The thing about kids is they cost money. And when it comes to school holidays they cost even more money.

Drinks, ice creams, magazines, days out – plus all the wine youΒ have to drink.Β It all adds up.

10 free things to do with kids

Shelling out money hand over fist is one of things they fail to tell you about school holidays, and with half term nearly upon us I’m bracing myself once again.

This year I’ve got off lightly on the school holiday front – I’ve been on maternity leave since Littlest B arrived in February meaning I’ve been β€˜just’ a mum for all of the school holidays so far this year, instead of juggling being a stay-and-work-at-home mum too.

That doesn’t alter the fact school holidays can be expensive though, so with the help of some fellow bloggers I’ve come up with a list of 10 free things to do with kids.

10 free things to do with kids

1. Go plane spotting. β€˜We love heading down to park next to the airport and chilling with some plane action!’ says Sarah at Run Jump Scrap.

10 free things to do with kids

2. Visit a pet shop. β€˜We love going to the local pet shop to see all the animals when the weather isn’t great,’ says Sarah at A Mundane Life.

10 free things to do with kids

3. Go on a scavenger hunt. β€˜You can collect pine cones and other finds and use them for crafts,’ says Jayne at Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs (assumingΒ you don’t hate crafting like me of course!) It makes for a great STEAM activity for kids, combining learning about nature and making art with it!

10 free things to do with kids

4. Visit the library. β€˜Ours has a children’s area and some days there are free groups,’ saysΒ Helen at Mumatron. Also, according to Creatif-franchise: “Reading is a hands-on activity, giving young children the opportunity to touch, listen, speak, and feel, all of which greatly contribute to their education.”

10 free things to do with kids

5. Make a water slide. β€˜Bin bags, washing up liquid, water and a fearless five year old – best fun ever!’ saysΒ Hana at The DIY Nappy Wielding Bride.

10 free things to do with kids

6. Go to the beach. β€˜We love collecting shells, making sand castles and flying our kite,’ saysΒ Laura at Five Little Doves.

10 free things to do with kids

7. Play cinderella. β€˜When she was younger my daughter would dress up like Cinderella and I had to shout orders at her. It was free, she loved it and the house has never been more tidy!’ says Natasha at Mummy and Moose.

10 free things to do with kids

8. Watch old home videos. β€˜They love seeing themselves as younger children or babies,’ saysΒ Awaybies Kids.

10 free things to do with kids

9. Feed the ducks. β€˜Nature in itself is a great source of fun for kids,’ saysΒ Janine at Medium.

10 free things to do with kids

10. Visit a garden centre. β€˜We’ve found some fab ones with playgrounds and big sand pits. Plus just wandering around the plants is fun,’ saysΒ Cassie at Mummy on a Budget.

10 free things to do with kids

Do you find school holidays expensive business? Do you have any free activities to helpΒ keep them entertained? I’d love to hear what they are!

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