Need to make a bit of extra money fast? Or simply fancy bolstering your bank account with minimum effort?
Then read on!
With the school holidays looming (I don’t know about you but I always seem to shell out money hand over fist) a bit of extra cash always comes in handy. And making it is easier than you think.
5 easy ways to make money fast
1. Have a good clear out. You’d be surprised how much ‘stuff’ you’ve got squirreled away in drawers and cupboards that could actually make you some money. From outgrown clothes to old toys, put them into age-appropriate bundles and sell them on eBay.
2. Do a car boot sale. If you can’t be bothered listing unwanted items on internet auction sites a car boot sale is a great way to have a good clear out and make some money in one fell swoop. It’s also a great day out for the kids (just don’t let them spend all your earnings on more ‘stuff’).
3. Take out a loan. If you need money fast you could consider taking out a loan (don’t forget you’ll have to pay it back though). To give you an idea of what you might be eligible for will give you a loan quote without doing a credit check – so no footprint on your credit report.
4. Become a mystery shopper. If you love shopping this one’s for you! Mystery shopper websites will pay you to go into shops and eat at restaurants in return for your feedback, and some mystery shoppers earn up to £2,000 a year! You can find out all about it here.
5. Switch banks. Did you know some high street banks will pay you to switch to one of their bank accounts? And if you want to leave after six months, they’ll pay you again. You can earn up to £200 in cash and it’s a no brainer according to money saving expert Martin Lewis – you can find the latest deals on his website.
Do you have any hints and tips for making money fast? I’d love to hear what they are!
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