If you were to have your time again on the baby making front, what would you do differently?
It’s been nine years since I first discovered I was expecting baby number one, and now I’m expecting baby number four I’ve realised there are quite a lot of things I’m going to do differently this time around.
Of course they say we learn from experience – and I definitely have. It took me two babies to discover the reason for envelope sleeves on the shoulders of babygrows is so you can pull them down as well as up – who knew?!
Now our family is set to get a little bigger, I thought it would be fun to share 10 things I’m going to do differently with baby number four.
10 things I’m going to do differently with baby number four
1. Slow down!
Which is something I’m not very good at. This pregnancy, though, I’m going to make a conscious effort to slow down, because if there’s one thing I’ve learnt after three babies it’s that exhaustion and sleep deprivation are cumulative.
2. Not worry about my age
I was classed as a ‘geriatric mother’ of ‘advanced maternal age’ when I was expecting baby number three at 36 three years ago, meaning in medical terms I must be well and truly over the hill this time around. But I’m not going to worry about it. After all, what will worrying achieve?
3. Bio oil
Past experience has taught me there’s no such thing as too soon. I’ve been slapping it on ever since the moment I discovered I was expecting. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.
4. Not worry about only eating beige
We all know what we should be eating when expecting, but that’s not very helpful when all you can stomach is beige. Beige crisps, beige biscuits, beige potato and beige pasta. It doesn’t appear to have done the other three any harm, so I’m not going to worry about it this time!
5. Cloth nappies
Did you know that one baby alone (or their parents) are responsible for sending between 4,000 and 6,000 disposable nappies to landfill? This time I’m going to give cloth nappies a go – all advice, hints and tips gratefully received!
6. Hot baths
I love hot baths and I can’t tell you the number of luke warm ones I’ve had while pregnant to avoid over heating like they tell you. But what they don’t tell you is just how hot the water in a birthing pool is – just like a bath at home! So I won’t be worrying about hot baths anymore, either!
7. Take bump photos
I can count on one hand the number of ‘bump’ photos there are of me with baby number one, and while there are slightly more with the other two owing to the fact I was blogging I still don’t have all that many to look back on. This time though I’m going to chart the whole pregnancy from start to finish – so prepare for some serious baby spam!
8. Take newborn hospital photos
It was five days before a photo was taken of me and the youngest together after she was born, partly because life was so hectic and partly because I thought I looked awful so didn’t want anyone to take any in hospital. I wish someone had insisted on taking at least one hospital shot, and this time I’m going to make sure we do – no matter how awful I feel at the time.
9. Baby classes
Baby swimming, baby massage, baby sensory – the list of baby classes goes on and on and the pressure to expose your baby to as many experiences as possible can be overwhelming. But when you’ve already got little ones at home finding the time – and the money – can be difficult, if not completely impossible. So I’m not going to beat myself up about it. Again, why worry about something you can’t do anything about?
10. Observe the fourth trimester
Being conscious of the fourth trimester isn’t something I’ve done with any of the other three – and in hindsight should have done. With each of the others we’ve had a pub lunch the following day and I’ve been celebrating with family and friends, longed-for white wine spritzer in hand. After that it’s pretty much been business as usual. This time, though, the drawbridge will be going up and we’ll spend those first three months recovering from the birth and conserving previous energy – because something tells me I’m going to be needing it!
How about you? Is there anything you’d do differently if you were expecting again? I’d love to know what it is!
All very sensible steps to take. Look after yourself, conserve your energy as much as you can, and enjoy your pregnancy xx
I wish i’d taken more pictures of me in hospital with baby. I too worried about the state i was in and refused pictures.
I would totally agree with this list if we had number two.
Sure we learn with experience … and by niw you know what works for you. Congrats, by the way! #DreamTeam
I think the biggest lesson I have learned from my two babies is that this time I will definitely slow down. Especially with twins on the way I have no intention of trying to be super mummy. I am going to take my time when I get home with them so the housework can wait, the cooking of meals can wait, I am not going to stress out over it. If we all have to live conveniently for the first two months or so then that is what we will do. You definitely learn from experience! #dreamteam
Some great ideas there. As a mother of four myself I would definitely say the fourth trimester thing is essential. It is so tempting with other kids to just jump back in, but I don’t think that benefits anyone. If I could do it again I would hide even more than I did when the twins arrived.
Also I would add to the list earplugs – the volume of 4 kids all chattering and laughing at once is high 😉