
If you follow me on Instagram you’ll know that we’re currently in Italy for the wedding of one of Misery Guts’s oldest friends. Leaving BB and Little B at home we flew to Rome with Littlest B (I’m breastfeeding so couldn’t leave her) for a day of sightseeing before heading to the Umbrian mountains for the big day. We’re tucked away in the hills and here’s the view from our villa – quite something isn’t it! After a very wet week in Devon at the start of the school holidays this is just what I was hoping for! Have you ever been to Umbria or on holiday without some or all of your kids? I’d love to know!

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TammymumMummascribblesFamily FeverReal Mum ReviewsBest of WorstMummuddlingthroughdiaryofanimperfectmumYou Baby Me MummyKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPhotalife