
#MySundayPhoto this week isn’t a fancy one like last week’s. And it isn’t a perfectly shot one like my last post either. It’s simply one of Littlest B and I lolling on the bed, because there won’t be much time for bed lolling from here on in. Tomorrow I return to work after maternity leave and life gets back to normal, although I’m not quite sure what that’s going to be! We’ve had such fun and I wish I could be ‘just’ a mum for a little – ok a lot – longer, but I can’t. Have you recently returned to work after maternity leave? What was it like? I’d love to hear your experience!

Linking up with these fabulous blogs!

Mummy Times TwoMummascribblesFamily FeverTammymumBest of WorstMummuddlingthroughDiary of an imperfect mumYou Baby Me MummyKeep Calm and Carry On Linking SundayPhotalife