I’ve been rubbing BB’s feet ever since she was a baby. We didn’t go to any baby massage classes, and I have absolutely no training or knowledge of foot massage, I just like my feet being rubbed so thought she might too.
What I didn’t bank on was just quite how much she would like it. The plea to ‘rub my feet’ is made several times a week (pictured – excuse the chipped nails and polish, beauty therapist I am not), and must include the whole foot and each individual toe or she shakes it in frustration saying ‘do it properly’. And if I don’t or can’t drop everything to complete the said foot rub she can turn into quite a little Veruca Salt.
I thought foot rubs would be a good way of showing her how to have ‘time out’ and of recognising that it’s good to sit back and relax sometimes, but there’s no doubt I’ve made a rod for my own back.
So I’ve decided that if I can’t beat her I may as well join her – I just need to teach her how to rub my feet first…
Haha – everyone has something they regret having introduced their kids to! I think you’re right – teaching her to give rubs is the way to go! #ftmob
I have tried but the trouble is she won’t do them on anyone else!x
Aw I think this is lovely, anything to help them relax and if she carries on liking it, it will be a good way for you to have time out together when she’s a teenager! But yes, good idea to get her to do yours too! Becky x #ftmob
That’s true – I hadn’t thought of when she’s a teenager. It seems so far away but I know it will come round so soon… x
hehehe! How funny! What a little diva 🙂 x
That’s the problem – I think I HAVE created a diva! x
Isn’t it awful when things we well-meaningly do come back to haunt us?!
Tell me about it!!
Oh dear, definitely sounds like you’ve started something there! Having a foot rub sounds utterly blissful, I’m not surprised she asks for it so often! Teaching her how to reciprocate sounds like a very good plan to me. Thanks for sharing with #ftmob 🙂
It’s one of the most blissful things I can think of!x