As a mum of four child safety is something I worry about – a lot.
From needing eyes in the back of my head when getting the kids in and out of the car safely, to what they’re up to online, the list of things to worry about can seem endless!
What’s more, as my four get bigger I’m constantly thinking about ways I can protect them as they navigate childhood.
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If child safety is something you worry about too, in this collaborative post I’m sharing some simple ways to protect your child as they grow up.
5 simple ways to protect your child as they grow up
1. Check the security of their online accounts
Security is a big issue for all internet users – and even more important when it comes to children. It is important to stay safe online and to protect your data and one way is by using a password manager. Password managers store all of your passwords and provide you with one master password which you can use instead of having to remember each one individually. Make sure that their social media profiles are not public and that they do not divulge too much private information online too.
2. Set up parental controls on their mobile devices
Parental control apps are the best way to monitor the activities of your child online and there are many benefits of using a parental control app for your kids. You can set time limits, block websites and even limit the number of texts that they can send each day. The app will also notify you if there is any suspicious activity on their phone or if they have tried to bypass the parental controls that you have set up for them.
3. Have an open dialogue with them about stranger danger
Stranger danger signs can be hard to identify, especially for kids. Have an open dialogue with your kids about this topic and the consequences of talking to strangers. There are many ways that children can be exposed to strangers, both online and in real life. For instance, they might find themselves in a situation where they need help from a stranger or are being followed by someone who seems suspicious. Talk to them about what to do in this situation and how to seek help.
4. Ensure that they are safe and compensated after an accident
Did you know that more than 3% of children all over the world get into an accident that is not their fault, necessitating the assistance of a personal injury law firm? They might be playing on a road, chasing a ball, or doing something innocent enough that leads to an accident. If the worst happens, it is important to safeguard your child and make sure that they get the proper compensation that they deserve. If your child has been in a truck accident, for example, you should give all the evidence to a truck accident lawyer in order to work out how to fight the case. You will have to prove negligence on the part of the truck driver which is why you should document everything at the site of the accident. If the accident is quite traumatising, your child also might need therapy.
5. Keep all doors locked at night and when you are not at home
The first thing I do after putting the kids to bed at night is lock the front door. You could consider installing an outdoor lock system on your door. This will make it much more difficult for intruders to get in and they will be discouraged because they know they have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to break in.
This is a collaborative post.
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