Would you go on holiday without your kids? I ask because by the time you read this the chances are I’ll be in Rome. More than 1,000 miles away from BB and Little B.

What was initially a weekend away for a friend’s wedding has, for various reasons I won’t bore you with, turned into a six-day trip – which essentially means we’re going on holiday without the kids.

Would you go on holiday without your kids

We’ve taken Littlest B with us owing to the fact I’m breastfeeding and can’t leave her, but with the new school term in full swing the older two are at home with their grandparents.

We’ve left them overnight before but never for this long and never to go to another country, which begs the question, would you go on holiday without your kids?

I’m not sure how I feel about it apart from the fact we really need this: a break from the routine, the monotony and the sheer relentlessness, and I know the kids will have a great time with their grandparents.

But would you go on holiday without your kids? I asked some fellow bloggers what they think and their responses fell into two very different camps.

Would you go on holiday without your kids?


“I absolutely would, without feeling guilty. We are all more than parents and deserve a break too!” Katy at Katy Kicker

“We went on honeymoon for 10 days to Thailand and left our two and five-year-old with grandparents. We split them between the two and it worked really well.” Clare at My Tunbridge Wells

“We went abroad for a week for a wedding and we’re lucky to have parents who were happy to babysit. I missed my son but we had a great time and really reconnected which was important as we’ve had a tough year. Parents deserve a break every now and again!” Jodie at Tightwad Mama

“I’m separated from their dad and they spend a bit of time with him. I figure, if I’m not seeing them for a few days anyway, I may as well not see them from somewhere new and fun!” Kelly at Lets Go Somewhere Nice

“The benefits for me are it’s proper time with my husband, it’s cheaper, kids get quality time with their grandparents and we get to travel to places we wouldn’t necessarily be able to visit with kids.” Samantha at North East Family Fun


“Holidays are family time so a holiday without my kids holds no appeal.” Elizabeth at The Homemakers Journal

“We would never go away without our kids. Partly because I would be worried how they were coping and also because I would feel guilty for spending so much money on ourselves.” Pete at Household Money Saving

“I wouldn’t ever go abroad without my son. I could never live with myself if something happened to either us or him. I’ve done a weekend away here for a break but even then it felt too long!” Emma at Emma Reed

“As much as I would LOVE to go away with my husband minus the children, I’ve come to realise I couldn’t as I can’t even get through a day with my girls at nursery/school without missing them like I’ve been away from them for a year.” Kelly at Small House Big Trips

“I’d love to but I wouldn’t. Not because I don’t think you should, but because we are a very self-contained family. I have no parents around and wouldn’t trust anyone else to meet the children’s needs like we can.” Emily at A Slummy Mummy

What do you think? Have you been on holiday without your kids? If not, would you? Or is holidaying without the kids in tow a big no-no? I’d love to hear what you think!

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