain in the ar*eβ and if I so much as suggest we go there at the weekendΒ BB throws a hissy fit and says βbut itβs βBOARRRING!β
Of course it was inevitable the shine would wear off at some point but I didnβt expect it to happen so soon. When we took on the plot I had visions of us kicking our shoes off and picnicking on the grass in summer, pulling our home grown veg from the soil in the autumn and BB and Little B chasing butterflies in the spring. But no-one ever wants to go.
By the end of last year Iβd given up battling with BB and Misery Guts each weekend about making time to goΒ and decided to leave it until the new year to decide what to do. What with Misery Gutsβs increasingly time consuming marathon training schedule, swimming lessons,Β birthday parties, family commitments and everything else you have to cram into the weekends we didnβt set foot on the allotment for months, and given that weβd only managed to get half of it under control since inheriting it I thought the best thing to do would be to give it up and let someone else have a go.
But then Christmas happened, when I had time to reflect on BB starting school and Little B starting nursery, leaving me working solely from home. What I didnβt appreciate was what being at home all the time is actually like, and how much I need a change of scene by the weekend.
An allotment is the perfect bolt-hole: away from the TV and computers and phones, away from the house and washing and jobs, and out in the fresh air. So IΒ decided if they donβt want to go to the allotment Iβll go by myself.
Despite how busy we are for the last few weeks Iβve been really assertive and announced that Iβll be going to the allotment for two hours at some point over the weekend,Β and making sure it actually happens. Iβve planted daffodils and primroses in the rain, Iβve cut back the raspberries and Iβve pulled out the last of the parsnips.
It may not be turning into the family fun Iβd hoped for, but actually thatβs fine with me. I quite like having a little projectΒ of my own to slowly chip away at by myself.
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Hi! Totally get what you mean about working from home and needing a change of scenery. There are so many things I do for little man with such enthusiasm that are met with the same blank stares and so I decided that itΒ΄s probably an age thing and that maybe rolling around on a mud pile actually is more fun for him than me trying to teach him about plants or getting him to do crafty things haha! #picknmixfridays
Maybe it’s an age thing with BB too, and when the summer comes and she can pick strawberries and see things growing she’ll enjoy it more…
Do you know, my husband took on an allotment for himself for this very reason, despite us having a huge back garden. Sometimes you just need to get away. He goes every weekend for a couple of hours and last year we had potatoes, parsnips, carrots, beetroot, four enormous pumpkins and the most French beans you’ve ever seeninyour life. All from a few hours a week. I think he had visions of our son helping out, but O is too small and doesn’t get that he can’t run around the entire allotment. Maybe he will I the future, but for now I’m happy we have it and maybe when O starts school, I’ll be able to get in on the act too! Well done you!
It’s so therapeutic! I’m hoping BB will get more into it in the summer when we can get the paddling pool out, but I’m not holding my breath…
I often thought that an allotment would be nice, although we are lucky to have a large vegetable patch in the garden. Like you I’ve tried to involve the rest of the family, but after the initial planting they’ve lost interest and it’s always been me that has to maintain it, water it and so on. Well done for taking the initiative, it sounds like a great way to escape for a few hours!
Yep – stuff them is my approach now! We live in a flat so don’t have a garden – I’m longing for the day I can have one!
I’m glad you’re getting to enjoy your allotment again even if the rest of the family aren’t but at least it gives you a nice little place to go to when you just need five minutes brethink space (which let’s face it we all need) and you now get to do with it what you want. Like you said, maybe it’s not such a bad thing that you get to have it and enjoy it all by your self π
It’s certainly not working out as I had planned but what the heck…at least I enjoy it!
One of these days your family will decide to tag along with you and they’ll be so impressed with everything you’ve achieved on your own. And in the meantime you’ll have the lovely feeling of surveying your little kingdom and feeling satisfied that it’s all yours. I don’t mind a bit of gardening if I’m in the right mood but man, it takes a lot for me to get motivated to go out there!
It is a lot of work, that’s true. Hopefully they’ll come in the summer time x
It can be frustrating when you have big, lovely plans for a family activity but they don’t want any of it! However, it sounds great that you now have your own little space as a result. A little oasis to escapte to, how exciting π It must be lovely. I’ve always wanted an allotment and this is inspiring me to go investigate #sundaystars
Yes you should put your name down!x
It can be frustrating the you go all the trouble of setting something great up for the family to enjoy and it doesn’t quite go to plan. I hope that when the summer months come along, they may want to join you sometime. Great, that you have made it your own project and it hasn’t gone to waste. x #sundaystars
It would have been easy to give it up but I’m glad I didn’t!
I love when you have grand ideas of family fun and they fall flat. It happens to me often (so glad I’m not alone). But well done for putting your foot down. Just think of the yummy food you will be able to get out of it – I think I’d kill anything I tried to grow!
I’m really looking forward to the fruit, vegetables & flowers!x
It sounds blissful! And no-one can argue with you going there – after all they could join you if they wanted – genius! Maybe we all need one, each with a potting shed stocked with gin! #SundayStars
It hadn’t occurred to me to keep alcohol in the shed – what a brilliant idea!
My sister has an allotment (and two kids) and loves it because it’s her place to get away. I’m not green fingered in the slightest though! #fartglitter
It’s my getaway toox
I hope they fall back in love with it Natalie but I’m glad you haven’t given it up. It’s good to have something for you and you are right about getting away from the screens. It sounds like you achieved a lot on your own too x
I have achieved quite a lot there – rather proud of myself!
I think the time alone must be just lovely, especially when you are so busy! I’m glad you didn’t give it up as the rewards from it will be amazing in time and perhaps the littlies will enjoy it again in the summer xx #fartglitter
I’m planning to lure them with the paddling pool when it gets warmer!
Ha – I,opve those projects, started with the best intentions then petering away into nothing. And yet, how much more fun to enjoy the peace of the allotment all by yourself without kids. A retreat of your very own, how lovely. #fartglitter
I know – it’s turned out well afterall!
Glad it is turning out well after all, even if not quite the ‘dream’ you had hoped for. I would definitely take advantage of the peace and quiet there though. That’s what I feel about my running time! Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars
I feel like that about my running time too!
Aww you would totally make Arthur Fowler proud!!! Good work lady x x
I forgot all about him!x
It’s such a rewarding feeling to grow things from soil. I just started growing herbs last year and I plan to plant some veggies come spring. #fartglitter
I’m working out which veg to grow too – very therapeutic!
We’ve actually been on the allotment list in our little village for ages and still awaiting word from them π So lucky you guys have that. The little ones must love it too π #whatevertheweather
We were on the list in Surrey for 7 years and never got one! Then we moved to Sussex and only had to wait for 14 months!
Oh that’s a shame that kids are not as interested as you expect them to be… Hopefully, their thought about it would change eventually. Meanwhile, you should be proud of yourself for getting into this project. Lovely post! #WhateverTheWeather
Thanks! I’m thinking a fairy garden might change BB’s mind!
Sounds lovely and relaxing, if not quite what you’d hoped for. Perhaps everyone else will come around when things start growing- especially yummy fruits.
Maybe I won’t want them there by then!
I’m in the process of setting up a few raised beds in our garden and had similar hopes for it being a nice family thing to do! Maybe I should lower my expectations a bit. I can really relate to enjoying getting out for a bit of time by yourself though – I work from home two days a week and am home with my little boy the remaining days, so come the weekend I’m desperate to get out of the house and doing something productive!
Sounds like you’re enjoying it too!x
I’d bloody love an allotment, time away on my own…glass of wine and chocolate in my ‘She-shed’
Yes! I should put chocolate in the shed – great idea!!
Our garden is a complete building site at the moment with the concrete sheds being built very slowly thanks to the weather. I am really not green fingered though and I suffer from pretty horrific hayfever some years – I’ve even had an eye swell shit before – so it definitely own;t be me doing the gardening once we do have a garden to work on π
Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix
Stevie x
Oh no – luckily that’s something I don’t get – poor you!
I totally understand where you are coming from. We got an allotment again last year after many years of missing my old ones. trying to get kids (especially my teenagers) excited at going there is hard work and takes much bribery with snacks! Luckily the toddler loves sitting in with the chickens feeding them corn so he’s always a willing companion. I hope we both get plenty of nice weather this year to enjoy hem to their fullest π Thanks for linking up with #Sundaystars x
I’m currently working out ways to lure BB there – I’m thinking a trampoline could be a good idea x
Such a shame that no-one else appreciates it, but at least you get that time there yourself to recharge batteries and get it all sorted for your own self. I’m sure the kids will be more interested in visiting with the prospect of food to pick or a picnic in the summer. I’m hoping my two will enjoy it for a while yet, although we haven’t done anything yet, but I think that’s ok as the ground is currently frozen and covered in snow! Enjoy you allotment time.
Thanks so much for linking up to #Whatevertheweather π x
I’m so looking forward to being there in the summer!x
I’d love to have a little place like this to retreat to at the weekend. It must be gruelling work but the rewards are so worth it. You should definitely stick to it by yourself and one day your little ones are sure to want to join in again. I really want an allotment! Thank you so much for sharing with #whatevertheweather. xx
You should put yourself on the list!
[…] enjoy the allotment again. When we first got our allotment I imagined it being a familyΒ affair but everyone quickly lost interest and the allotment became my domain instead (I’ve got a she-shed and everything!) After our […]