Hands up who’s getting ready for Lockdown 2.0?

Now the nights are drawing in and the temperature has dropped one thing I’m determined to do this time around is make our time at home as enjoyable and stress free as possible.


If you haven’t come across hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) before, or you have but aren’t quite sure what it’s all about, it’s the Scandinavian concept of wellness and contentment, linked with feelings of cosiness and comfort.

Hygge is all about sharing time with friends and family in a calm and serene environment, and is a feeling more than an aesthetic.

We might not be able to spend time with wider family and friends at the moment but we can create a cosy sanctuary to help make lockdown a little more bearable, so, in this collaborative post here are 5 simple ways to bring hygge into your home.

5 simple ways to make your home more hygge

1. Keep it warm

You can’t be cosy if you’re feeling cold, so the first step is to keep your house feeling toasty. Make sure that your new boiler is working well enough to make you warm and stock up on lots of lovely blankets to wrap yourself in. Comfort is key!


2. Mood lighting

Danish people light more candles per head than the rest of Europe, and that’s because it embodies the hygge vibe perfectly (the Danes like to keep their candles white and unscented). Lights are also a fantastic addition to a hygge space – and the more, the merrier!


3. Surround yourself with people you love

Part of the feeling of contentment that comes from hygge is the comfort and love that is present when you are around friends and family. Try to surround yourself with people who make you feel happy, and you can all enjoy the atmosphere together.


4. Keep it cosy but clutter-free

The hygge feeling doesn’t come in an overly-cluttered room, but you don’t have to be entirely minimalist either. The space should feel tidy, and the objects and items around should add to the feeling, not take away from it. Create cosy nooks in bay windows, and have plenty of pillows scattered about of different sizes, materials, and shapes. The idea is that someone could create themselves a warm, cosy nest and enjoy a book and a cup of tea.


5. Turn your bathroom into a sanctuary

This isn’t easy if you’ve got kids’ toys taking over the bathroom, but try and make your bathroom feel like a spa, with a focus on rejuvenation and self-care. Think fluffy towels, candles, a nice bath bomb, and some clever storage to hide all the junk!


This is a collaborative post.

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