Sugar. It’s everywhere, and it’s the new evil if all the headlines are to be believed. I’d never really given it much thought until BB was born and I suddenly found myself thinking about what was in the food I was giving her, but even then I’ve been fairly laid back about it – especially given what used to be ok before the sugar police took over.
I distinctly remember big slabs of sticky toffee pudding at school dinners, jam sandwiches in my lunch box and cream-filled biscuits accompanying morning milk. You wouldn’t get any of those in schools now.
But it’s really only since I’ve been writing about food and drink brands for The Grocer magazine that I’ve realised how much hidden sugar there is in things – like supposedly healthy fruit juice with more sugar than a can of coke. With the new year underway I’ve decided to try and make a concerted effort to cut down on the amount of sugar we’re eating as a family, but without cutting out the fun.
We’re doing it with these 5 easy ways to eat less sugar:
1. Bake with inulin. Regular followers will know we LOVE making cakes, but the trouble is sugar is one of the main ingredients. Inulin powder is dietary fibre derived from chicory root which you can use as a substitute for sugar – and it actually works! You can get it from health food shops and online, and I’ve even seen it on eBay.
2. Eat berries. At the moment the only fruit I’m eating is berries. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries all contain less sugar than grapes, bananas or mangoes. I’m not suggesting you never eat these fruits again, or cut them out of a child’s diet completely, but if you make yourself aware of the sugar content of different fruits you can opt for the lower sugar ones.
3. Try Change4Life’s new Sugar Smart app. This is a brand new and free app which scans the barcode of a product and tells you how much sugar it contains. It also gives you guidelines on how much sugar children of a certain age should be eating in a day, so you can work out whether a particular product is ‘good’ or not. Here’s a little vlog of BB and I trying it out.
4. Swap colourful vegetables for green vegetables. Like berries, veg like broccoli, courgette and cabbage all have less sugar than the more colourful ones like carrots, sweetcorn and red peppers. Knowing what contains what will help you cut your sugar intake.
5. Snack on foods containing fat and protein, not sugar. Foods containing good fat like avocados and foods high in protein like nuts will keep your blood sugar levels stable and keep you feeling fuller for longer, instead of the peaks and crashes you get with high-sugar snacks like a bar of chocolate.
The trouble is a bar of chocolate is my absolute favourite afternoon snack. A Wispa would be my number one choice, closely followed by a raisin & biscuit Yorkie. Must. Try. To. Resist.
I was asked to trial Change4Life’s Sugar Smart app in return for a shopping voucher. As always all opinions are my own and based on my own honest experience. To find out more about the campaign and for recipes and vouchers click here
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This is food for thought for me I also have been worrying about the food content of what my sons eat but I find the information online very confusing when trying to figure out where to start. I like your ideas and I am going to try and implement them in my life. Such a relevant article. #MarvMondays
Food labels are so confusing! This app makes it so simple with basic pictures – you can’t go wrong!x
I think i’d struggle with this – I don’t know if I could survive without my choc bars and sugar in my tea and coffee!
It’s so hard when you get used to things…my BIG weakness is chocolate!!
We love berries! So nice that you can buy them year round. I’m really scared to see what it will reveal but I will try the app #MarvMondays
I’ve been buying frozen berries as they’re so much cheaper!
I love a good diet post! This app does seem really useful and informative. I can never get over how much sugar is hidden in sauces and jars and you can really taste it! xx #marvmondays
I know, it is scary. I had no idea about the Muller Fruit Corners!
I do need to cut sugar out more. It’s just so addictive. I may have to check out that app. Thanks for the suggestion. #TwinklyTuesday 🙂
The thing I find is that it’s in things you don’t even think about!
I might give the app a try, but I suspect that it will tell me things I;d rather not know!
Quite – I just knew that Muller Fruit Corner wasn’t going to be good!
I so need to pay attention to this! I eat wayyyyy too much sugar, infact I have given myself type two diabetes through my love of sugar, which is ridiculous as I had no idea it was even possible! As someone who is actually classed as under weight you just wouldn’t imagine it, sugar really is dangerous!!! Thanks for sharing! #thebabyformula
Goodness – to be honest I could easily be on the same path, it’s hidden in everything, especially all my favourite tipples!
That app looks really useful, I’m definitely going to download it. I had no idea Muller had so much sugar in it, I used to eat them when I was on my diets! That’s awful! Ray xx #marvmondays
I know it’s bad isn’t it! I tried to look at Petit Filous but it’s not on the app yet. I think I probably know the answer though!!
Oh i so need to try this – would love an update on how you feel after a week of trying this… happy #twinklytuesdays x
I better stop eating my afternoon Wispa first!!
Ooohh,,,Inulin! I have been thinking about a sugar substitute for Cake! I usually just half the amount of sugar but you’re right, that’s still a lot of sugar. I have been trying to cut down on my sugar this year and so thanks for compiling such a great list of tips! Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything
Hope you find it useful!x
What a clever app. I do try to check out the ingredient on the foods I’m buying for my girls but the information seems hidden in the small print on a lot of packaging. This sounds really handy! #twinklytuesday
This makes it quick and simple so no need to peer at labels!
You have some great tips here! We are testing out that app too at the moment and I think it really is a clever and handy app to have. #PoCoLo
I’ve been using the app all week – it’s a revelation!
The app sounds fab. Does it work in NL?
That’s a good question! Not sure – a lot of the products are made by international companies so you’d think it could – I’ll ask them and let you know!
Some great tips here! I have been too chicken to download the app as I know we all eat too much sugar but might give it a go now.
Some things aren’t actually as bad as I expected, like Fruit Shoots. On the other hand things I thought were fine, like apple rice cakes, actually have quite a lot of sugar in them…
My 3yo is obsessed with cake and I know that is bad! Eek. #justanotherlinky #KCACOLS !
A little bit of cake is OK though surely!!
This sounds like a great App and definitely is something I’m going to download (I just need to free up some space on my phone, which won’t let me take photos!!). Thanks for sharing and also the info about bananas… as I haven’t been thinking of sugar in them – H generally has one a day, plus other fruits, but we often have strawberries etc in the house too, I should maybe not always include a banana in her daily intake.
Thanks for sharing! Hope you can pop by next week too TheBabyFormula
It’s worth remembering that there’s a difference between fruit sugar and sugar from, say, chocolate too – probably should have mentioned that!
Hi Natalie, I’ve always tried to eat relatively healthily, but I do enjoy a bit of something sweet (usually on a Friday).
Healthy snacks containing nuts and seeds are perfect for keeping the munchies at bay and frozen berries stirred into a natural Greek yogurt is like an ice cream without added sugar.
Excellent tips for anyone looking to cut down on their sugar intake.
I’m a frozen fruit convert now – it’s SO much cheaper than fresh, and probably actually fresher if frozen quickly!
sugar is my weakness, I feel I’m missing something if I don’t have my sweet fix! #KCACOLS
I know what you mean!!
Inulin sounds great, will have to give it a try. I’m lucky in that I don’t have a major sweet tooth – my downfall is savoury snacks instead! 🙂 #KCACOLS
You are lucky then!!
I’ve been looking for sensible ways to reduce my sugar intake so im really pleased you linked this up to Marvellous Mondays. Lots of practical ideas for how to do this, and I love the sound of the Sugar Smart app which Ill definitely be checking out. Thanks for sharing this on #MarvMondays 🙂 Emily
So pleased it’s been useful!x
Oooooo a raisin and biscuit yorkie is also one of my favourite chocolate bars along with a boost! (Sorry probably not helping)
There are some great tips for cutting down on sugar here. I didn’t know that berries contain less sugar than grapes and mangoes. My problem is that my boys are not huge berry fans!!
Thanks so much for linking up to #KCACOLS I hope to see you again next Sunday X
That proves Yorkies ARE for girls!!
That app looks useful! I LOVE sugar. It’s so hard to cut down. I’m really interested in trying inulin, I haven’t heard of that before! Thanks for sharing on #KCACOLS Becky x
I’ve only recently discovered inulin – I think we’ll be hearing a lot more about it in the future…
Oh gosh, I wish it were that simple for me! Alas, I know the theory but I just love my chocolate… Every week I say I’ll do better, haha! #PoCoLo
Don’t worry it’s not simple for me either (she says eating a Cadbury Crème Egg)!!
The app sounds interesting. Bet it is a bit scary seeing how much sugar is in various things. So difficult to cut out sugary snacks! #KCACOLS
It really is scary – I don’t know why I didn’t give it more thought before!
I’m not gonna lie reading about cakes and chocolate made me *lick* my lips lol. Now on a more serious note I would never have given any thought to which fruit or veg contain the most sugar. *eeek*. I’m off to go and download that app now.xx #KCACOLS
I know that happens to me too – especially if I see them on TV!
I’m going to give this app a try as sugar is my down fall. Great post. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx
Hopefully you’ll find it really useful!x
Thanks for these tips – eating more berries is the thing I’ll take from this post. Thanks for linking up to #PoCoLo
So pleased to have been of help!x
I need to try some of these. Great tips
Thanks for linking up with #justanotherlinky
It’s always a pleasure taking partx