Misery Guts lost his wedding ring this week.
He went for a swim in sea with BB after work and when he came out of the water it was gone.
There was no point in being angry because it was too late and the ring was gone. Being angry wasnβt going to bring it back.
Instead I was consumed by an overwhelming sadness. Youβre probably thinking that itβs just a ring and we can replace it, but the thing is it wasnβt βjustβ a ring.
βI feel like a little part of us is missingβ
It was the ring we had engraved with our initials and the date of our wedding as we excitedly planned the big day.
It was the ring the vicar placed next to mine on his bible and blessed as he formallyΒ sanctified our marriage.
It was the ring I slipped on Misery Gutsβs finger as we promised to spend the rest of our lives together.
It was the ring I squeezed as I gave birth to our first daughter.
It was the ring on the hand that comforted me when we lost our second baby β and then our third.
It was the ring I squeezed when I gave birth to our son, and it was the ring I squeezed when ourΒ third babyΒ arrived after that.
It was the ring I thought would always be there, less shiny than it once was and showing signs of wear and tear β a bit like us.
It was the ring I imagined squeezing when we reach significant wedding anniversaries, when BB, Little B and Littlest B get married and when one day weβre presented with grandchildren.
But now itβs gone, and I feel like a little part of us is missing.
Weβve put up signs on the beach where it was lost, and we went straight back to the same spot at low tide in the vain hope of finding it among the pebbles. But bar a miracle Iβm afraid itβs lost forever.
Apparently thingsΒ dropped at the bottom of the sea donβt actually drift that far. The tide can take them forward and back in roughly the same spot for years. The irony is the ring is probably just yards away from our front door, rolling gently to and fro on the sea bed as we speak.
But I donβt think weβll ever see it again.
Iβm trying to take comfort in the fact it probably is still there, nearby as our family grows, and maybe one day it will wash up on the beach and someone will find it and read the engraving, and there’ll be evidence that a little piece of us was once here even if weβre long gone.
I know that in the grand scheme of things, like terror attacks and tower block fires, it is just a ring, but it was our ring. And now itβs gone.
Have you ever lost anything sentimental? Did you find it again, or was it lost forever?
Aaaawww no what a sad story!! Although the thought of it being there floating about in the sea ready to one day wash up on the beach is a lovely though (not as lovely as it being on your husband’s finger though obviously!!!!#postsfromtheheart
That’s so sad, I hope your miracle happens and it just turns up. I lost my engagement ring once, I had no idea where. I was bought a replacement but it just didn’t feel the same. My first ring was so special, and it was given to me on a special evening (on the same day that I’d had a positive pregnancy test) it turned up eventually in the washing basket. I think it may have been caught in some clothing as my washing mountain wasn’t so huge in those days!
Aww hunnie!! My husband lost his ring a few years ago……he found it again in the bin…idiot. I was gutted though for similar reasons you say. I hope it turns up lovely. Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst this week, fits into the worst category sadly!
So sorry you lost something so precious. To be honest if anyone was going to lose a wedding ring it is far more likely to be me.
Oh this made me so sad. I remember my dad doing the same when I was younger, losing his wedding ring on the beach as it slipped off perhaps in the sea. I felt a little bit lost holding his hand and his ring not being there, the new one wasn’t quite the same. I hope one day it washes up and finds it’s way back to you!
Oh no! This is devastating and I understand why you feel sad, a wedding ring is not just a ring. I lost my phone a couple weeks ago, left it on the roof of my dad’s car and by the time I remembered it had fallen off, lost forever. I’m heartbroken because it had all the photos on it since Alex was born that I hadn’t got around to backing up xx #postsfromtheheart
I know it is sad, but at least you still have misery guts. Pen x #KCACOLS
So sorry your husband lost his wedding ring, but you still have all these sweet memories #KCACOLS
It’s all the memories you connect with things isn’t it. I’ve got a little gold ornament that used to sit on my Granny’s mantle piece. It’s nothing really special, but it’s the memories I get when I see it that are important. #kcacols
Oh no so sad. I know it’s ‘only a ring’ but they have such a huge significance. I haven’t been able to wear my wedding ring since getting pregnant (my daughter is now 3!) even though I lost the baby weight it seems my fingers just got bigger! It breaks my heart a little bit that I wear a ring that isn’t the one that my hubby put on my finger when we got married. But at least I still have it in the house. I really hope that by some miracle it reappears and finds its way back to you both. #KCACOLS
Lee lost his wedding ring about 3 years ago on holiday. He now wears one from Ebay for Β£3 ! Romantic #PostsFromTheHeart
Oh I would feel exactly the same! I haven’t lost anything but I get incredibly attached to objects and would be devastated if it were me!
I haven’t lost anything like that but I understand your devastation at doing so. These things are precious to us, they mean something to us. I hope one day you find it x
Oh my I can relate to this post as I have misplaced my rings in the past. It’s such a sickening feeling when we have lost something that has come to bear meaning.Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
sorry to hear this. Neither my wife or I ever wear our rings anymore. I guess we never put that much emphasis on their meaning, but maybe thats a little sad. #KCACOLS
Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. My hubs ring is quite loose so he always removed it before swimming and I tell him he’s being over the top but I would be sad if he lost it.
It’s sounds like you live in a beautiful location. I hope that one day you get a beautiful surprise and it is found.
Aw i’m so sorry that your hubby’s ring is lost. I can completely imagine how you are feeling. It’s sentimental and that can’t be replaced. I hope, by some miracle, it is recovered.
In other news, I love that you live so close to the beach that your husband can take the kids for a swim after work. Jealous. I’d love to live by the beach. #KCACOLS
Sorry you lost something extremely sentimental! Here’s to hoping it’ll turn up one day x #KCACOLS
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