I don’t mean three babies at once (although hats off to anyone who does that!) I mean three consecutive children.

It’s been almost six months since I stopped breastfeeding for what will probably be the last time, and to mark World Breastfeeding Week I thought I’d look back on what I’ve learnt breastfeeding three children.


Organised by the World Health Organisation, World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1 to 7 to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world.

This year, the World Health Organisation is working with UNICEF to promote the importance of family-friendly breastfeeding policies – like paid maternity & paternity leave and parent friendly workplaces – to help mums and dads nurture and bond with their children in early life, when it matters most.

So, to help bang the breastfeeding drum, I thought it would be fun to share what I learnt breastfeeding three babies over the course of six years.

10 things I learnt breastfeeding three babies

1. Breastfeeding does come naturally. You see so many negative stories about the struggle to breastfeed, but not very many positive ones. And there are positive ones. I don’t think enough is said about that.

2. You quickly become an expert. Even though you’ve never been a mummy before and even though you’ve never breastfed before, by the time baby number two – and then three – arrives you know more about breastfeeding than some health professionals.

3. You think you can’t possibly get any more tired, and wonder how on earth you’re going to get through the day. But you always do.

4. A good electric breast pump is a must. You might think it sounds expensive, but it’s not long before you realise it’s absolutely priceless – especially if you’re returning to work.

5. Giving up my dream job to exclusively breastfeed was the right thing to do. Even though it makes my blood boil, and even though I’m still smarting about it more than four years later.

6. We’ve got a looong way to go to normalise breastfeeding in the UK. And the fact there’s even a need to normalise something normal makes me so mad. And sad.

7. If men were the ones doing the breastfeeding the world would be a very different place. I’m sorry, but it’s true.

8. Don’t succumb to peer pressure. Stop when you’re ready, whether that’s at two weeks or two months or two years.

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*Breastfeeding at two* ‘A bit odd’ – that’s a comment I read on a social media feed this week in response to a post by a mum breastfeeding her toddler Odd or not, that’s where we’re at too and the question is: now what? I have absolutely no idea how to go about weaning her off, but I do know that the time has come. The thing is, though, while there’s plenty of advice for breastfeeding mamas with two week olds & two month olds, there’s not so much for breastfeeding mamas with two year olds like me ‍♀️ So I asked @medela_uk’s lactation consultant Sioned Hilton all the questions I can’t seem to find the answers to – like exactly how to go about stopping & whether my previously equal-sized boobies will ever return to their normal size or remain mahoosively imbalanced for the rest of eternity Her expert advice is over on the blog today – link in bio! #MedelaMums #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmamas #brelfie

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9. Breastfeeding at two isn’t ‘a bit odd’. It’s perfectly natural if that’s what’s right for you and your baby – or toddler.

10. If you want something done, ask a breastfeeding mother. We’re the queens of multi-tasking.

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This photo pretty much sums up my week. All three co-sleeping while I lay there co-awaking being kicked & elbowed & left shivering on a sliver of mattress perilously close to the edge of the bed (photo taken by Misery Guts before stomping off to sleep in one of the bunk beds). Presumably one day I will miss this, but having not slept without one, two or all three kids since I can’t remember it’s pretty hard to imagine right now Looking forward to a LARGE glass of wine this evening(& hopefully some ) #keepingitreal #mumlife #mumproblems #breastfeeding #breastfeedingmama #honestmotherhood #rawmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #capturingmotherhood #oureverydaymoments #documentyourdays #rememberingthesedays

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With workplaces under the spotlight in this year’s World Breastfeeding Week I’ve teamed up with small business support network Enterprise Nation and healthcare provider Equipsme to write about why I gave up my dream job to breastfeed and how employers can stop their staff doing the same – you can read all about it here if you’re interested! And to find out more about World Breastfeeding Week and how to get involved click here.


If you liked this you may also enjoy reading:

Breastfeeding at two – now what?

Breastfeeding at two – what happened next

10 things the experts don’t tell you about breastfeeding