Toying with the idea of a flower name for your baby girl? Not sure whether to take the leap or play it safe with something else?

Then this post is for you!

flower names

Apparently online searches for floral baby names have spiked since it was revealed the Duke and Duchess of Sussexโ€™s daughter Lilibet Diana will be known as Lili for short.

Iโ€™m a big fan of flower names and we opted for flower names for each of our three girls โ€“ and if a boyโ€™s flower name existed Iโ€™d probably have gone for that too!

We have a Bluebell Rose, a Marigold May and a Violet Hope, who would have been Violet Poppy had it not been for the fact she was born in lockdown and we opted for a nod to the unprecedented time at which she entered the world at the last minute instead.

While some might say our name choices are unusual, Iโ€™ve never regretted them and love them as much now as I did the day they were born โ€“ if not more! So, with experts predicting that variations of the flower name Lily are set to see a resurgence thanks to the royal baby I thought it would be fun to share 5 reasons I chose flower names for my baby girls.

5 reasons I chose flower names for my baby girls!

1. Floral baby names are timeless

Flower names like Lily, Poppy, Daisy and Violet stand the test of time in a way that trendy, fashionable ones donโ€™t. They wonโ€™t date and they wonโ€™t go out of fashion – theyโ€™ll remain classic and timeless through the generations. Daisy Adkins will sound as good 50 years from now as it does at this moment.

flower na,mes

2. You probably wonโ€™t find five of them in the same class at school

You might find a Bluebell, two Daisys and a Poppy, but itโ€™s unlikely thereโ€™ll be so many of them that theyโ€™ll have to be known by the initial of their surname as well, which is what tends to happen with more โ€˜popularโ€™ names. The chances are your little flower will be as unique as they are!

flower names

3. You can have lots of fun with clothes and cakes

Like dressing them in prints, fabrics and hairbands that match their namesake. If I find something with a bluebell, a rose, a marigold or a violet on it I simply canโ€™t resist โ€“ I have to have it! You can also have lots of fun with their birthday cakes, like using fresh flowers. Here’s Violet’s first birthday cake with real violets on it!

4. You’ll never have to spell it

When it comes to form-filling and signing up for things, if anyone queries the spelling you just have to say โ€˜like the flowerโ€™. Simple!

flower names

5. Flower names are just so pretty!

By definition flowers are pretty, and so are flower names โ€“ in fact I canโ€™t think of a flower that isnโ€™t pretty (if you can think of one Iโ€™d love to hear it in the comments!) You can also get some really sassy flower names (Daphne has always been a personal favourite) as well as unusual ones (think Lavender and Juniper, which I love!)

flower names

Are you a lover of flower names? What do you think of the name Lilibet? Iโ€™d love to hear your point of view!

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