Would you go on holiday without your kids? I ask because by the time you read this the chances are I’ll be in Rome. More than 1,000 miles away from BB and Little B.
What was initially a weekend away for a friend’s wedding has, for various reasons I won’t bore you with, turned into a six-day trip – which essentially means we’re going on holiday without the kids.
We’ve taken Littlest B with us owing to the fact I’m breastfeeding and can’t leave her, but with the new school term in full swing the older two are at home with their grandparents.
We’ve left them overnight before but never for this long and never to go to another country, which begs the question, would you go on holiday without your kids?
I’m not sure how I feel about it apart from the fact we really need this: a break from the routine, the monotony and the sheer relentlessness, and I know the kids will have a great time with their grandparents.
But would you go on holiday without your kids? I asked some fellow bloggers what they think and their responses fell into two very different camps.
Would you go on holiday without your kids?
“I absolutely would, without feeling guilty. We are all more than parents and deserve a break too!” Katy at Katy Kicker
“We went on honeymoon for 10 days to Thailand and left our two and five-year-old with grandparents. We split them between the two and it worked really well.” Clare at My Tunbridge Wells
“We went abroad for a week for a wedding and we’re lucky to have parents who were happy to babysit. I missed my son but we had a great time and really reconnected which was important as we’ve had a tough year. Parents deserve a break every now and again!” Jodie at Tightwad Mama
“I’m separated from their dad and they spend a bit of time with him. I figure, if I’m not seeing them for a few days anyway, I may as well not see them from somewhere new and fun!” Kelly at Lets Go Somewhere Nice
“The benefits for me are it’s proper time with my husband, it’s cheaper, kids get quality time with their grandparents and we get to travel to places we wouldn’t necessarily be able to visit with kids.” Samantha at North East Family Fun
“Holidays are family time so a holiday without my kids holds no appeal.” Elizabeth at The Homemakers Journal
“We would never go away without our kids. Partly because I would be worried how they were coping and also because I would feel guilty for spending so much money on ourselves.” Pete at Household Money Saving
“I wouldn’t ever go abroad without my son. I could never live with myself if something happened to either us or him. I’ve done a weekend away here for a break but even then it felt too long!” Emma at Emma Reed
“As much as I would LOVE to go away with my husband minus the children, I’ve come to realise I couldn’t as I can’t even get through a day with my girls at nursery/school without missing them like I’ve been away from them for a year.” Kelly at Small House Big Trips
“I’d love to but I wouldn’t. Not because I don’t think you should, but because we are a very self-contained family. I have no parents around and wouldn’t trust anyone else to meet the children’s needs like we can.” Emily at A Slummy Mummy
What do you think? Have you been on holiday without your kids? If not, would you? Or is holidaying without the kids in tow a big no-no? I’d love to hear what you think!
My parents went for 2 weeks when we were 8,7 and 5. We had a great time at our Granny’s but did miss them lots by the end. They phoned twice. Late 80’s so before internet. I’d like to when mine are a little older but don’t really have the childcare. My parents don’t help anywhere near as much as my Granny helped them.
I’m torn. We’ve done two nights but no more. Everyone cooed fine and so if the opportunity arose maybe I’d go but I don’t think I’d go out my way to plan a holiday without them. #thelistlinky
I think it’s really interesting to see other people’s opinions! Personally we loved our child free holiday, but I wouldn’t want to do it every year. Our next holiday is a big family one!
We have never been on holiday without our children and would never want to! They’re little for such a short time. We had ‘our time’ before we had a family and will have it again when they are all grown up. I would feel like I’d lost a limb without them and wouldn’t be able to relax at all. My parents used to go on holiday every year without me when I was growing up and it made me feel so left out despite loving staying with my grandparents! Maybe that has shaped my view?
OMG I would love to go on holidays without the kids BUT I know I’d get to the airport and miss them. Have the best time! We all deserve a break now and then I just wish I could persuade myself to do it!
Okay, my husband and I literally talk about this once a week lol. He’s very much for it, and I’m just not ready for it yet. (And I don’t know if I ever will be) I know my children, and I know that they won’t be able to sleep away from us. Im okay with leaving them with my husband, or he can leave them with me. But neither of us being with them for more than a day- the idea is terrifying to me. Perhaps we can revisit the idea when they’re older…like in college. Hehe #thelistlinky
Its an interesting one! I think it completely depends on circumstance and the age of your babies! When my daughter was still a baby I couldn’t imagine ever being parted from her, but I think as she gets older a bit of adult time can do anyone the world of good! I hope you’re having an amazing time in Rome #thelistlinky
My kiddos are a bit older (9 and 6) my husband and I went to Florida for 10 days for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We are taking them next year and wanted to do the adult attractions first. It was nice and relaxing and was really good for our relationship to be us for a bit and not just Mummy and Daddy.
Thanks for linking up at #kcacols. We hope you join us next time.
We did it when the kids were really young. But now they are at that awkward toddler age its hard for their granny however when they get a bit older i definitely would again. #thelistlinky
I’ve never been abroad without the kids. I have stayed over in places like Liverpool for one night – once or twice a year though! Mind you on one of them, I stay because we do the Christmas shopping for the kids and family. I think I would go abroad for a long weekend, possibly Mon-Fri but not every day! #KCACOLS
This is a difficult question, I guess people just have to do what feels right for them and their own families at the time. #HumpDayLinky
Since I have been back at work I have been away for 4 work trips, all in different countries and all with a day on the weekend to explore child free. Based on this I would do a holiday without her, as she will also be having holidays without us – with her grandparents. I don’t believe that it should be an everyday thing, but once or twice a year for a few nights should be okay #TheListLinky
I think it is a nice idea to have some alone time and parent time but I would miss them far too much. I’m lucky to have my Mum close by who can look after them like I would so I wouldn’t worry too much about that side of things #KCACOLS
Hubby and I have just had this exact conversation as we were considering a weekend away just use next summer (kids being 2 & 4) and we just can’t do it yet. Maybe when they’re both in school….. #HumpDayLinky
I think it depends on the age of the kids. We’ve done two nights at a fancy hotel without the kids (although only an hour away) and have talked about one day going to the Maldives for the honeymoon we never actually had but when it came down to it I’m not sure I could because I would constantly be thinking M would love this, or I wander what L would do here etc. My brother and his wife used to go away for a week every year though and their kids never had a problem with it because they also had a family holiday all together every year too. Hope you have a great time x
Yes please! Will your parents be available next week? Lol…
I’ve done four nights abroad for a hen do and I found it hard (until the first prosecco kicked in). I don’t think I’d be able to bring myself to leave the kids if both hubby and I were away – unless it was for a child free wedding abroad…but even then, I don’t know if I could do it? Pretty sure the hubby wouldn’t be keen… Guess it’d depend on the exact specifics…cost, age, distance, who was having them…blah bah blah.
Only what, 15 years or so until they refuse to come away with us ha ha!
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub and have a Pina Colada for me 😉
Maybe in a few years. Right now I’m not sure I’m ready to spend a night away from him. #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time.
[…] the question I asked when Misery Guts and I prepared to leave our older two for six days and nights and fly 1,000 miles […]
we try and do one vacation a year with the kids, and then another just for the two of us. Sometimes it just might be a long weekend at the shore or something simple, but I’m a big believer and think its pretty important. I can’t speak for other couples, to each their own, but we need this break #KCACOLS
Maybe not a full blown holiday but a weekend without the baby and we have done that before because we have both our families more than happy to babysit for us #KCACOLS
My kids go on holiday with their dad as well as me, so we have a holiday with them and if we can afford (no this year) we will have a few days away while they are away. If it was for a wedding, I would go without the kids. At the end of the day it is only a few days and we all need some time to ourselves to recharge.
Oooh I don’t know if I could go away without my little lady. Mainly because I would miss her like crazy! But she’s only three, perhaps as she gets older I’ll be more comfortable with the idea!