It’s that time of year again: the temperature is dropping, the nights are drawing in and the countdown to Christmas is officially on!

Most mums and dads will agree that Christmas is one of the best seasons of the year to experience with kids, and the earlier you start planning how to celebrate it, the better.

ways to make kids feel special at Christmas

We all want to give our children the world – especially at Christmas time – but the fact is showing how much you care can be as simple as spending time together doing something you all enjoy.

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Aside from the usual things like Christmas dinner and opening presents, intentionally planning the season can create a unique experience for kids. This experience doesn’t have to be the conventional splurging on clothes, toys, and fancy gadgets. The goal is to imbibe family values and traditions resulting in a meaningful holiday that will produce lasting memories.

So, if you’re a busy parent like me in this collaborative post here are 4 simple ways to make your children feel special at Christmas.

1. Cook as a family

Eating festive food at Christmas is a sure-fire way to create happy memories, and including your kids in the cooking process is an excellent way to make them feel special. Explain to them that the cooking will be a family affair and plan the recipes you’re going to make together. Start by making a schedule of meals, agree a plan of who’s going to make what, and then start producing your Christmas delicacies.

ways to make kids feel special at Christmas

The best part is that the possibilities are endless, from baking your favourite cookies and pizzas, to sandwiches and desserts. Consider allocating age-appropriate roles that your kids find enjoyable and make the whole experience a fun one. Family cooking helps your children feel involved and special during the season.

2. Buy them personalised gifts

If your children have special requests they’ve been longing to get their hands on Christmas can be the best period to make them feel special. Start by getting personal about learning what they want in the run-up to Christmas. Make them feel loved by creating the magical moment of opening presents under the tree.

ways to make kids feel special at Christmas

Purchase personalised Christmas Gifts from reliable stores like Getting Personal. They’re a reputable store with an extensive collection of gifts to make your children feel special at Christmas. You could even inscribe their name or photo to make their present unique and create lasting memories.

3. Arrange a family movie night

If you want to improve your family bond with your children and loved ones during Christmas a brilliant way is to host a family movie night. Turn off the lights, get popcorn and snacks, and create the perfect theatre-like atmosphere to watch Christmas movies. The best part is the moments you share, laughing through funny scenes and taking lessons from notable stories. You can also ask your kids about movies they’d love to watch to make them feel special.

ways to make kids feel special at Christmas

4. Sing Christmas carols together

Christmas is an exciting opportunity to bring out the singing talent in your kids with Christmas carols. Search online for Christmas songs you can try out as a family and plan the perfect atmosphere for everyone to sing along. You could host the event by singing your favourite songs at home, or by attending organised concerts with your family.

ways to make kids feel special at Christmas

This is a collaborative post.

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