Three years.
That’s how long I’ve been a school mum for, and the truth is during that time I’ve picked up some bad habits.
They’re habits I’m determined to break, so for the very first time – as the oldest goes into year three – I’ve decided to make some back to school new year resolutions.
My back to school new year resolutions
1. I will put school uniform in the washing machine on a Friday night, not at 10pm on a Sunday night.
2. I will not dry school jumper cuffs with my hair dryer on Monday mornings as a result of a 10pm Sunday wash.
3. I will not let Velcro fluff accumulate to the extent it becomes a health and safety hazard. I will defluff at regular intervals.
4. I will try and stop referring to Alpha mum as Alpha mum. Or not out loud, anyway.
5. I will try not to serve eggy bread for tea more than once a week.
6. I will pay for school trips as soon as I get the notification from Parent Pay, not six months later in a fit of guilt.
7. I will admit that I don’t actually have the login details for Parent Pay, and ask for them.
8. I will try not to swear in front of the kids when Parent Mail informs me of a book day/Tudor feast/work share with less than 24 hours notice. I will swear into a kitchen cupboard instead.
9. I will try and enjoy sports day. Even if it is the most mind-numbingly boring event on the school calendar.
10. I will *try* to have more alcohol-free school nights (excluding instances of less than 24 hours notice for book day/Tudor feast/work share, of course).
Is there anything you’ve resolved to try and do differently this school year? Have you made any back to school new year resolutions? I’d love to hear what they are!
This post has made me laugh out loud, literally! I’ve been a school mum for 26 years!!! And I resolve to do these things better every year and never do. Thank heaven’s the oldest ones are no longer in school…they survived, but I never learnt my lesson.
hehehe! This made me chuckle….I say to myself at the start of each school year things will be different. I will get on top of things this year. x #MMBC
Ha! Guilty of a few (ok most) of these too. I start off organized. Even set up a file for school paperwork, so I can refer back, but it never lasts. This year, I will do it….although middle child has just presented me with her PE kit from last term that needs washing. She goes back tomorrow. #MMBC
I laughed out loud at so many of these as they ring true for me. I have also made a similar list. It’ll probably be out the window by week 2! #MMBC
I would definitely like to be more organised with parent pay!
This made me giggle! #DREAMTEAM
This made us chuckle and my mummy is still responsible for these kinda things! #DreamTeam
So it’s not just me washing at 10pm on a Sunday night then! #DreamTeam
Loved this post! Takes me back to when I used to be so much better but the resolutions never quite panned out! Those lunch boxes were what I always felt guilty about! The crap I used to put in them! xx
Baaahaaaa! Good luck with this!!! #bloggersbest
Haha!! That’s hilarious. Loving the screaming into the cupboard moments. I go into over positive mode (to hide the shock) when I get surprised by dress up days. Speaking of which, the first one of the term is next week! Thanks for joining us for the #dreamteam xx
Do you think, if I wish, like really really wish hard, someone will magically do the laundry and make the lunches? Okay, I’ll do the laundry. SOMEONE, please make lunches that they will eat! <3 Loved this! #dreamteam xo
Lol good luck keeping these! I can feel my resolutions slipping already and it’s only been a week!!! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this x
Haha, you sound like me!! Mine would be to check I have all the food I need for lunch boxes before the Sunday night when the super market is closed!! And to not leave washing uniforms until the Sunday night too!xx #coolmumclub
Haha! That first one is so me #KCACOLS
Hehe thanks for sharing how you rock the school routine #coolmumclub
Oh god this is going to be me next year! I have no idea how I’m going to get organised for it, eek! #kcacols
Oh yeah, don’t you just love the short-notice-need-an-outfit letters. To be fair, I think I’m pretty on the ball with most schooly things. Probably because my organisational OCD kicks in! #kcacols
And AMEN to that! I don’t actually remember our school gateway password either and I’m pretty sure I have outstanding school lunches to pay for and sent him to school with packed lunches this term WHOOPS! Brilliant hilarious and honest post. A pleasure to visit you and thank you for linking up with #KCACOLS! See you next time xxx
Sports day kills me. And it’s the whole day. Ugh! #KCACOLS
Seriously though, why do they give so little notice for things like book day or other random fancy dress days! x #KCACOLS
Ha ha this made me smile. Our daughter is all grown up and married now and we have 3 lovely grandsons but I can still relate to some if these ☺️
This made me laugh! My daughter is only at preschool but I can relate to a lot of what you say! #kcacols
I need to keep this post in mind for next year! It’s our first school year as a school mum but I know I’m going to get into bad habits! #KCACOLS
OH I am the same, I have set myself some September goals – the main one being read the school letters and respond!! I am terrible for it. #kcacols
Ah these are great! I’m guilty for paying trips too late! Oops!
Thank you for linking up with #KCACOLS this week. Hope to see you again next week.
We’re a year away from school and I’m so not ready. Peachy is much more confident about it. #KCACOLS