They say every pregnancy is different, but what they don’t tell you is that it’s your first pregnancy that will be the best.
That’s what I’m finding, anyway.
I’m now well into the second trimester with baby number three and a friend recently asked me if I was excited.
Of course my answer was yes, but to be honest I’ve barely had time to think about it thanks to already having two little people to look after.
If I’m lucky enough to get five minutes to sit down at home I’m interrupted by squabbling, screaming or someone needing their bum wiping, and as for finishing the working day and simply having a rest, forget it.
Which got me thinking that it really is your first pregnancy that’s the best.
I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy with Little B at all – having lost two babies between BB and Little B the whole thing was one long anxious wait – so now I’m pregnant again I’m determined to try and enjoy it this time. Even so, it just isn’t the same as it was the first time around.
10 reasons first pregnancies are the best
1. Ignorance is bliss. If you haven’t been pregnant before you’ve got no idea what the coming nine months really hold; instead you can lose yourself in the pregnancy bubble of excitement and anticipation.
2. Shopping for baby items is a pleasure not a chore. The first time around you love nothing better than wandering around baby shops selecting the perfect items for you. After that you’d rather stay at home and do it online.
3. Without existing little people to look after you can absent yourself from proceedings as often as you like. You can get home from work and retire immediately to the sofa or bed, without having to do so much as lift a finger.
4. You can get the sleep your body so desperately craves. With subsequent pregnancies you’ve got to simply plough on regardless, never quite feeling like you’ve had enough.
5. You can spend time really getting to know your unborn baby. Whether it’s soaking in a nice warm bath, putting your feet up on the sofa or having a lie down, you’ve got the time on your hands to lie with your hand on your tummy and feel those lovely movements and kicks.
6. You can avoid making morning sickness worse. Thinking about and preparing other people’s meals and having to change dirty nappies are unavoidable if you already have littlies at home, and there’s nothing like having to prepare the kids’ tea to really set the nausea off.
7. You get to buy everything brand new. Assuming you kept everything from baby number one, it’s hard to justify spending £500 on the latest pram or £30 on that really cute Jo Jo Maman Bebe sleepsuit when you already have three.
8. You receive nothing but congratulations. When we announced we were expecting baby number three, some people not only asked if the pregnancy was an accident but also offered (in all seriousness) their commiserations.
9. The first time around your other half treats you with kid gloves. An unsolicited bunch of flowers here, a surprise pregnancy massage there. With subsequent pregnancies it’s business as usual. Boo hoo.
10. You will never look this good again. After you’ve popped one out there’s absolutely no going back. A friend, for whom English isn’t her first language, recently told me she’d never have a third because being a mum has ‘devastated’ her body. At first I thought she hadn’t quite got the right word, but nope, devastated is precisely what she meant to say.
Have you had multiple pregnancies and was your first the best? Or were subsequent pregnancies actually better?
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I’d have to agree. It’s reading baby books for the first time, being able to nap when you feel like it and buying everything for the first time, not getting it out through loft again! #bestandworst
With five babies, my first was absolutely my best pregnancy! I think for us, it was the only pregnancy I was ever able to enjoy as obviously after Joseph our view of pregnancy was not “the norm”. I used to get home from work, get into my pjs and that would be me for the evening, asleep by 8pm and lying in bed til noon on a weekend. I think the only thing that wasn’t the best about my first pregnancy was the fear of the unknown! With my other four at least I knew what was coming and knew that I would survive it! #bestandworst
the first one does it for me “Ignorance is bliss” #BestWorst
This made me smile and nod at every one of your points!
My first pregnancy I was in total ignorance, and so was the OH, so there were lots of time to indulge and try and understand what was to come. Second time round it is business as usual, as your three year old has no concept that the smell of rice pudding makes your heave! haha!!
But then when the second one does make an entrance the love is twice as strong and joyous!
Enjoy *if that’s the right word?!* pregnancy #2
Haha yes I have to agree! I love the first one about ignorance being bliss – you’ve mentioned it with the 9 months of pregnancy, but I’d also add that you don’t know how full-on parenting will be either.
It’s shocking that people commiserated you on your 3rd pregnancy! That’s awful. And so, so true about the treatment from your other half. Great Post! #ABloggingGoodTime
I often think about this as baby number 2 is in discussion at the moment. It’s the tiredness and sickness I’d struggle with – I was so sick with Josh and if it happened again I don’t know how I’d cope with looking after Josh as well. I’m glad I made the most of my first pregnancy 🙂 xx #coolmumclub
Oh I totally agree. This time around I forget I’m pregnant most of the time, if it weren’t for the giant belly o could easily forget altogether. Looking after a toddler means I hardly ever have time to just sit and chat to bump and getting everything out of the loft is definitely nowhere near as exciting as going shopping for baby things. It was so hard at the start when all I wanted to do was sleep all day and I couldn’t! Hope you’re pregnancy is going well anyway, despite not being as relaxing as the first!xx #coolmumclub
Totally yes! I spent my entire first pregnancy practically sat on a lily pad being fanned and wrapped in cotton wool whilst gazing at an endless stream of DVD box sets. A far cry from bring jumped on by a demanding toddler and dragged around a soft play in my third trimester! Great post #Ablogginggoodtime
Oh god I agree with you. I loved the ignorance that came with my first pregnancy and the self-indulgence. If I didn’t want to do something the pregnancy was an excuse. I also loved the way my figure came back no problem. The sacrifices we all make to extend our family. Hope you are getting some rest and have lots of help lined up. #coolmumclub
This is ace. I remember pointing out with pregnancy #2 (&3) that it was a joke how I wouldn’t carry a full shopping bag first time around…subsequent pregnancies my butt never touched a seat, and I had a toddler over one shoulder, a buggy over the other and two bags for life under each arm 🙂
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub
The naps!! Its the one thing I really missed when I was pregnant with number 2 and 3! #ablogginggoodtime
this is so true, with number 2 or 3 you never have time to sit and “chill” whilst browsing the latest jojo magazine or having some big naps. I hope it gets better and you can try and recreate some of those pregnancy number 1 moments all over agin. good luck and such an honest post. #ablogginggoodtime
Nooooo – you’ve burst my bubble!! I had an inkling it was never going to be quite as breezy second time around with a toddler to chase after. I obsessed over baby apps and what fruit she was each week, somehow I don’t think I’ll have time to be doing that with pregnancy no.2! #ablogginggoodtime
I agree with a lot of these – it was lovely to be able to have the luxury of being able to focus on being pregnant and enjoy it; to be able to nap if you felt tired and to have that first baby excitement. I honesty can’t say which of my two pregnancies was better though – with Jessica I had all the fear around whether she would survive because of her complex heart condition but there was a lot of joy too because I really focused on the moment, not knowing if it would be all I would have. I never got to have the excitement of shopping and creating a nursery – we bought the things we needed after she arrived while she was still in hospital. With Sophie, once the heart scans had confirmed that she was heart-healthy, I could relax and enjoy it without that fear but I couldn’t focus on my pregnancy in quite the same way as I could first time. #coolmumclub
Number 8??? That is terrible. I’m a mum of 1 so can’t compare pregnancies bit definitely enjoyed the pampering and shopping and all you mentioned. I’m under no illusions that it will be the same a second time round!!! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. #ablogginggoodtime
I actually did really enjoy shopping for my 2nd but then it was for girly clothes. I also have to agree with the last point, I would agree with the word devastated for my body!! Thanks for linking up lovely #bestandworst
All so true! It was exhaustiing trying to do nursery runs & trying not to vomit constantly.. At least with my first I could hug the toilet all day xx
I’ve only had one baby but I’d like another next year and I can totally relate to this post as it’s something I think about when I think of having another. Running around after a toddler whilst pregnant does not sound fun! TV time will definitely increase during that 9 months! #KALCOLS
I only have one child and I think he’s it. I had a rough pregnancy with him but reading this did remind me of the fun parts! #kcacols
Oh yes, I’d definitely have to agree with this!! While I still only have one kid, I can only imagine the insanity that will be my second pregnancy. During my pregnancy with my son, I could sleep whenever I wanted (which was A LOT), and just relax as I got sore toward the end. Chasing after a toddler while pregnant doesn’t really sound like tons of fun, but I’m sure it’s totally worth it! <3 Thanks for sharing #KCACOLS
I have three kids but my first pregnancy was awful! I had such horrendous morning sickness. I agree with you when you say ‘You receive nothing but congratulations’ SO TRUE! With my second and third people didn’t seem as excited!! And I did buy everything brand new haha. Great post! xx #KCACOLS
I think you are right about this but I didn’t know to appreciate the first pregnancy at the time. Oh all the extra sleep I took for granted! And how rude that people asked if your 3rd pregnancy was an accident! #kcacols
Yes I agree with all these having had one child. I do wonder if my body could cope through a second! Also, I am so glad my daughter is getting towards 2 now because her rate of growth slows and I get so fed-up of picking out a zillion outfits which sort of match for when you spills food / water / dirt on her clothes. I wish I’d luxuriated in picking out baby clothes the first time round! #KCACOLS
lol this made me chuckle because it is all so true! how rude that people would assume number three was an accident haha! ive only had one child and not sure on a second yet but I can imagine the second time around would be a lot harder, especially not being able to just come home and flump on the sofa:/ Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!
That last comment by your friend who said about our bodies being devastated after having a baby was so right, perfect wording:)
Ok- before I even READ this I thought to myself- ignorance is bliss. It truly is. I ate so much with my first it was ridiculous. Never did I think that gaining 70 pounds would be far easier than losing the 70 pounds. Great post!
I so agree with all ten of these points, such a truthful post!
Definitely! I was far too tired with no2 since no1 was only a year old, and I’m not one that loves the pregnancy feeling anyway so made it a bit worse #KCACOL
It is definitely all true , enjoy the bliss (Ok that really isn’t the right word) of your first labour, as with the second you know exactly how much it is about to hurt! I screamed and cried the whole way through my second. I never got brave enough to try a third! #KCACOLS
I have only got one child at the moment and I can imagine it will be being pregnant for a second time! Ignorance was bliss #KCACOLS
First one was a doddle. Second one I was plagued with sciatica, usually whilst walking up the hill to drop the first one off at school or on my way to collect him. #KCACOLS
Ha ha ha totally agree! Once past the sickness I loved pregnancy… not sure I’ll enjoy the second as much if i get a chance!
Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime
Oh my first pregnancy was so different to me second! With my first I really did sleep loads, and spent ages reading all sorts of books about pregnancy and birth and parenting. Second time around and there’s just not the time to do all that is there! x #KCACOLS