Following on from my last post about free-from sausages and how going without gluten and dairy doesn’t mean going without per se, it turns out the same can be said for chocolate. And Easter eggs.
Until six months ago health food shops were alien to me: the sort of places that emit the same waft as you pass by the door (what is that smell? The ryvita? The flax?) and are piled high with daunting looking bags of unidentifiable brown stuff. Until I went in with a list written by my nutritional therapist and actually knew what I was looking for, that is.
Admittedly chocolate was not on that list, however one cannot help but notice bright shiny chocolatey-looking packaging amongst the aforementioned unidentifiable brown stuff. And so I discovered Booja-Booja, which not only sells luxury chocolates and seasonal treats like Easter eggs (made in Kashmir and filled with truffles, pictured) but ice cream too.
Dairy free, gluten free and organic, this stuff actually tastes like the chocolate you know and love. You wouldn’t know it doesn’t contain all the nasties that makes the standard stuff taste so, well, nice. I’m qualified to say that because I’ve eaten my fair share of it, including this truffle selection (pictured) with choices including almond caramel and vanilla & rhubarb fool.
Sadly you won’t find the brand nestled amongst the Maltesers and Cadbury eggs in the supermarket, but you can find them in Harvey Nics, Selfridges, Holland & Barrett, through Ocado and in a host of health food shops.
So if you’re following a free-from diet there’s no need to go without this Easter: dig in.
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