I know they say no two babies are the same, but BB and Little B couldn’t be more different. While BB was as good as gold – compliant, undemanding and easy to please – Little B is the total opposite. In every possible way. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is a gender thing, because I simply can’t imagine a girl being the way he is, and I can’t imagine a boy being the way BB is.
I’ve been making a mental note of the differences between them over the past few weeks in order to collate a definitive list of the REAL difference between baby girls and baby boys. Of course this list is in no way scientific, or based on a representative sample (we’re talking a grand total of two), it’s purely based on my own (limited) experience.
1. Strangers mistake baby girls for boys, but not baby boys for girls. What’s that all about? If I had £1 for every time someone mistakenly referred to BB as a boy even though she was quite clearly dressed as a girl I’d be a lot richer than I am now. Whereas no-one has ever mistaken Little B for a girl. Even though, with his curly blonde hair, blue eyes and long lashes he looks more like a girl than she did.
2. Boys like a good grope. When I fed BB she would tuck one hand neatly between my boobs and get on with the task in hand – drinking her milk – but Little B’s hands rove all over the place, copping a feel of whatever he can. Mainly my other boob.
3. Changing a baby girl’s nappy is so much easier than changing a baby boy’s. A boy’s nappy can lead to wee in your eye, hair or even your ear, whereas if a girl goes while you’re changing her it simply collects in a little puddle on the mat. Then there’s the matter of a certain something that – rather alarmingly – can pop up unexpectedly. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.
4. Girls’ baby clothes are so much nicer than boys’ baby clothes. While BB had endless little outfits in all manner of colours, styles and designs from an endless stream of shops, the choice for boys is, at best, underwhelming. Be prepared to hunt down a line you really like and stick with it.
5. Boys are a nightmare in public. If I took BB to a coffee shop when she was a toddler she would sit quietly in a chair and eat whatever it was I bought her until it was time to go. Little B will make a bee-line for the nearest door or flight of stairs (whichever is the most dangerous), run into the loo if the door has been left even slightly ajar in an attempt to bang the nappy and sanitary towel bin lids or run as far away from me as he possibly can. Or all three.
Perhaps I’m wrong and girls like a good grope and a public toilet nappy bin lid as much as the next boy, but I suspect not.
What do you think? Are baby girls different to baby boys?
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Ha ha this is awesome and so accurate for my two so far as well! I’m dreading number 5 though as Miss M has always been an angel in public – I want two angels!! So right about the groping hee hee Mim x
I’ve never had to deal with a real tantrum from BB – I’m dreading what Little B will be like in public when he’s older! He already throws himself on the floor and kicks and he’s only 14 months!!
I have a boy and I have to say he liked a good groupe and at 19 months he will still run over and hit my boobs and find it funny. My son also finds Farts and Burps hilarious lol. #bestandworst
Oh goodness, I’ve got the farts and burps to come then!!
I have a boy and yes all these things are totally true. I cannot imagine a girl acting the way he does. I have heard that girls are a lot more laid back than boys so this is definitely a gender thing. #bestandworst
BB is definitely more laid back than Little B – I’m dreading the terrible twos already!
Can’t answer that as I don’t have a anyone to compare the Tubblet too! But I do remember having to change my friend’s little boy once and someone having to show me what to do!
I didn’t have a clue what I was doing the first few times I did Little B’s nappy – all those creases and folds and bits and pieces!!
Fortunately someone did tell me about putting the nappy over the bits and pieces when changing tiny ones so you don’t get squirted in the face! Back from #twinklytuesday 🙂
The problem is I’m never quick enough!
I think you have it spot on to be honest, even with Elarna only being 9 months I can see a clear difference between how she is and how Alfie was at her age!! Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst x
From all the comments I’m thinking it IS a gender thing!
Hahaha I have a girl and she will run for the nearest anything, but I agree withal the others, even though I only have a girl. She’s been mistaken for a boy once, but we came to the conclusion the lady had very bad sight as H was wearing a pink snowsuit and bright pink hat, and had a doll attached to her pram too!!
Changing a boy sounds like a nightmare! #sundaystars
Definitely bad eyesight then!!
I would love a boy this time round. Just to see which I found the hardest. I have two girls already and my youngest is a right terror in public sometimes if she wants something. I would be scared changing a boys nappy though haha!
I have a boy and you’re spot on with all of ten boy stuff! In always on high alert during diaper changes, they key is to be prepared and be speedy! Haha #sundaystars
I have the new nappy ready to whip on as soon as the old one is off!
haha I have a baby boy, and you couldn’t be more right! Why won’t they simply sit STILL in a coffee shop, for even a single minute!! #twinklytuesdays
It’s a nightmare – I used to love coffee shops but not anymore!
Oh I’m the only one to disagree! My first, a boy, was an angel. He sat still, he obeyed us. My daughter! Oh she was totally uncontrollable, she was that horror that runs around restaurants pulling table cloths off or crawling under other people’s tables. Nothing worked. We stopped taking her out. If she had been first she would have been an only child lol!
Sounds like it’s just as well she wasn’t the first child then!!
I only have a boy, but they do get mistaken for girls. N was in the supermarket trolley one day, wearing brown and blues, he never actually looked like a girl, but a woman walked up and said ‘isn’t she sweet’. Er no, take in the context and think before engaging the mouth!
Boys are the ones that fiddle with the nappy bin in the swimming changing rooms though. But I’ve also seen toddle girls groping themselves (again usually in the changing rooms). Maybe you’ve just got a polite little girl.
Maybe I was really lucky with BB and didn’t realise it! She was as good as gold! I did find it was people of a certain age who mistook BB for a boy though x
Completely the opposite in my world. My boy is (sometimes) quiet, polite and a good listener; my darling daughter came out screaming and hasn’t stopped…feisty and wild… I’m with you Bear and Cardigan! #abitofeverything
So interesting to hear everyone’s experiences! Seems it isn’t a gender thing!
I have 3 boys. Heathens! I have no idea what it’s like to have a girl, but I’m told (OVER AND OVER again) that girls are easier as little ones & horrible as teens, while it is just the opposite for boys. If I make it (Gd willing) to their teen years in one piece, we’ll reconvene and compare notes, yes?
I forgot to add #abitofeverything!
Good plan – sorry to rub your nose in it now!!
My experience is the opposite. My Son is calm, thoughtful and generally does what he is told. My daughter (second child) is a law unto herself!
Perhaps it is to do with first and second children rather than gender then!
I only have two girls to go on, but both of them were partial to a good grope, I am afraid…
You’re not the only one who’s said that!
I don’t have a girl but this definitely sounds like my boy! especially the groping! he has to twiddle my other nipple with his fingers whilst feeding or he pinches my skin trying to make a nipple of his own lol #twinklytuesday
Yep – Little B does exactly the same thing – mine will never be the same again!!
I had two boys. M my first was quiet and well behaved when out, D the second was far more err….lively when we went out. I do agree that boys clothes are a bit naff, and nappy changing is a fine art (undo it, remove the front just enough for the cold air to hit his winky before slapping it back down to catch the inevitable wee that will happen).
It’s all about being quick with the nappy changing – I have yet to perfect the knack!!
Ha ha! I love this. The bit about boys wanting a good grope did make me laugh. I agree about boy’s vs girl’s clothes. I used to work in a Childrenswear Department and the girls clothes were always so cute but the boys… Well… They were just boring. As I only have a little girl I don’t have much to compare this too. But it is a fab post. Thanks for linking up to #SundayStars. Hugs Lucy xxxx
Maybe I should design some exciting boys clothes…
I have a little boy and he was always being mistaken for a girl when he was a baby. I totally agree about not sitting still, I only go for a coffee now if he’s snoozing in the pram or I have someone with me to help chase him around. Boys clothes are so crap, if I ever have a girl I’d waste so much money on clothes xx #abitofeverything
BB had so many girls clothes she either wore once or never wore! There’s such a choice!
I only have 2 boys, so have no experience with a girl! But my 2 have continuously been mistaken for girls, right from birth! For the more robust looking of the two, this has now stopped, but for the other one, with his blond curls, massive lashes, and delicate face, it continues, even in very boyish clothes!! The rest I can agree with! Both of them are still obsessed with touching my boobs, the nappy changing thing-yes, I feel the need to look away every time it happens! And coffee shop are out for us now, because there is just too much climbing, charging around, mess and noise!!
What is it about boys and coffee shops that brings out the worst in them? BB was always as good as gold when we went, and now we don’t go half as much as we used to because of Little B!
Ooohh, yes, changing that nappy is always nasty with the boys because you never know what will hit you! And I agree with you with the clothes thing as well. But for the rest, I would say it’s a personality thing as my two boys are different from each other! Each of them being so different, I tend to do different things with each child and that’s quite fun as well. Though I do scratch my head sometimes and wonder if they are all MINE?? LOL. Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything
Makes me wonder if I’m cut out to have a little boy! Its tough already with my daughter – weeing in my eye is something I’m yet to experience!
[…] most viewed post last week came from Crummy Mummy. The Real Difference Between Baby Boys And Baby Girls is as the title suggests a comparison of the sexes. There are a great deal more differences than […]